
ローマの休日 (1953)


ジャンル : ロマンス, コメディ, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 58分

演出 : William Wyler
脚本 : Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton, Dalton Trumbo




Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Princess Ann
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Joe Bradley
Eddie Albert
Eddie Albert
Irving Radovich
Hartley Power
Hartley Power
Mr. Hennessy
Harcourt Williams
Harcourt Williams
Margaret Rawlings
Margaret Rawlings
Countess Vereberg
Tullio Carminati
Tullio Carminati
Gen. Provno
Paolo Carlini
Paolo Carlini
Mario Delani
Claudio Ermelli
Claudio Ermelli
Paola Borboni
Paola Borboni
Alfredo Rizzo
Alfredo Rizzo
Cab driver
Laura Solari
Laura Solari
Hennessy's Secretary
Gorella Gori
Gorella Gori
Shoe Seller
Armando Annuale
Armando Annuale
Admiral Dancing with Princess (uncredited)
Maurizio Arena
Maurizio Arena
Young Boy with Car (uncredited)
Gildo Bocci
Gildo Bocci
Flower Seller (uncredited)
Andrea Esterhazy
Andrea Esterhazy
Embassy Aide (uncredited)
George Higgins
George Higgins
Correspondent at Poker Game (uncredited)
Richard McNamara
Richard McNamara
Correspondent at Poker Game (uncredited)
Luigi Moneta
Luigi Moneta
Old Man Dancing with Princess (uncredited)
Piero Pastore
Piero Pastore
Faceless Man on the Barge (uncredited)
Mimmo Poli
Mimmo Poli
Worker Hugging the Three Out Side Police Station (uncredited)
Giuliano Raffaelli
Giuliano Raffaelli
Faceless Man on the Barge (uncredited)
Carlo Rizzo
Carlo Rizzo
Police Official (uncredited)
Gianna Segale
Gianna Segale
Girl at Cafe Waving at Irving (uncredited)
Dianora Veiga
Dianora Veiga
Girl at Cafe Waving at Irving (uncredited)
Marco Tulli
Marco Tulli
Pallid Young Man Dancing with Princess (uncredited)
Tania Weber
Tania Weber
Francesca - Irving's Model (uncredited)
Catherine Wyler
Catherine Wyler
Schoolgirl (uncredited)


William Wyler
William Wyler
Ian McLellan Hunter
Ian McLellan Hunter
John Dighton
John Dighton
William Wyler
William Wyler
Georges Auric
Georges Auric
Original Music Composer
Henri Alekan
Henri Alekan
Director of Photography
Robert Swink
Robert Swink
Hal Pereira
Hal Pereira
Art Direction
Edith Head
Edith Head
Costume Design
Joseph de Bretagne
Joseph de Bretagne
Sound Designer
Lester Koenig
Lester Koenig
Associate Producer
Walter H. Tyler
Walter H. Tyler
Art Direction
Anna Cristofani
Anna Cristofani
Maurizio Lodi-Fè
Maurizio Lodi-Fè
Unit Production Manager
Charles Woolstenhulme
Charles Woolstenhulme
Unit Production Manager
Herbert Coleman
Herbert Coleman
Assistant Director
Bernard Vorhaus
Bernard Vorhaus
Assistant Director
Italo Tomassi
Italo Tomassi
Set Designer
Vittorio Valentini
Vittorio Valentini
Art Direction
Enzo Barboni
Enzo Barboni
Camera Operator
Robert Belcher
Robert Belcher
Assistant Editor
Leo Shuken
Leo Shuken
Victor Young
Victor Young
Additional Soundtrack
Dalton Trumbo
Dalton Trumbo
Dalton Trumbo
Dalton Trumbo
Franz Planer
Franz Planer
Director of Photography
Alberto De Rossi
Alberto De Rossi
Makeup Supervisor
Wally Westmore
Wally Westmore
Makeup Supervisor
Joseph de Bretagne
Joseph de Bretagne
Sound Recordist
Robert Wyler
Robert Wyler
Associate Producer


