Pestilent City (1967)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 16分

演出 : Peter Emmanuel Goldman


Pestilent City covers Manhattan from South to North, from Times Square to Harlem, finding along the way ever more poverty, violence, rage and tragic drunkenness.



Peter Emmanuel Goldman
Peter Emmanuel Goldman


Sallie Gardner at a Gallop
Sallie Gardner at a Gallop was one of the earliest silent films — a production experiment by the photographer Eadward Muybridge on June 15, 1878 that led to the development of motion pictures. The motion picture consists of 24 photographs in a fast-motion series that were shown on a zoopraxiscope.
The Short Films of David Lynch
The Short Films of David Lynch (2002) is a DVD collection of the early student and commissioned film work of American filmmaker David Lynch. As such, the collection does not include Lynch's later short work, which are listed in the filmography. The films are listed in chronological order, with brief descriptions of each film. The DVD contains introductions by Lynch to each film, which can be viewed individually or in sequence. # 1 Six Figures Getting Sick (Six Times) # 2 The Alphabet # 3 The Grandmother # 4 The Amputee # 5 The Cowboy and the Frenchman # 6 Premonitions Following an Evil Deed
It's 2006, YouTube is in its infancy, and internet porn is still behind a paywall. Taking the stage name Brent Corrigan, a fresh-faced, wannabe adult video performer is molded into a star by Stephen, a closeted gay porn mogul who runs the skin flick empire Cobra Video from his seemingly ordinary suburban home. But as Brent's rise and demands for more money put him at odds with his boss, he also attracts the attention of a rival producer and his unstable lover who will stop at nothing to squash Cobra Video and steal its number one star.
Forced to give up his dreams of art school, Zach works dead-end jobs to support his sister and her son. Questioning his life, he paints, surfs and hangs out with his best friend, Gabe. When Gabe's older brother returns home for the summer, Zach suddenly finds himself drawn into a relationship he didn't expect.
Shrek the Halls
The Christmas tree isn't the only thing green in this new holiday classic. Shrek is back and trying to get into the spirit of the season. After promising Fiona and the kids a Christmas they'll remember, he is forced to take a crash course in the holiday. But just when he thinks he has everything for their quiet family Christmas just right, there is a knock at the door.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
Beautiful Thing
Set during a long, hot summer on the Thamesmead Estate in Southeast London, three teenagers edge towards adulthood.
Another Gay Movie
In the dirtiest, funniest, most scandalous gay-teen-sex-comedy-parody ever, four young gay friends make a pact to lose their virginity by the end of the summer. The boys soon face giant sex toys, naked celebrities, masochistic teachers and an uncontrollable romance with a quiche.
Dream Boy
The story of Nathan, a young teenager who tries to flourish in a romantic relationship with neighbour Roy. The two young men will have to face the brutal reality of the rural south of the United States in the late 1970s.
カンフー・パンダ マスター・ファイブの秘密
大きな製鉄工場で働くチャーリーは、スパナを手にひたすらベルトコンベアーを流れる部品にねじを回し続けるという単純作業を繰り返していた。その様子はテレビモニターで監視され、休む暇もなく働かされていた。ある日、チャーリーは労働者の食事時間を節約するために作られた自動給食マシーンの実験台にされ散々な目に合わされる。その後も仕事を続けていく内にチャーリーは発狂し、トラブルを起こして精神病院送りになってしまう。ようやく退院を迎えた日、トラックから落ちた赤旗を拾い運転手に返そうと追いかけていく内にいつの間にか労働者のデモ隊の先導をきってしまい、そのリーダーと間違われて捕まって拘置所に入れられてしまう。脱獄囚を撃退した功績で模範囚として放免され造船所の仕事を紹介されるものの、上手くいかず辞めてしまい、あてもなく街をうろつく生活に陥ってしまう。 拘置所が恋しくなったチャーリーはわざと無銭飲食をして捕まえられるが、護送車の中でパンを盗んだ浮浪少女(ポーレット・ゴダード)と出会う。護送車が急カーブで横転し、外へ投げ出されたチャーリーと少女は逃亡。少女と意気投合したチャーリーは、2人のために家を建てるという夢を胸に一念発起とばかり働き出す。デパートの夜回り、工場の技師の助手と仕事を獲得するものの結局上手くいかず、2件とも警察沙汰になるという不運な結果に終わってしまう。その後少女が勤め始めたキャバレー[3]のウェイターの職を得る。見世物の「ティティナ」を歌って大成功したが、少女の微罪のため、そこも追われてしまう。やっとの思いで手に入れた幸福すらも失い悲しみに打ちひしがれる少女を、チャーリーは力強く励ます。 そして、二人は未来に希望を見出し、現代社会の冷たさと束縛に囚われない自由な生活を求めて共に旅立っていくのだった。


