I've Never Had A Hilda (2014)
ジャンル :
上映時間 : 1時間 40分
演出 : Andrés Clariond
脚本 : Andrés Clariond
Hilda, the new housemaid, brings about an awakening in the life of wealthy Mrs. Le Marchand, who recalls her revolutionary past, questions her frivolous present and experiences an identity crisis.
Massachusetts, 1892. An unmarried woman of 32 and a social outcast, Lizzie lives a claustrophobic life under her father's cold and domineering control. When Bridget Sullivan, a young maid, comes to work for the family, Lizzie finds a sympathetic, kindred spirit, and a secret intimacy soon blossoms into a wicked plan.
作家のチャールズ・ディケンズは執筆した小説が売れずに 出版社から契約を打ち切られる。彼は自費出版で作家を続けようと決意し、クリスマス・イヴを舞台に過去・現在・未来を旅する奇想天外な小説「クリスマス・キャロル」の執筆にとりかかる。
A housemaid falls in love with Dr. Jekyll and his darkly mysterious counterpart, Mr. Hyde.
A piano composer's family moves into a new house; when his pregnant wife collapses from working to support the family, he hires a hot housemaid to help with housework.
Miso lives from day to day by housekeeping. Cigarettes and whiskey are the two things that get her through the day. As cigarette prices and rent start to rise, Miso decides to give up her house for cigarettes and whiskey, leading her to couch surf with old friends while reconsidering her place in life.
A partially paralyzed teenager is failing to have sex for the first time. He's eager but clumsy and sickly, so the local country girls reject him. He starts to realize that the only affectionate person in his life is his beautiful mother.
A schoolgirl goes from braids to bouffant when her mother makes her a bar hostess/prostitute. She cures impotence for Professor Lee and becomes his concubine. His entrepreneurial wife is initially shocked but soon accepts the arrangement and even gives the girl an allowance.
Set against the backdrop of the 1909 general strike, Hjördis is employed as a housemaid in a wealthy Stockholm family.
Shubha, who is from a middle-class family, wants to marry someone who is settled in America. She ends up marrying a person who is settled in Kenya and finds it difficult to adjust to her new life.
Aswathi (Kavya Madhavan), who is a lower mid-class Malayali woman from Pattambi, Kerala. Due to the financial constraints of her family and the untimely death of her husband, Ashwathy is forced to be the bread earner of the house and opts to go to the gulf. Usman (Suraj Venjaramood), who is the chauffeur of an Arab family. Originally from Aswathi's village, he arranges the Aswathi's visa and brings her to Saudi Arabia. Many surprises await her, starting at the airport itself. The story follows Razak, who tries to trace Aswathi, and Aswathi's attempts to leave Saudi Arabia
Martina and Lupita are two housemaids who steal shoes and clothes from their boss Marcela, trying to impress Lupita's boyfriend. When Marcela founds out about the robbery, she and her friend Marifer go looking for them to retrieve her stuff and bring them to justice. "What did you tell God?" is a comedy that uses Juan Gabriel's songs.
At a meeting at the Salvation Army a female soldier tells the story of her life.
Translator Vilhelm and his young wife have a child, as well as a grumpy housemaid who doesn't hesitate to give her opinion on how they behave as parents. In secret Kristin arranges a scholarship for Vilhelm so he can go back to his medical studies.
A well-respected drama teacher confesses to his housekeeper that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima has left him impotent. With the coming of spring, the sympathetic housekeeper suggests that the Master observe the Yobai , a custom in which the young men of a village steal into the bedrooms of susceptible women to have sex.
Millionaire Christer Dahl loses his memory when he is hit in the head by a golf ball. He meets his ex-wife and immediately fall in love with her again. She does not know what to believe, is it true or is it only a joke? He also discovers how he has mismanaged his company in his earlier life. —Mattias Thuresson
Helga Breder is a young, spoiled girl. To her beloved Jörgen she says that she, as a modern young woman, is multi-talented and can do whatever she likes. Jörgen bets that she can't work as a house-maid but, if she manages it, he will buy her a diamond ring. Helga becomes a house-maid at Vinger Mansion and falls in love with an inventor, Bertil Frigård, who lives there.
An Arab surgeon living in Tel Aviv discovers a dark secret about his wife in the aftermath of a suicide bombing.
A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later.
In 1661 Mexico, the Baron Vitelius of Astara is sentenced to be burned alive by the Holy Inquisition of Mexico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other crimes. As he dies, the Baron swears vengeance against the descendants of the Inquisitors. 300 years later, a comet that was passing overhead on the night of the Baron's execution returns to earth, bringing with it the Baron in the form of a horrible, brain-eating monster that terrorizes the Inquisitor's descendants
A failed pianist sells his soul to the devil in return for his becoming the greatest musician in the world. The catch: every time he plays he turns into a horrible monster.
Four men are cursed by a voodoo priest for stealing a sacred idol from his temple. Soon a band of murderous "doll men" are after the men and their families.
ケイデン・コタードはニューヨークに住む劇作家。平凡だった彼の日常は、ある日を境に変わっていく。 額を切って病院へ行けば、原因不明の病気と診断され、家族からは、自分が演出した自信満々の舞台をけなされる。 夫婦仲も上手くいかず、遂には愛する妻と娘に捨てられてしまう。新しい恋人を作ろうとするも、優柔不断で逃げられて…。 そんな失敗続きで、人生に嫌気がさしていた彼の元に、マッカーサー・フェロー賞(別名“天才賞”)を受賞した知らせが届く。 大金と名誉を手に入れた彼は、人生をやり直そうとそのすべてを注ぎ込んだ、一世一代のプロジェクトを実行する。 それは、自分の頭の中に思い描いた理想のニューヨークを本物のニューヨークの中にもう一つ作り、誰も見たことのない舞台を上演する事だった。
間違って友だちのノートを持ち帰ってしまった少年が、ノートを返そうと隣村へと走る! キアロスタミ監督の名を世界的なものにした作品で、通称“ジグザグ道3部作”と呼ばれる作品の第1作。
Set in South Carolina in 1964, this is the tale of Lily Owens a 14 year-old girl who is haunted by the memory of her late mother. To escape her lonely life and troubled relationship with her father, Lily flees with Rosaleen, her caregiver and only friend, to a South Carolina town that holds the secret to her mother's past.
1971年、若い夫婦と5人の娘のペロン一家は、ロードアイランド州ハリスヴィルの田舎にある、いささか古いが屋敷のように広い部屋を持つ一軒家を購入した。念願のマイホーム購入を喜ぶペロン一家であったが、入居した翌日から奇怪な現象が次々と発生するようになる。 ついに娘たちにもその危害が及ぶに至って、ペロン夫妻の妻キャロリンは、超常現象研究家夫妻として名高いウォーレン夫妻に助けを求める。夫のエドはカトリック教会が唯一公認した非聖職者の悪魔研究家であり、妻のロレインは透視能力を持っている。 ウォーレン夫妻の調査の結果、その一軒家には戦慄すべき血塗られた過去がある事が判明した。ウォーレン夫妻はペロン一家を救うべく尽力するが、霊力の強さと邪悪さはウォーレン夫妻の想像をはるかに超えるものであった。
One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his struggling chess club, his family and ultimately, himself.
A committed film director struggles to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among the cast and crew.
A week in the life of Paterson, a poet bus driver, and his wife Laura, a very creative artist, who live in Paterson, New Jersey, hometown of many famous poets and artists.