ローマの休日 予告編




Bullet Ballet
After his girlfriend commits suicide, a man becomes embroiled in gang warfare attempting to obtain a gun in hopes to kill himself.
The Sleeping Dictionary
A young Englishman is dispatched to Sarawak to become part of the British colonial government. He encounters some unorthodox local traditions, and finds himself faced with tough decisions of the heart involving the beautiful Selima, the unwitting object of his affections.
Fallen Art
Fallen Art presents the story of General A, a self-proclaimed artist. His art, however, consists of a deranged method of stop motion photography, where the individual frames of the movie are created by photographs made by Dr. Johann Friedrich, depicting the bodies of dead soldiers, pushed down by Sergeant Al from a giant springboard onto a slab of concrete.
第二次世界大戦の戦意高揚映画として撮影され、戦争の荒波に巻き込まれながら気丈に生きていくミニヴァー夫人とその一家の人々の姿を感動的に描き、アカデミー作品賞、監督賞、主演女優賞など6部門を受賞した名作。 1939年のロンドン郊外。明るく美しいミニヴァー夫人は、建築技師の夫と3人の子供たちと幸福な日々を送っていた。しかし、第2次世界大戦にイギリスが参戦し、長男ヴィンや使用人が出征、残されたミニヴァー夫人たちにも戦火が…。
Three childhood friends, Martha, Walter and Sam, share a terrible secret. Over time, the ambitious Martha and the pusillanimous Walter have married. She is a cold businesswoman; he is the district attorney: a perfect combination to dominate the corrupt city of Iverstown at will. But the unexpected return of Sam, after years of absence, deeply disturbs the life of the odd couple.
I Walk Alone
Bootleggers on the lamb Frankie and Noll split up to evade capture by the police. Frankie is caught and jailed, but Noll manages to escape and open a posh New York City nightclub. 14 years later, Frankie is released from the clink and visits Noll with the intention of collecting his half of the nightclub's profits. But Noll, who has no intention of being so equitable, uses his ex-girlfriend Kay to divert Frankie from his intended goal.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
On his uncle's death Sir Henry Baskerville returns from Canada to take charge of his ancestral hall on the desolate moors of Devonshire, and finds that Sherlock Holmes is there to investigate the local belief that his uncle was killed by a monster hound that has roamed the moors since 1650, and is likely to strike again at Sir Henry.
Night Boat to Dublin
British intelligence officers (Robert Newton, Guy Middleton) head off a Nazi plot to kidnap an atomic scientist.
Story of the relationship between the poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.
La Chienne
Cashier Maurice Legrand is married to Adele, a terror. By chance, he meets Lucienne, "Lulu", and make her his mistress. He thinks he finally met love, but Lulu is nothing but a streetwalker, in love with Dede, her pimp. She only accepts Legrand to satisfy Dede's needs of money.
When the murder of an archaeologist puts a valuable medallion into their hands, Abbott and Costello waste little time in trying to sell it, only to find themselves pursued by police, a slinky adventuress, an Egyptian high priest, and the mummy himself.
Gelatin Silver, Love
The story of a photographer who becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman who lives in the apartment opposite his.
Dance of the Dragon
The story of three people whose lives are pulled into review and assessment when their paths cross. The initial sparks of what could be a new romance plays off against a couple falling out of love, a student and teacher, a father and son, a mother's influence and competing suitors - all explored with sensitivity, delicacy and refined artistry.
A strange animal attack turns a botanist into a bloodthirsty monster.
A tourist witnesses a murder and finds herself caught up in a series of bloody killings.
The Flying Deuces
Ollie is in love with a woman. When he discovers that she is already married, he tries to kill himself. Of course, the suicide is avoided and the boys join the Foreign Legion to get away from their troubles. Finally, they are arrested for trying to desert the Legion and to escape the firing squad by stealing a plane.
The Black Cat
After a road accident in Hungary, the American honeymooners Joan and Peter and the enigmatic Dr. Werdegast find refuge in the house of the famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig, who shares a dark past with the doctor.
We Don't Live Here Anymore
Married couple Jack and Terry Linden are experiencing a difficult period in their relationship. When Jack decides to step outside the marriage, he becomes involved with Edith, who happens to be the wife of his best friend and colleague, Hank Evans. Learning of their partners' infidelity, Terry and Hank engage in their own extramarital affair together. Now, both marriages and friendships are on the brink of collapse.
Second Chorus
Danny O'Neill and Hank Taylor are rival trumpeters with the Perennials, a college band, and both men are still attending college by failing their exams seven years in a row. In the midst of a performance, Danny spies Ellen Miller who ends up being made band manager. Both men compete for her affections while trying to get the other one fired.


