
アフリカの女王 (1952)

The greatest adventure a man ever lived… with a woman!

ジャンル : アドベンチャー, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 45分

演出 : John Huston
脚本 : James Agee, John Huston


第一次大戦下の東アフリカ。船長チャーリーと宣教師の妹ローズを乗せた蒸気船“アフリカの女王”号は河を下っていくが、彼らの行く手には激流や大瀑布、そしてドイツの戦艦が待ち受けていた! C・S・フォレスターの冒険小説を、H・ボガートとK・ヘプバーンという見事なキャスティングでJ・ヒューストンが映画化した傑作ロマン活劇。


Humphrey Bogart
Humphrey Bogart
Charlie Allnut
Katharine Hepburn
Katharine Hepburn
Rose Sayer
Robert Morley
Robert Morley
The Brother
Peter Bull
Peter Bull
Captain of Louisa
Theodore Bikel
Theodore Bikel
First Officer
Walter Gotell
Walter Gotell
Second Officer
Peter Swanwick
Peter Swanwick
First Officer of Shona
Richard Marner
Richard Marner
Second Officer of Shona


John Huston
John Huston
Sam Spiegel
Sam Spiegel
John Woolf
John Woolf
Jack Cardiff
Jack Cardiff
Director of Photography
Ralph Kemplen
Ralph Kemplen
Wilfred Shingleton
Wilfred Shingleton
Art Direction
Connie De Pinna
Connie De Pinna
Costume Design
Doris Langley Moore
Doris Langley Moore
Costume Design
Cliff Richardson
Cliff Richardson
Special Effects
Kevin McClory
Kevin McClory
Boom Operator
Allan Gray
Allan Gray
Original Music Composer
John W. Mitchell
John W. Mitchell
Sound Recordist
Eric Wood
Eric Wood
Sound Editor
George Frost
George Frost
Makeup Artist
Bill Herlihy
Bill Herlihy
Third Assistant Director
Desmond Davis
Desmond Davis
Clapper Loader
C. S. Forester
C. S. Forester
Edward Scaife
Edward Scaife
Second Unit Director of Photography
Leigh Aman
Leigh Aman
Production Manager
Guy Hamilton
Guy Hamilton
Assistant Director
John Hoesli
John Hoesli
Assistant Art Director
Ted Moore
Ted Moore
Camera Operator
Eileen Bates
Eileen Bates
Vi Murray
Vi Murray
Wardrobe Master
Angela Allen
Angela Allen
T.S. Lyndon-Haynes
T.S. Lyndon-Haynes
Production Manager
James Agee
James Agee
John Huston
John Huston
Norman del Mar
Norman del Mar


Adrift: People of a Lesser God
ADRIFT- People of a Lesser God is the story of an incredible odyssey made by several-times Pulitzer Prize-nominated undercover reporter Dominique C. Mollard. In this gripping story, Mollard sails with 38 African migrants, among them a five-month-old baby, out of West Africa on a quest to reach the golden shores of Europe. All aboard are packed together like sardines in a leaky fishing canoe as they set off under full moon on their harrowing journey. ADRIFT-People of a Lesser God captures the struggle of these desperate migrants as they brave their way across the cold Atlantic, risking their lives in search for a better future. —Ziad H. Hamzeh
The Ladder
In the twilight of his life, an aging Alaskan fisherman must decide between accepting old age or restarting his life with a mysterious new scientific procedure.
Guerre aux images en Algérie
The Youngest Evangelist
Based on a True Story, we journey back to 1980 to see John King, a 10yr old African American boy, see his mother experience the Joy of Salvation, after witnessing her endure domestic violence, to then desire and experience Salvation deeply for himself. He then begins a hard journey and increases in his love for God, which results in him answering the call to Evangelism. See him in his everyday life, at home, school, church, and play, as he learns the importance of being obedient and respecting his parents, teachers, and elders by facing the consequences of his actions. The underline story is a true return to core parenting by introducing our youth to the Lord at a young age. Other short cross sub-stories involve using wisdom dealing with a dreaded disease, the lack of respect for our public school educators, and the irreplaceable benefits of continuing to offer music/band programs in schools.
Juju Stories
Juju Stories tackles juju in contemporary Lagos through three stories. In Love Potion, by Omonua, an unmarried woman agrees to use juju to find herself an ideal mate. In Yam, by Makama, consequences arise when a street urchin picks up seemingly random money from the roadside. In Suffer the Witch, by Obasi, love and friendship turns into obsession, when a young college woman attracts her crush's interest.
The cry of the Suquía River
THE CRY OF THE SUQUÍA RIVER is a documentary that runs through the Suquía River, a river that is part of the identity of the city of córdoba, in argentina. We decided to embark on a boat trip crossing a 32 km path that allows us at each stop, to connect with life experiences on various socio-environmental realities.
L'offensive française sur la Somme
The Fair Trade
The feature documentary The Fair Trade tells the story of Tamara Johnston who, devastated by the tragic death of her fiance, makes a bargain with God in exchange for a meaningful life. She and her twin sister Shelby join forces with brother-in-law Steven to start one of the first fair trade skincare companies—Anti-Body. Even as Tamara becomes a successful activist for human rights and social justice causes, despair over her loss remains unabated. As she nears the deadline of her bargain, a trip to Africa allows her to visit the fair trade co-op from which Anti-Body buys its organic shea butter. There, she finds a surprising answer to what is required of her in exchange for a sustainable life.
In the waters of the Vistula, the myth of Warsaw is born...
Rockglen, SA
The Lacosse family goes on a roadtrip to Rockglen, SA.
Young People Ask
Two young men spend an ordinary weekend together as Jehovah's Witnesses in the historic industry town of Trail, British Columbia. They eat junk food, play video games, watch movies, drink energy drinks, go out in the Ministry, then go their separate ways towards the silence of living. In that silence they contend with the hidden realities of their lives and feelings.
Daniel Timsit, l’Algérien
Hug me dad
Sara runs for an eco the same day she notices something different on her left breast. Timing and readiness might save her life besides a happy event that comes as a blessing in her life between good friday and easter day, will she be able to win the battle against this silent killer?
Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers
A theatrical event combining a Christmas special episode of The Chosen titled, “The Messengers,” and a night of music and Christmas celebration with some of CCM’s biggest names.
Russen und Deutsche - Sieben historische Wendepunkte
Crushed Wings
Ria, a seven-year-old girl growing up in a village, is led by her mother to a place where a group of women from her community await her. Here she is mutilated by an unqualified cutter, who completes the cultural FGM-ritual that ensures she will one day be taken as a wife. The child, once old enough, goes on to be forcibly married and moved away from her family to the England. Eventually, Ria seeks help in escaping the life she is trapped in, but the life of her two younger sisters hang in the balance. Can she change her elders' minds and prevent them from being led down the same path? Or will they become three more of 200 million women across the globe whose wings have been crushed by FGM?
The Girl of Water
Mariona realizes the distance formed between her and her friends when they go on an excursion together to the river pool they used to visit when they were kids.
His Forgotten Wife
During the World War, Donald Allen is reported killed in action but is really a victim of amnesia. His French nurse, Suzanne, gives him a new identity, and they marry.
A Fishes' Recall
Aníbal, an old fisherman, returns to Nueva Venecia, a village of stilt houses in the heart of the Ciénaga del Magdalena, on the Colombian Caribbean coast, from which he escaped many years ago after a massacre. Sick and exhausted, he has to reconnect with his past in order to reconcile with his memory of pain.


