The Conclave and Election of Pope Pius XII (1939)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 7分


A short documentary covering the conclave and election of Pope Pius XII.


Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII



Revelation - The Bride, The Beast & Babylon
Going to the very heart of the Bible's most challenging Book, this one hour documentary decodes the visions of Revelation 12 and 17 for everyone to understand. Journeying from the birth of Christ through the Christian era, this amazing video pulls aside the veil of hidden history to reveal the rise of Babylon, the persecution of the bride of Christ, and the real-world identity of the beast. Educational and inspiring, Revelation delivers the keys to understanding the epic conflict between Christ and Satan and what it means for your life today.
ザ・ライト -エクソシストの真実-
Frustrated with the direction of the church, Cardinal Bergoglio requests permission to retire in 2012 from Pope Benedict. Instead, facing scandal and self-doubt, the introspective Pope Benedict summons his harshest critic and future successor to Rome to reveal a secret that would shake the foundations of the Catholic Church.
Lizzie McGuire has graduated from middle school and takes a trip to Rome, Italy with her class. And what was supposed to be only a normal trip, becomes a teenager's dream come true.
問題を抱えて再寝た司祭がローマに旅行し、彼のメンターの奇妙な死を調査します。 若い司祭は、おそらく神秘的な死が、死体の肉を食べた司祭たちが死者の容赦のない罪を管理するために関係する古代の人物「罪喰い」の仕事かもしれないことを発見します。
ゴッドファーザー PART III
Killing Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry were subject to seismic social and political events that led to his execution and changed the world forever.
スティグマータ 聖痕
解説 有名な伝説「アーサー王と円卓の騎士」をスペクタクル感あふれる映像で描く歴史アドベンチャー大作。アーサー王を『すべては愛のために』のクライヴ・オーウェンが演じ、やがて王妃となるグイナヴィアに『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』のキーラ・ナイトレイが扮し見事な矢さばきを見せる。 あらすじ ローマ帝国の崩壊で混乱するブリテン島。この混迷を極める戦乱の世に平和をもたらすべく、一人の男が立ち上がった。彼の名はアーサー(クライヴ・オーウェン)。勇敢な騎士たちを従え、宝剣エクスカリバーを手に、民衆を守るため戦いに挑む。
Britain, A.D. 117. Quintus Dias, the sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort, marches north with General Virilus' legendary Ninth Legion, under orders to wipe the Picts from the face of the Earth and destroy their leader, Gorlacon.
Horrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans
Roman teenager, Atti is forced to join the Roman army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting - quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt desperate to prove herself as a warrior.
After fishing out coins from a water fountain in Italy, cynical New Yorker Beth Harper finds herself being wooed by several ardent suitors. As she deals with the attention, Beth tries to figure out whether a charming reporter really loves her.
シチリアーノ 裏切りの美学
1980年代初頭、シチリアではマフィアの全面戦争が激化していた。パレルモ派の大物ブシェッタは抗争の仲裁に失敗しブラジルに逃れるが、残された家族や仲間達はコルレオーネ派の報復によって次々と抹殺されていった。ブラジルで逮捕されイタリアに引き渡されたブシェッタは、マフィア撲滅に執念を燃やすファルコーネ判事から捜査への協力を求められる。麻薬と殺人に明け暮れ堕落した犯罪組織コーザ・ノストラに失望していたブシェッタは、固い信頼関係で結ばれたファルコーネに組織の罪を告白する決意をするが、それはコーザ・ノストラの ”血の掟” に背く行為だった……。仁義なき抗争の果てに、名誉ある男の美学を貫こうとブシェッタが下した決断とは−−。


Le goûter champêtre
A group of young women and children enjoy a rowdy picnic in the countryside.
Pio XI e Marconi
The inauguration of Radio Vaticana, with Pope Pius XI and Guglielmo Marconi.
Revue à Longchamp : charge finale et départ de M. le Président
The end of the Longchamp parade and departure of the President, filmed by the Lumière brothers.
Revue à Longchamp : défilé du Génie
A review of engineers at the Longchamp parade, filmed by the Lumière brothers.
Revue à Longchamp : défilé de la Garde Républicaine et des pompiers
A review of the Republican Guard and firemen at Longchamp filmed by the Lumière brothers.
Cherbourg : entrée des souverains russes et du président de la République sous le hall
Sovereign Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna and President Félix Faure, walking by, followed by their respective escorts.
Touching the Eternity
Documentary showing Isaak Itkind, a Kazakh sculptor, still working at the age of 95.
La foule sur la place de l’Opéra
A black and white short from the Lumière brothers in which a crowds is filmed at the Place de l'Opèra in Paris.
El Terror de la Frontera
Early silent Western from Ecuador.
Paris : les souverains russes et le président de la République aux Champs-Élysées
Russian sovereign Nicholas II and Alexandra Fiodorovna, and President Felix Faure, parading down the Champs-Elysées in a carriage, followed by horsemen.
Sortie d'une noce à l'église
A wedding party leave church in this Lumière brothers' short film.
Revue à Longchamp : arrivée de M. le président Félix Faure
President Félix Faure, escorted by horsemen, marching past the troops at Longchamp.
Intérieur d'une imprimerie (tirage d'une épreuve)
Within a printing (printing a test).
Weaving Women
A group of Macedonian women are shown hard at work.
Five Film Exercises: Film 2-3
Two short fragments resulting from experiments in controlling the mechanical development of the instrument.
The Crossroads Crash
A parody of Bonnie and Clyde leads into a 'how to drive safely' film. Not to be confused with another 1973 film with the same title.
Le retour, Place de l'Etoile
Street scene: Arch de Triumph.
The Chair
A story about the fight for power told with the help of simple graphics. The huge building, the huge column hall, one chair around the chairman's board table is empty. We observe the fight for that chair: little men run and fight, all tricks are allowed.
What, Who, How
An animated short film from Stan Vanderbeek.
The Fifth One
A persistent trumpeter tries to join a string quartet that doesn't want him.