マンハッタン・ラプソディ (1996)
A story about just how wrong two people can be before they can be right.
ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ, ロマンス
上映時間 : 2時間 6分
演出 : Barbra Streisand
脚本 : Richard LaGravenese
She Wolf is a serial killer who traps her men in the subway in Buenos Aires. She seduces, has sex with them and kills them. But one of those men is a police officer who is investigating her crimes. Running away from him she meets a dealer with whom she stars a relationship. This romance unravels a war between her three personalities: the monster woman, the sensual woman and the human woman who can still love.
A warm-hearted and biting romance about the impossible love between a Danish woman and a Turkish man
A privileged, black college student with a fiance falls in love with a white musician she meets on her 21st birthday.
Based on the best selling series "Dear Dumb Diary" by Jim Benton. Follow Jamie Kelly, as she navigates Mackeral Middle School with the help of her best friend Isabella, her nemesis Angeline and the boy of her dreams, Hudson.
Mia, a beautiful and successful Paris based photographer, bored by her bourgeois existence, flies to Cambodia to surprise her timber trader husband Xavier. But her hope for a romantic welcome are dashed when she spies her husband in a brothel having sex with an eleven year-old, Srey. Mia, her world turned upside down, resolves to rescue Srey and return her to the remote village from where she was abducted.
'Denis's contribution to a film dedicated to political prisoners is a haunting "music video" juxtaposing a melancholy Alain Souchon song about the loneliness and powerlessness of the immigrant with footage of two African men walking the streets of Belleville in Paris.' Harvard Film Archive
Gregory bikes his way through the streets of Manila and transports film reels from one theater to another giving “extra service” to its patrons. He lives with his grandfather whose dementia worries Gregory, but whose stories of local movies being friends with Rogelio dela Rosa, Carmen Rosales, Leopoldo Salcedo, and other film stars fill him with inspiration.
Shadow of the House is about looking closely. Filmed over seven years, it is an intimate portrait of photographer Abelardo Morell, revealing the mystery and method of his artistic process. The narrative skips across time and space from his early childhood escape from Castro's regime to his status as a world - renowned photographer. The film explores his daily working life as an artist and his eventual return to Cuba after 40 years of living in exile. Shadow of the House uncovers the deep layers of a man who is pushed to confront his past and his familial allegiances as it explores his unique artistic vision. Written by Allie Humenuk (IMDB)
Carmen and Alfredo live a happy, quiet life in the suburbs surrounded by friends and family. After Alfredo receives a promotion, the two move away to Mexico City where they immediately feel the social pressure of being overweight in a bustling metropolis full of beautiful people. Taking the initiative, Carmen convinces her husband to join her in losing weight, but their relationship is put to the test when Alfredo’s program yields far better results than Carmen’s. From award-winning director Marianna Chenillo comes a touching comedy about how true beauty comes from the inside and paradise is closer to home than you might think.
Four characters, four screens. The audience immersed, as stupefied as in a shopping mall electronics shop. Your attention flickers, trying to take it all in, not miss crucial details. The work seems unlimited in all directions, and it’s dazzlingly overwhelming. But you adjust to the overload. You realize the sound design is gently guiding your attention from screen to screen. You can make your own interpretations, even your own edit, your own film. So you discover moments that seem like outtakes: delightfully unexpected, notable non-incidents in the character’s lives that would usually be off-screen. But here, there is no off-screen.
A documentary that follows up on what happened to the three principle actors in Robert Bresson's "Pickpocket."
A man known as the "Murderer" wanders through the woods. The sound of water flowing deep underground fills his head...
A couple who have just moved into a new home to consummate their relationship, find peril around every corner due to an evil presence that haunts them whenever they attempt to be intimate.
In the fourth film in the series, in 1910's Russia, a few acts of clumsiness puts Indy at odds with his father who is greatly displeased with Indy. Indy runs away into the Russian countryside and wakes in the morning on a haystack. He encounters colorful Gypsies, fierce Imperial Cossack troops, and an odd, cantankerous old man named Leo Tolstoy, who is in full agreement that "hell" is other people. Later, in Greece, Indy meets Nikos Kazantzakis, the writer who would some day write Zorba the Greek.