オードリー・ヘプバーンによるロマンチックコメディー。名匠ビリー・ワイルダーがサミュエル・テイラーの戯曲「サブリナ・フェア」を映画化した。大富豪の兄弟と、美しく変身したお抱え運転手の娘との恋を描く。 大富豪ララビー家のお抱え運転手の娘サブリナ(オードリー・ヘプバーン)が、主の次男デイヴィッド(ウィリアム・ホールデン)に恋心を抱くも、彼女の父は身分違いの恋を忘れさせるため娘をパリへ送り出す。2年後、洗練された淑女に変身した彼女が帰国すると、デイヴィッドはすっかり夢中に。婚約中の弟を案じる長男ライナス(ハンフリー・ボガート)は、やがて自分はサブリナが好きなことに気付き……。
朝の宝石店ティファニーの前でデニッシュを食べる娼婦のホリーは、引っ越してきたばかりの駆け出し作家ポールと出会う。酔っぱらいから逃げて部屋へ来て、 眠り込んでしまった彼女にポールは興味を抱く。
アリアーヌは、探偵である父の調査書を盗み見て、フラナガンというハンサムな男性に憧れを抱く。彼女は、素性を隠してフラナガンに接近。彼が愛人の夫に殺されそうになるところを助け、そのことをきっかけに憧れが本気の恋に発展。フラナガンもチャーミングなアリアーヌを忘れられなくなる。 パリを舞台にしたオードリー・ヘップバーンとゲーリー・クーパー共演作。好奇心旺盛なアリアーヌを演じるオードリーは可憐な魅力を振りまき、その魅力を惜しみなく発揮している。憧れの人と恋に落ちても、自分の正体を知られたくないアリアーヌと彼女のことを知りたいフラナガンの恋の駆け引きもスリリングで見応え十分。テンポよくイキな演出はビリー・ワイルダー。1957年のモノクロ映画だが、いつ観ても色あせないスイートなラブストーリーだ。
著名な脚本家であるリチャード・ベンソンは、プロデューサーのアレギザンダー・マイヤハイムからの依頼を受け、映画『エッフェル塔を盗んだ娘』の脚本に取り組んでいる。とはいえ、決まっているのはタイトルだけで、パリのホテルに滞在しながら遊び呆ける毎日。 締切まであと2日となったある日、若き美人タイピストのガブリエル・シンプソンがホテルの部屋にやってくる。ガブリエルは脚本が1ページもできていないことに驚きあきれるが、彼女の刺激を得ながら、リチャードはようやく脚本の執筆にとりかかる。彼はガブリエルをモデルにして“ギャビー”(ガブリエルの親称)というキャラクターを立ち上げ、自分をモデルにした嘘つきで泥棒の“リック”(リチャードの親称)との、巴里祭を舞台にしたラブ・ストーリーを描き始めるが……。
仲の良い二人の女学校経営者カレンとマーサが、同性愛者であるという噂を立てられてしまう。その結果、マーサは傷つき自殺、カレンは婚約者と別れ、独り町を立ち去る……。 一人の少女の嘘によって、とてつもない不幸を被った女性達の悲劇を描く作品。
Members of a circus troupe "adopt" Lili Daurier when she finds herself stranded in a strange town. The magician who first comes to her rescue already has romantic entanglements and thinks of her as a little girl. Who can she turn to but the puppets, singing to them her troubles, forgetting that there are puppeteers? A crowd gathers around Lili as she sings. The circus has a new act. She now has a job. Will she get her heart's desire?
ベルギーに住む有名な医者パン・デル・マル博士の娘であるガブリエルは尼僧になる決意をし、家を出た。恋人への思いも断ち切り、修道院入りする。 修道院で志願者となったガブリエルは修道女の戒律を学び、五日後には修道志願女となり数ヶ月に及ぶ厳しい戒律生活に身を投じる。戒律と懺悔の日々。あまりの厳しさに脱落していく志願女がいる中、ガブリエルは見習い尼になる。その前夜、髪を短く刈られ、またそれまで自分と俗世との唯一のつながりであった、恋人から贈られた金飾りのついたペンを投げ捨てた。俗世との完全な別離の瞬間であった。ガブリエルはシスター・ルークという名を与えられ、正式の尼僧になるべく修行を続ける。
A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.