
Hansel and Gretel (1954)

An opera fantasy

ジャンル : アニメーション, 音楽, ファミリー, ファンタジー

上映時間 : 1時間 12分

演出 : John Paul


An "electronic puppet" version of the Humperdinck opera, adapted for children and using spoken dialogue as well as Humperdinck's music.


Anna Russell
Anna Russell
Mildred Dunnock
Mildred Dunnock
Frank Rogier
Frank Rogier
Delbert Anderson
Delbert Anderson
Helen Boatwright
Helen Boatwright
Constance Brigham
Constance Brigham


John Paul
John Paul
Michael Myerberg
Michael Myerberg
Martin Munkacsi
Martin Munkacsi
Director of Photography
James F. Barclay
James F. Barclay
Evalds Dajevskis
Evalds Dajevskis
Set Decoration
Ida Vendicktow
Ida Vendicktow
Costume Design
William F. Rodgers
William F. Rodgers
Production Manager
Padraic Colum
Padraic Colum
Engelbert Humperdinck
Engelbert Humperdinck


ホーカス ポーカス
After 300 years of slumber, three sister witches are accidentally resurrected in Salem on Halloween night, and it is up to three kids and their newfound feline friend to put an end to the witches' reign of terror once and for all.
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
Princess Farah refuses to marry Sinbad until Prince Kassim, her brother, is able to give his consent. However, the Prince's wicked stepmother, Queen Zenobia, has changed Kassim into a baboon in order to have her own son crowned as caliph. Sinbad, his crew, the Princess and the transformed Prince travel to a distant land, fighting every obstacle Zenobia places in their path, to seek the advice of a legendary wise man who can possibly tell how to end the spell.
レジェンド / 光と闇の伝説
ウォレスとグルミット チーズ・ホリデー
Wallace and Gromit have run out of cheese, and this provides an excellent excuse for the duo to take their holiday to the moon, where, as everyone knows, there is ample cheese.
ウォレスとグルミット ペンギンに気をつけろ!
Wallace rents out Gromit's former bedroom to a penguin, who takes up an interest in the techno pants created by Wallace. However, Gromit later learns that the penguin is a wanted criminal.
ウォレスとグルミット 危機一髪!
Wallace's whirlwind romance with the proprietor of the local wool shop puts his head in a spin, and Gromit is framed for sheep-rustling in a fiendish criminal plot.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Three children evacuated from London during World War II are forced to stay with an eccentric spinster. The children's initial fears disappear when they find out she is in fact a trainee witch.
ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 Part1
物語はハリー、ロン、ハーマイオニーに課せられた使命であるヴォルデモート抹殺の鍵を握る“分霊箱”を見つけ出すところから始まる。今や守ってくれる人も、導いてくれる師も失い、これまで以上に固い結束を求められるハリーたち。しかし、闇の力が、しっかりと結ばれたはずの3人の絆を引き裂いていく・・・・・。 一方、かつてないほど危険な場所となった魔法界。長いあいだ恐れられてきたヴォルデモート卿の復活が現実のものとなり、魔法省ばかりか、ホグワーツ魔法魔術学校までもが死喰い人の支配下に置かれた今、安全な場所はもはやどこにもなくなった。ヴォルデモート卿の命令により、ハリーを生け捕りにしようとする死喰い人の魔の手が迫る。 そして、分霊箱の手がかりを探すうちに出会った「死の秘宝」の伝説。ほとんど忘れられた古い物語に記されたその伝説が本当なら、ヴォルデモートは、分霊箱を上回る究極の力を手に入れてしまうかもしれない・・・・・。 ハリーはまったく知らないが、彼の未来は、彼自身の過去によってすでに決められているのだ。“生き残った男の子”になった日に、ハリーの運命は決まった。 初めてホグワーツの門をくぐったあの日からずっと積み重ねてきた準備―――それらはすべて、このヴォルデモートとの決着の日のために・・・・・。
ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 Part2
魔法界における善と悪の間で起こる戦いは本格的な交戦へとエスカレートする。この争いは今までで最も危険なものであり、もはや誰の身も安全ではない。しかしながらヴォルデモートとの最終決戦の時、最後の犠牲を払わなければならないのはハリー・ポッターなのである。 そして、ここに全てが終結する。
The Court Jester
A hapless carnival performer masquerades as the court jester as part of a plot against a usurper who has overthrown the rightful king of England.
ファンタスティック Mr.FOX
To win the right to marry his love, the beautiful princess Andromeda, and fulfil his destiny, half-God-half-mortal Perseus must complete various tasks including taming Pegasus, capturing Medusa's head and battling the feared Kraken.
House of the Black Death
Two brothers, both of whom are warlocks, use their powers and covens of witches to battle over the family fortune.
Stille Nacht I: Dramolet
A magnet moves on a floor. A moth beats against a window. A doll child watches the magnet; threads of metal filings gather around the magnet.
Stille Nacht III: Tales from Vienna Woods
Near an extraordinary chair with many legs, a hand is visible gripping an edge. The hand is weathered, the fingers cracked and scarred. The end of a rifle appears and a shot fires. The bullet is visible whirling through space; it caroms and then goes through a pine cone. A long spoon emerges from a drawer in the chair and stretches toward the hand. The bullet is on the spoon. Later, the hand holds the bullet between two fingers; another shot is fired.
Stille Nacht IV: Can't Go Wrong Without You
Short animated film featuring the song "Can't Go Wrong Without You" by His Name Is Alive.