In the fifth film in the series, in 1910, the Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip while father meets with Chinese translator Yen Fu. Indy becomes ill during a rain storm and the travelers seek shelter with a poor Chinese family. Despite the misgivings of his mother, a local doctor is allowed to treat the boy with acupuncture.
James Baldwin was at once a major 20th century American author, a Civil Rights activist and, for two crucial decades, a prophetic voice calling Americans, black and white, to confront their shared racial tragedy.
A young model and her friends vacation at a horse ranch. The owner of the ranch is a nudist and takes the girls to a nudist camp to show them the wonders of nudism.
A 14-year-old boy in a stifling Helsinki slum takes some unwise life lessons from his soon-to-be-incarcerated older brother, in Finnish master Pirjo Honkasalo’s gorgeously stylized and emotionally devastating work about what we pass on to younger generations, and the ways we do it.
"Moon Rain" - Sometimes, when the moon is favourable and a mother is driven by a deep desire, she can pronounce the words given to enable the soul of her daughter out of limbo and ronde on Earth, as when she was alive. The spell is immediate and, in seconds, there is magic. The girl who has revived can fulfill her greatest wish and then return pleased the world of the dead and finish with the pain of thebroken dreams that left her death.
Jean-Claude Delsart, a 50 years-old bailiff, with his worn-out smile and heart, abandoned a long time ago the idea that life could give him pleasures. Until the day, he dares to push the doors of a tango lesson...
『セント・オブ・ウーマン/夢の香り』のマーティン・ブレスト監督が、34年の名作『明日なき抱擁』をブラッド・ピット主演でリメイクしたファンタスティックラブストーリー。 N.Y.のメディア会社「パリッシュ・コミュニケーション」の社長ウィリアム(ビル)・パリッシュ(アンソニー・ホプキンス)は、ある夜どこからともなく響いてくる声を聞いた。次の日、ビルは愛娘のスーザン(クレア・フォーラニ)とその恋人ドリュー(ジェイク・ウェバー)と共にヘリで仕事に向かっていた。ビルの「恋人を愛しているか?」との問いに、素っ気無い反応をする娘にビルは話す。「愛は情熱だ。その経験のない人生は意味のないものだ」と。そして、その日スーザンは仕事場近くのコーヒーショップで一人の青年と出会う。最近この街に越してきた、という青年の気さくな態度に好感をもつスーザン。その夜、家族と共に食卓を囲んでいたビルの脳裏にまた同じ声が聞こえてくる。「私に会えるよ・・・ビル」。声に導かれるまま来客を招き入れるとスーザンがコーヒーショップで出会った青年が居た。以前から体調のすぐれないビルが心の中で問いかけていた「死期が近いのか」の言葉に青年は「イエス」と答えた。彼は青年の体を借りた死神だった。人間の生活に興味をもった死神が、ビルを連れて行く前に彼に案内を頼みにきたのだ。家族への説明に困ったビルは、青年をジョー・ブラック(ブラッド・ピット)だと紹介する。出会った時と印象の違うジョーを見て初めは困惑していたスーザンだったが、次第に彼の不思議な魅力に惹かれていく。父親のいう“情熱”を確かに感じていたのだ。
月に人が住むようになった時代。月のティコクレーターの地中からの謎の石碑「モノリス」が発掘され、合衆国宇宙評議会のフロイド博士が調査に向かう。それから18カ月後、最新型人工知能「HAL 9000型コンピュータ」を搭載した宇宙船ディスカバリー号は、デビッド・ボウマン船長、フランク・プールら5人のクルーを乗せて木星探査に向けて航行していた。しかし、その途上でHALが探査計画に対して疑問を抱いていることを打ち明ける。ボウマンとプールはHALの不調を疑い、いざというときはHALの回路を切断することを決めるが、それを知ったHALは反乱を起こす。
若い女性の皮膚を剥ぎ落とし、その死体を川に流すという残忍な連続猟奇殺人が発生した。 犯人の仮称を冠し“バッファロー・ビル事件”と呼ばれるこれを解決するため、FBI訓練生のクラリスは、クロフォード主任捜査官からある任務を課される。それは、元は天才的な精神科医であり、自分の患者を食したため現在は州立精神病院に措置入院されているレクター博士を訪ね、バッファロー・ビルの精神状態を解明させるというものだった。 クラリスから依頼されたレクターは、その引き換えとしてクラリスに、彼女自身の過去を語らせる。