The End of Poverty?
The End of Poverty? asks if the true causes of poverty today stem from a deliberate orchestration since colonial times which has evolved into our modern system whereby wealthy nations exploit the poor. People living and fighting against poverty answer condemning colonialism and its consequences; land grab, exploitation of natural resources, debt, free markets, demand for corporate profits and the evolution of an economic system in in which 25% of the world's population consumes 85% of its wealth. Featuring Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, authors/activist Susan George, Eric Toussaint, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and more.
Unhappily married Richard Mason concocts a meticulous scheme to kill his shrewish wife so that he'll be free to marry her sister.
Sabine vows to give up married lovers, and is determined to find a good husband. Her best friend Clarisse introduces her to her cousin Edmond, a busy lawyer from Paris. Sabine pursues Edmond, with the encouragement of Clarisse, but Edmond does not seem very interested.
1925年のメキシコ。黄金探しに夢をかける老人ハワードと出会い、金鉱掘りに乗り出したアメリカ人のドブズとカーティン。運良く砂金を発見する3人だが、いつしか強欲な本性を現したドブズが仲間の裏切りを疑い始める。 黄金をめぐる男たちの欲望と葛藤をジョン・ヒューストン監督が骨太に描いた力作。アカデミー監督賞、脚色賞を受賞したほか、ハワードを演じた、名優で監督の父・ウォルターが助演男優賞に輝いた。
In a Lonely Place
An aspiring actress begins to suspect that her temperamental and mentally impaired boyfriend is a murderer.
This drama centers on Hank Chinaski, the fictional alter-ego of "Factotum" author Charles Bukowski, who wanders around Los Angeles, CA trying to live off jobs which don't interfere with his primary interest, which is writing. Along the way, he fends off the distractions offered by women, drinking and gambling.
Key Largo
A hurricane swells outside, but it's nothing compared to the storm within the hotel at Key Largo. There, sadistic mobster Johnny Rocco holes up - and holds at gunpoint hotel owner James Temple, his widowed daughter-in-law Nora, and ex-GI Frank McCloud.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.
Ro-Man, an alien robot who greatly resembles a gorilla in a diving helmet, is sent to earth to destroy all human life. Ro-Man falls in love with one of the last six remaining humans, and struggles to understand how his programming can instruct him to kill her while his heart demands that he can't.
ホワイトハンター ブラックハート
Renowned filmmaker John Wilson travels to Africa to direct a new movie, but constantly leaves to hunt elephants and other game, to the dismay of his cast and crew. He eventually becomes obsessed with hunting down and killing one specific elephant.
Marjorie Prime
A service which creates holographic projections of late family members allows an elderly woman to spend time with a younger version of her deceased husband.
The Asphalt Jungle
Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.
テリーは元ボクサーだが、落ちぶれた今は波止場で荷役をする日雇い労働者であった。テリーがボクサーをやめることになったのは、ギャングの一味である兄のチャーリーの指示で八百長をやってしまったからだったのである。 不幸にも、八百長試合の相手のウィルソンはタイトル戦に挑戦するまでのボクサーになった。 テリーはある日、地元のギャングであるジョニーの命令で、古い友人を呼び出し、結果的に殺害に関与してしまう。
田舎暮らしをするお人好しクーパーのもとに、莫大な遺産が転がり込んだ! しかしクーパーの穏やかな生活は一転、お金目当ての連中やマスコミに追いかけられる毎日が始まる……。社会風刺を小気味良くちりばめた、ヒューマン・コメディの傑作。