シャレード (1963)

Is anyone really who they seem to be?

ジャンル : コメディ, 謎, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 53分

演出 : Stanley Donen
脚本 : Peter Stone




Cary Grant
Cary Grant
Peter Joshua
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Regina Lampert
Walter Matthau
Walter Matthau
Hamilton Bartholemew
James Coburn
James Coburn
Tex Panthollow
George Kennedy
George Kennedy
Herman Scobie
Dominique Minot
Dominique Minot
Sylvie Gaudel
Ned Glass
Ned Glass
Leopold Gideon
Jacques Marin
Jacques Marin
Edouard Grandpierre
Paul Bonifas
Paul Bonifas
Mr. Felix
Thomas Chelimsky
Thomas Chelimsky
Jean-Louis Gaudel
Marc Arian
Marc Arian
Subway Passenger (uncredited)
Claudine Berg
Claudine Berg
Maid (uncredited)
Marcel Bernier
Marcel Bernier
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Albert Daumergue
Albert Daumergue
Man in Stamp Market (uncredited)
Raoul Delfosse
Raoul Delfosse
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Stanley Donen
Stanley Donen
Man in Elevator (voice) (uncredited)
Jean Gold
Jean Gold
Writer On Cafe Terrace (uncredited)
Chantal Goya
Chantal Goya
Clément Harari
Clément Harari
German Tourist (uncredited)
Monte Landis
Monte Landis
Master of Ceremonies at Club (uncredited)
Bernard Musson
Bernard Musson
Hotel Receptionnist (uncredited)
Antonio Passalia
Antonio Passalia
Italian Representative at URESCO (uncredited)
Jacques Préboist
Jacques Préboist
Ice Cream Salesman (uncredited)
Peter Stone
Peter Stone
Man in Elevator / Marine (voice) (uncredited)
Michel Thomass
Michel Thomass
Embassy Driver (uncredited)
Roger Trapp
Roger Trapp
Mortuary Employee (uncredited)
Louis Viret
Louis Viret
Hallmark Employee On Subway (uncredited)


Stanley Donen
Stanley Donen
Peter Stone
Peter Stone
Stanley Donen
Stanley Donen
Henry Mancini
Henry Mancini
Original Music Composer
Charles Lang
Charles Lang
Director of Photography
Jim Clark
Jim Clark
Jean d'Eaubonne
Jean d'Eaubonne
Art Direction
Marc Maurette
Marc Maurette
Second Unit
Peter Stone
Peter Stone
Marc Behm
Marc Behm
Hubert de Givenchy
Hubert de Givenchy
Costume Design
Alberto De Rossi
Alberto De Rossi
Makeup Artist
John O'Gorman
John O'Gorman
Makeup Artist
Edward Muhl
Edward Muhl
Executive In Charge Of Production
Marc Maurette
Marc Maurette
Assistant Director
Auguste Capelier
Auguste Capelier
Assistant Art Director
Jacques Carrère
Jacques Carrère
Sound Mixer
Bob Jones
Bob Jones
Sound Mixer
Allan Morrison
Allan Morrison
Sound Editor
Garth Inns
Garth Inns
Special Effects
Paul Stader
Paul Stader
Henri Persin
Henri Persin
Second Unit Cinematographer
Henri Tiquet
Henri Tiquet
Camera Operator
Vincent Rossell
Vincent Rossell
Still Photographer
Douglas Gamley
Douglas Gamley
Johnny Mercer
Johnny Mercer
Henry Mancini
Henry Mancini
Léopold Schlosberg
Léopold Schlosberg
Production Manager
Arthur Carroll
Arthur Carroll
Production Director
Maurice Binder
Maurice Binder
Title Designer
Robert Ellis
Robert Ellis
James H. Ware
James H. Ware
Associate Producer




