
The Man Without a Name (1932)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Gustav Ucicky



Werner Krauß
Werner Krauß
Heinrich Martin
Mathias Wieman
Mathias Wieman
Dr. Alfred Sander
Maria Bard
Maria Bard
Grete Schulze, Stenotypistin
Hertha Thiele
Hertha Thiele
Helene Martin, Heinrichs und Eva-Marias Tochter
Julius Falkenstein
Julius Falkenstein
Julius ‚Jule‘ Hanke
Fritz Grünbaum
Fritz Grünbaum
Anwalt Gablinsky
Eduard von Winterstein
Eduard von Winterstein
Max Gülstorff
Max Gülstorff
Hans Brausewetter
Hans Brausewetter
Referendar Müller
Ernst Behmer
Ernst Behmer
Alfred Beierle
Alfred Beierle
Gerhard Bienert
Gerhard Bienert
Beamter im Zentralnachweisamt für Kriegsvermisste
Heinrich Schroth
Heinrich Schroth
Bürovorsteher der Martin-Werke
Helene Thimig
Helene Thimig
Eva-Maria Martin
Carl Ballhaus
Carl Ballhaus
Hermann Picha
Hermann Picha


Gustav Ucicky
Gustav Ucicky
Honoré de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac
Robert Liebmann
Robert Liebmann


The Island of Thirty Coffins
The story takes place in 1917. Véronique is a young woman of 35 years, nurse at the military hospital of Besançon. She suddenly learns of the murder of her husband, the mysterious Count Vorski, whom she has not seen for fourteen years. Her research will also lead her to the track of her father and son whom she believed to have died in a shipwreck, already a long time ago. From clue to clue, here we are in Brittany, on this island with a name so ill-fitting... Brutal deaths, enigmatic words written... by whom? A frightening prophecy, the superstitious terror of the island's inhabitants, and suddenly, Veronica d'Hergemont can no longer leave this island. She's stuck alone. Almost alone...
France, WWI. Landru, the father of four Children, contacts Parisian women through newspapers, seduces and eventually kills them in order to feed his little family.
Secret Agent
After three British agents are assigned to assassinate a mysterious German spy during World War I, two of them become ambivalent when their duty to the mission conflicts with their consciences.
『アメリ』のジャン・ピエール・ジュネ監督とオドレイ・トトゥが再び組んだ、重厚で純粋な愛の物語。第一次世界大戦で兵士となり、行方不明となった恋人マネクを、自らの直感を頼りに探し求める女性マチルドの姿が描かれる。原作はフランスの著名なミステリー作家、故セバスチャン・シャプリゾによる1991年の作品。 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 美術賞 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 撮影賞
Appointment in Bray
In 1917, the First World War is raging. Julien is from Luxemburg, so instead of having to go to war he studies piano in Paris. One day his friend Jacques, also a musician and now a fighter pilot on the front, invites him to spend a few days in his family's empty house in Bray. The housekeeper, a beautiful stoic woman lets Julien in, but his friend is late and he is obliged to wait. In the meantime, he starts reminiscing of the pre-war days spent with his friend and Jacques' girlfriend Odile.
The Big Parade
The story of an idle rich boy who joins the US Army's Rainbow Division and is sent to France to fight in World War I, becomes friends with two working class men, experiences the horrors of trench warfare, and finds love with a French girl.
Harry is a young millionaire on holiday; he takes his yacht to a Greek island, and stays in the mansion of his friend...
第一次大戦下の東アフリカ。船長チャーリーと宣教師の妹ローズを乗せた蒸気船“アフリカの女王”号は河を下っていくが、彼らの行く手には激流や大瀑布、そしてドイツの戦艦が待ち受けていた! C・S・フォレスターの冒険小説を、H・ボガートとK・ヘプバーンという見事なキャスティングでJ・ヒューストンが映画化した傑作ロマン活劇。
チャップリンがアドルフ・ヒトラーの独裁政治を批判した作品で、ヒトラーとナチズムに対して非常に大胆に非難と風刺をしつつ、ヨーロッパにおけるユダヤ人の苦況をコミカルながらも生々しく描き、ニューヨーク映画批評家協会賞で主演男優賞を受賞した。 またこの作品は、チャップリン映画初の完全トーキー作品でもある。 1918年の第一次大戦末期、トメニアのユダヤ人一兵卒チャーリーは飛行機事故で記憶を失い入院する。それから数年後のトメニアは独裁者アデノイド・ヒンケルの天下で、ユダヤ人掃討の真っ最中。そんな折、退院したチャーリーは生まれ育ったユダヤ人街で元の床屋の職に戻る。親衛隊の傍若無人ぶり、特にそれが恋人ハンナに及ぶに至り、彼は勇猛果敢かつ抱腹絶倒のレジスタンスを開始。それがどういうわけかヒンケル総統の替え玉を演じさせられることになり……。
A Farewell to Arms
An English nurse and an American soldier on the Italian front during World War I fall in love, but the horrors surrounding them test their romance to the limit.
The Woman from Monte Carlo
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
The Great Meaulnes
A coming-of-age story set in France in the years leading up to World War I. Two teenage boys experience love, loss, anguish and betrayal in a rural setting of great beauty.
Sinking of the Lusitania
The story of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 after she was torpedoed off the Irish coast. The story is told from the perspective of Prof. Holbourn (a passenger), the German U-boat and its captain and crew, and other passengers, crew and Admiralty staff
Devil in the Flesh
In France during World War I, Marthe waits for her husband, Jacques, while he fights on the front lines. Marthe then begins a tempestuous affair with 17-year-old François, with whom she had a dalliance before marrying Jacques. Jealous François struggles with the fact that Marthe is married, while she tries to prove her devotion to her young, hotheaded lover. Things become even more complex when Marthe becomes pregnant with Jacques' baby.
A soldier returns to Kyiv after surviving a train crash and encounters clashes between nationalists and collectivists.