
Escape Route (1952)

DYNAMITE STORY of the FBI's roughest, toughest manhunt!

ジャンル : 犯罪, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 18分

演出 : Seymour Friedman, Peter Graham Scott
脚本 : John Baines


When nuclear scientists are kidnapped and smuggled behind the Iron Curtain, an FBI man and a British agent are assigned to catch the kidnappers.


George Raft
George Raft
Steve Rossi
Sally Gray
Sally Gray
Joan Miller
Clifford Evans
Clifford Evans
Michael Grand
Reginald Tate
Reginald Tate
Colonel Wilkes
Patricia Laffan
Patricia Laffan
Irma Brookes
Frederick Piper
Frederick Piper
Inspector Reid
Roddy Hughes
Roddy Hughes
June Ashley
June Ashley
Blonde Contact in Flat
John Warwick
John Warwick
Security Chief Brice (uncredited)


Seymour Friedman
Seymour Friedman
John Baines
John Baines
Peter Graham Scott
Peter Graham Scott
Fred Mannin
Fred Mannin
Humphrey Cull
Humphrey Cull
Clapper Loader
Eric Cass
Eric Cass
Boom Operator
Nicholas Phipps
Nicholas Phipps
Additional Dialogue


00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
ソビエト連邦情報機関の最高幹部会議は、西側の情報機関に打撃を与えるため、スメルシュの手によってイギリス秘密情報部の情報部員ジェームズ・ボンドをはずかしめて殺すことに決定した。チェスのモスクワ選手権タイトル保持者でスメルシュ企画課長のクロンスティーンが立てた計画に基づき、第2課長ローザ・クレッブ大佐は、タチアナ・ロマノーヴァ伍長を囮に仕立てた。 ボンドに夢中になったソ連職員タチアナが、暗号解読器「スペクター」を手土産に亡命を望んでいるという連絡が入り、ボンドはイスタンブルへ派遣された。首尾よくタチアナと解読器を確保したボンドは、夫婦を装いオリエント急行に乗り込んで国外脱出を図るが、そこにはスメルシュの放った刺客グラントが待っていた。
アメリカ人大学生のデビッドとジャックは三か月の休暇中イギリスでの気ままなヒッチハイクを楽しんでいた。ヒッチハイクで乗り込んだ車を、何もないど田舎の途中で降ろされて近場の町まで歩くことになってしまう。 日が落ち雨も降る中荒れ地を歩くうち闇夜に紛れてみたこともない恐ろしい大きな野獣に襲われジャックはかみ殺されデビッドもかみ殺される寸前で野獣は村人に射殺され命を救われる。 病院で目を覚まし療養していたデビッドだが、その夜からおかしな夢をみるようになりだんだんと不安にかられるようになってゆく。 そんな不安定なデビッドのまえに突然死んだはずのデビッドが、野獣にかみ殺されたままの無残な姿で現れこう警告する。 「俺たちを襲ったのは狼男だった。狼男に殺されると魂は呪われ永遠にさまよい続ける。お前は狼男の血を継いだ。呪いの系譜が立たれないと殺されたものは解放されない。お前は今すぐ死ぬべきだ」 警告を信じないで無視し続けるデビッドであったが、満月の夜、デビッドは耐え難い痛みとともに恐ろしい獣の姿に変貌し新たな狼男の犠牲者を作り始めるのだった。
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son
FBI agent Malcolm Turner and his 17-year-old son, Trent, go undercover at an all-girls performing arts school after Trent witnesses a murder. Posing as Big Momma and Charmaine, they must find the murderer before he finds them.
FBI agent Malcolm Turner goes back undercover as Big Momma, a slick-talking, slam-dunking Southern granny with attitude to spare! Now this granny must play nanny to three dysfunctional upper class kids in order to spy on their computer hacked dad.
FBI捜査官ケビン・コープランド(ショーン・ウェイアンズ)、マーカス・コープランド(マーロン・ウェイアンズ)兄弟は捜査上の失敗をくりかえし、もはや解雇寸前のところまで追い込まれていた。 上司のエリオット・ゴードン(フランキー・フェイゾン)は、誰もやりたがらない任務を買って出たコープランド兄弟に最後のチャンスをあたえる。それはクルーズ運行会社の超わがまま令嬢ブリトニー・ウィルソン(メイトランド・フォード)、ティファニー・ウィルソン(アン・デュデク)姉妹を誘拐犯から守る警護任務だったのだが、警護中に起こした交通事故でウィルソン姉妹の顔に傷を負わせてしまう。 ウィルソン姉妹は「こんな顔じゃ、外に出られない」とホテルにこもり、失敗をとりつくろうとするコープランド兄弟は女装をしてウィルソン姉妹になりすますのだった。
ソ連国内でアメリカ製の半導体チップを持ち出した003が雪原で遭難。遺体から半導体チップを回収したボンドはソ連軍に追われるが、スキー&スノーボードで振り切って任務を果たす。 003の死体から発見されたのはマイクロチップ。このチップは従来のものと違い、核爆発で発生する強力な磁気にも対抗できるものだった。製造元のゾリン産業が怪しいとにらんだ英国情報部はボンドにゾリンの内偵を命じる。そこでボンドはチップの製造元であるゾリン社を調査する。 社長のマックス・ゾリンが所有する常勝の競走馬を調査するうちに、その馬からはマイクロチップに制御されたステロイド供給装置が見つかる。ゾリンを追ってサンフランシスコに潜入したボンドは彼がシリコンバレーを壊滅させ、マイクロチップ市場を独占しようとしていることを知る。
核ミサイルを搭載した英潜水艦「レンジャー」とソ連潜水艦「ポチョムキン」が突如消息を絶った。調査を命ぜられたボンドはエジプト・カイロへ飛び、そこで同じ目的でソ連が派遣したKGBの女スパイ、アニヤと出会う。 共同で任務に当たるが、事件の直前、オーストリアでボンドに差し向けられ、返り討ちにあったソ連の殺し屋が彼女の恋人だった。「この任務が終わったら、あなたを殺すわ」そう言われたボンドは彼女と共にアメリカ海軍の潜水艦に乗り込み、怪しいとにらんだストロンバーグ海運のタンカーに接近する。 ストロンバーグは米ソを核攻撃し、世界を壊滅させ、海の世界を作ろうとしていた…。