Red Salute
The rebellious daughter of an army general gets involved with a Communist agitator, mainly to annoy her father. He arranges to have her kidnapped and taken to Mexico--hoping that she will forget her "Red" boyfriend--by a young, handsome soldier named Jeff who, while somewhat of a goof-up, the general believes is still better for her.
朝の宝石店ティファニーの前でデニッシュを食べる娼婦のホリーは、引っ越してきたばかりの駆け出し作家ポールと出会う。酔っぱらいから逃げて部屋へ来て、 眠り込んでしまった彼女にポールは興味を抱く。
A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.
バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART3
Muriel's Wedding
A young social outcast in Australia steals money from her parents to finance a vacation where she hopes to find happiness, and perhaps love.
Stolen Kisses
The third in a series of films featuring François Truffaut's alter-ego, Antoine Doinel, the story resumes with Antoine being discharged from military service. His sweetheart Christine's father lands Antoine a job as a security guard, which he promptly loses. Stumbling into a position assisting a private detective, Antoine falls for his employers' seductive wife, Fabienne, and finds that he must choose between the older woman and Christine.
Antoine and Colette
Now aged 17, Antoine Doinel works in a factory which makes records. At a music concert, he meets a girl his own age, Colette, and falls in love with her. Later, Antoine goes to extraordinary lengths to please his new girlfriend and her parents, but Colette still only regards him as a casual friend. First segment of “Love at Twenty” (1962).
Bed and Board
Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.
Antoine is now 30, working as a proofreader and getting divorced from his his wife. It being the first "no-fault" divorce in France, a media circus erupts, dredging up Antoine's past. Indecisive about his new love with a store clerk, he impulsively takes off with an old flame.
The Spoiled Princess
Ma Si-tsang is memorable in his comedic roles for being lively and down to earth, making a stark contrast with the tough and feisty Hung Sin Nui, and they strike gold as a team in screwball comedies. Ma is psychologist Doctor Tsui while Hung is Pearl, the feisty third daughter who is hard to get along with. The undaunted Tsui sees the virtues in Pearl and teases her to teach lessons on marital harmony. With multiple schemes, Tsui teases, coaxes and has Pearl taste her own medicine. The battle of wits and the sexes becomes a joy to watch with Ma's complacent and roguish portrayal as a refined witty scholar clashing with the energetic and bickering Hung.
In the West End of 1950s London, plans for a movie version of a smash-hit play come to an abrupt halt after a pivotal member of the crew is murdered. When world-weary Inspector Stoppard and eager rookie Constable Stalker take on the case, the two find themselves thrown into a puzzling whodunit within the glamorously sordid theater underground, investigating the mysterious homicide at their own peril.
フランス映画の巨匠ジャン・ルノワール監督が、ミュッセの戯曲に想を得て、ブルジョワたちが織りなす恋愛騒動を描き、社会を痛烈に風刺した映画史上の傑作中の傑作。 美しい妻クリスチーヌを愛しながら、愛人と別れられないラ・シェネ侯爵。一方、クリスチーヌのために大西洋横断23時間の偉業を達成した飛行家アンドレと、その友人オクターヴ。ある日、侯爵の別荘で催される狩猟の集いに全員が顔を合わせる…。
Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.
Annaluise & Anton
Luise, called Pünktchen, and Anton are closest of friends. Being the daughter of a wealthy surgeon, young Pünktchen lives in a great house. Her mother, who always travels through the world more for public relation reasons than for the social tasks she pretends to fulfill, is never available to her as a mother. Anton, son of a single and sick mother in financial trouble, does his best to help her out of it by working late. Pünktchen decides to help her only friend (as nobody else would anyway) and starts singing in public places. Trouble arises when Anton can't resist stealing a golden lighter and Pünktchen's secret life is discovered by her parents. Two troubled families finally can see the need for actions to be taken.


オードリー・ヘプバーンによるロマンチックコメディー。名匠ビリー・ワイルダーがサミュエル・テイラーの戯曲「サブリナ・フェア」を映画化した。大富豪の兄弟と、美しく変身したお抱え運転手の娘との恋を描く。 大富豪ララビー家のお抱え運転手の娘サブリナ(オードリー・ヘプバーン)が、主の次男デイヴィッド(ウィリアム・ホールデン)に恋心を抱くも、彼女の父は身分違いの恋を忘れさせるため娘をパリへ送り出す。2年後、洗練された淑女に変身した彼女が帰国すると、デイヴィッドはすっかり夢中に。婚約中の弟を案じる長男ライナス(ハンフリー・ボガート)は、やがて自分はサブリナが好きなことに気付き……。
著名な脚本家であるリチャード・ベンソンは、プロデューサーのアレギザンダー・マイヤハイムからの依頼を受け、映画『エッフェル塔を盗んだ娘』の脚本に取り組んでいる。とはいえ、決まっているのはタイトルだけで、パリのホテルに滞在しながら遊び呆ける毎日。 締切まであと2日となったある日、若き美人タイピストのガブリエル・シンプソンがホテルの部屋にやってくる。ガブリエルは脚本が1ページもできていないことに驚きあきれるが、彼女の刺激を得ながら、リチャードはようやく脚本の執筆にとりかかる。彼はガブリエルをモデルにして“ギャビー”(ガブリエルの親称)というキャラクターを立ち上げ、自分をモデルにした嘘つきで泥棒の“リック”(リチャードの親称)との、巴里祭を舞台にしたラブ・ストーリーを描き始めるが……。
アリアーヌは、探偵である父の調査書を盗み見て、フラナガンというハンサムな男性に憧れを抱く。彼女は、素性を隠してフラナガンに接近。彼が愛人の夫に殺されそうになるところを助け、そのことをきっかけに憧れが本気の恋に発展。フラナガンもチャーミングなアリアーヌを忘れられなくなる。 パリを舞台にしたオードリー・ヘップバーンとゲーリー・クーパー共演作。好奇心旺盛なアリアーヌを演じるオードリーは可憐な魅力を振りまき、その魅力を惜しみなく発揮している。憧れの人と恋に落ちても、自分の正体を知られたくないアリアーヌと彼女のことを知りたいフラナガンの恋の駆け引きもスリリングで見応え十分。テンポよくイキな演出はビリー・ワイルダー。1957年のモノクロ映画だが、いつ観ても色あせないスイートなラブストーリーだ。
Teenager Susan Turner, with a severe crush on playboy artist Richard Nugent, sneaks into his apartment to model for him and is found there by her sister Judge Margaret Turner. Threatened with jail, Nugent agrees to date Susan until the crush abates.
朝の宝石店ティファニーの前でデニッシュを食べる娼婦のホリーは、引っ越してきたばかりの駆け出し作家ポールと出会う。酔っぱらいから逃げて部屋へ来て、 眠り込んでしまった彼女にポールは興味を抱く。
In a Lonely Place
An aspiring actress begins to suspect that her temperamental and mentally impaired boyfriend is a murderer.
An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.
An Italian socialite on the run signs on as housekeeper for a widower with three children.
仲の良い二人の女学校経営者カレンとマーサが、同性愛者であるという噂を立てられてしまう。その結果、マーサは傷つき自殺、カレンは婚約者と別れ、独り町を立ち去る……。 一人の少女の嘘によって、とてつもない不幸を被った女性達の悲劇を描く作品。