Baby Einstein: Baby Van Gogh - World of Colors
This unique video, starring "Vincent Van Goat," introduces babies and toddlers to basic colors through charming puppetry, timeless art, live-action footage, classical music and child-friendly poetry. Includes images of Van Gogh's most famous ... Full Descriptionpaintings. Featuring child-friendly arrangements of music by Brahms, Ravel, Strauss, Tchaikovsky and others.
The Woman from Nowhere
A fifty year old woman, scarred by a life of disillusionment and regret, returns to the place where she lived twenty years before, to rekindle happier memories. She meets a young woman, the daughter of the current owners of the property, who is on the point of abandoning her home – just as she did, all those years ago...
Une Femme a Passé
The film tells the story of Frau Concha a femme fatale or as the story points out, a "fille perdue", a lost girl who has no feelings or scruples, toying with men as she pleases. These are the kind of wicked girls that usually are invited to enjoy the soirées at the Schloss. She is without mercy, respect or loyalty and Suzanne Talba is just great in the role and performs it in a unique way.
The Pig
In the French countryside it's the day for peasants to kill a big fat pig. The slaughter goes on for a great part of the day as they work to store 140kg worth of meat.
A Borrowed Life
Sega's children, born into post-war Chinese rule, can't relate to their father's love for Japanese culture, having grown up under Japanese rule before WWII.
Love Must Love
Flower-generation celebration of love. "Filmed in San Francisco and Berkeley California in collaboration with my girlfriend at the time, the actress Donna Germain [...] When Stan Brakhage came to the SF Bay Area around 1968 and saw my 8mm film he wanted a print and we traded by footage count and that is why eventually ended up with a whole collection of his 8mm Songs. I believe Stan was influenced by this film in regards to in-camera superimposition [...] he used the technique in his very next films at the time." -MO
Reis and Cordeiro’s undisputable masterpiece exploded the meaning and possibilities of ethnographic cinema with its lyrical exploration of the still resonant myths and legends embodied in the people and landscapes of Portugal’s remote Trás-os-Montes region.
A diary film about Kawase's relationship with her Grandma and the search for her Father, whom she has not seen since her parents divorced during her early childhood.
The Romance of Aniceto and Francisca
Aniceto is used to being lonely. When Francisca offers him her love, his personal limitations and little miseries arise.
Like in his short Ten poems of Hubert Kzn Poot (1975) there is just one protagonist in Sepio. A woman is immersed within a landscape in summertime and she adores her beloved one in everything that emerges from her surroundings.—
Illuminated Texts
"Breathtaking in its techniques, rhapsodic in its passion, and encyclopedic in its scope, the film traces the long fall from paradise into modern barbarism." - Art Gallery of Ontario
While working on a documentary about the city of Bruges, an artistically frustrated filmmaker must deal with the increasing difficulties in his marriage.
In the huge steel factories in Terni (Umbria, Italy), two friends: Mario and Pietro, fight for the love of the same girl, Gina. Pietro dies because of a work accident at the factory. The other workers think Mario is responsible for the death of his friend. Mario, who is innocent, is forced to quit, but his love for Gina and his dedication to his job help him out of his crisis.
Sweet Games of Late Summer
Impressionistic film based on a Maupassant story about five friends who fall in love with the same beautiful girl one summer.
Julien, a movie director, is on the phase of editing his new film, "Juliette sacrifiée". Hurried by his producer, he asks for the help of a professional editor. It is Anne, with whom Julien is soon falling in love. During the whole of the movie, both are sitting in front of the editing table, where they listen to music, talk about politics and what movies should and should not be about.
A man and a woman living in the same pension, but different rooms, grow intimate behind the landlady's back.
Our Lady of Paris
Magical Super-8 (shown on 16mm) single frame portrait of the Notre Dame cathedral featuring luminous light and a dense score incorporating players from the square. - Early Monthly Segments
Repeated Absences
François Naulet turns his bedroom into an island of drugs, loneliness and despair.