The Blue Parrot
'Rocks' Owen, the well-off owner of a car-hire business, is found murdered; the last place he was seen alive was the Blue Parrot nightclub. Scotland Yard go in to investigate, with the help of a visiting American detective and a nightclub hostess who may not be all she appears to be.
The Busy Body
Sid Caesar is a bumbling gopher to a mob boss who must recover a fortune in cash stowed in the suit of a corpse.
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Windom's Way
A doctor's sophisticated wife joins him at his remote Asian practice to try and patch up their marriage. Increasingly violent friction between local rubber plantation workers and the authorities force both parties to make decisions.
A Touch of Love
Intellectually driven doctoral student Rosamund Stacey, while undertaking graduate work at the British Museum, becomes pregnant after a brief affair with a television newsreader. Against the advice of her best friend, Lydia, Rosamund chooses to keep the baby and adjusts her life to include both her studies and her pregnancy. However, when the baby is born, an unforeseen complication threatens the self-sufficient life Rosamund plans for herself.
It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.
Road Movie
Gil and Hank are two independent truckers who run into problems when they are forced to pay off traffic managers to get loads. They also have to pay off highway cops when their rigs are overweight and bank loans but consider themselves lucky just to be able to keep up the interest payments. Add to that a small, frizzy-wigged highway hooker named Janice, who tempts them with her lurid charms.
Serious Charge
Howard Phillips, a vicar who's new in the town of Bellington, wants to reach out to youth. The previous vicar's daughter, Hester Peters, who fears being a spinster, wants to be his wife. He tells her he's not interested. When he confronts a tough kid about something the youth has done, the lad sets out to frame the vicar. Hester, who's walked in on the confrontation, backs the youth's story. The town sides with her and the lad, turning against Phillips. He has a crisis of faith. What options does he have; can no one help him, his reputation, or his calling?
Second Fiddle
Deborah and Charles, young executives at the thriving Pontifex Advertising Agency, are very much in love. Deborah is recognised by her employers as the most brilliant TV executive in the country, while Charles is regarded as 'thoroughly reliable'. But there is one hard-and-fast rule at the agency: the board of directors will not allow any married women on their staff; as soon as a girl marries, she must resign!
Boys Will Be Boys
Alec Smart, who is engaged teaching in a prison, applies for the job of headmaster at a nearby public school to replace the previous headmaster who has been convicted of writing forged cheques and has just been sent to prison. Smart appeals to the Governor to write him a good reference which he pretends to. Afterwards he writes his real recommendation which is very negative about Smart's talents. The trustee who works as the Governor's secretary, Faker Brown, "accidentally" gets the two letters mixed up and delivers the one praising Smart. On the basis of the letter, Lady Dorking, the who runs the Board of Governors appoints Smart to the job. This angers her deputy, Colonel Crableigh, who had favoured promoting his nephew, the Deputy head.
The Story of Shirley Yorke
Nurse Shirley Yorke must assist her boss Dr Napier, the only person able of effecting a new treatment on the ailing wife of a British Lord. The woman dies and the finger is very strongly pointed at Sister Shirley because she and the Lord were former lovers.
The Force on Thunder Mountain
Thunder Mountain somewhere in the American wilderness, has a reputation that has scared away travellers, both white and Indian, for hundreds of years. Undaunted by the ghost stories surrounding the mountain, a father decides it's just the place for him and his son to go camping and do a little bonding. Strange voices and stranger footprints around their campground try to warn the pair away, but Dad is unconcerned and blithely pushes on. Eventually, however, the two come face to face with the force standing guard over this forbidden mountain.
Forbidden Cargo
Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
In this thriller, two gangs of jewel thieves battle it out in a deserted cottage. Murder ensues when the owners of the cabin show up. Listed as lost by the BFI.
Guilt Is My Shadow
A woman is haunted by her conscience after she murders a man and then hides the body. Based on the novel 'You're Best Alone' by Norah Lofts.
An American realtor living in England is dissatisfied with what he believes to be his humdrum life. One weekend while his wife is out of town, he gives a ride to a woman he sees stranded on the road. One thing leads to another, and he soon finds himself enmeshed in a plot involving a diamond robbery, gangsters and murder.
The Darwin Conspiracy
The frozen body of a prehistoric, but super-advanced, human leads scientists to start covert DNA experiments for the development of a new race of super beings.
Castle Sinister
During the War, a British agent travels to the remote Glennye Castle in the wilds of Scotland to investigate a mysterious murder by a masked phantom. Who or what is the phantom? And how are the Germans involved?
Kill Me Tomorrow
A reporter who needs cash for his son's operation is paid by a smuggler to take a murder rap.
Catch Us If You Can
Dinah is a famous model and actress who is getting tired of life in the limelight and wants to take a break. While shooting a commercial spot for meat, she meets Steve, a stuntman. Dinah and Steve hit it off and decide to head to an island to get away from it all, bringing along four of Steve's friends. Before long, Dinah is reported missing and everyone is looking for her, making their getaway anything but tranquil.