
Target... Earth? (1980)

Is Earth Worth Saving?

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, サイエンスフィクション

上映時間 : 1時間 35分

演出 : Joost Van Rees


Really strange documentary of Wheeler Dixon production quality on the Tunguska Event and the possibility of it happening again causing an apocalypse (basically a meteor scare film) sprinkled with UFO conspiracy kooks, and other 'professionals', riddled with stock footage of all kinds, freaky moog music and sound fx, a Dr. Who rip-off end theme, Victor Buono as Homer the Archivist, a philosophical history recorder in a space ship with a HAL 9000 type talking computer named Ino, there's also another space ship with Egyptian looking aliens girls with pasties and see-thru blouses.


Victor Buono
Victor Buono
Homer The Archivist
Rick Overton
Rick Overton
Ino The Computer (voice)
Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Eugene Cernan
Eugene Cernan
Self (archive footage)
Bernard J. Carr
Bernard J. Carr
Self (as Dr. Bernard Carr)
Frank Drake
Frank Drake
Self (as Dr. Frank Drake)
Ronald E. Evans
Ronald E. Evans
Self (archive footage)


Joost Van Rees
Joost Van Rees
Iris Van Rees
Iris Van Rees


Alien Overlords
A man learns about alien agendas from a dying agent and feels compelled to warn the world about the impending danger.
1957年、アメリカはメイン州の小さな町。頭がよくて想像力豊かな9歳のホガースは、ある日、好奇心旺盛な金属を食べる巨大ロボットと出会う。2人は仲良くなるが、ロボットの噂が町の人々の間に広まり大混乱が巻き起こる。<英国桂冠詩人のテッド・ヒューズが記した「アイアン・マン」を、ブラッド・バード監督がアニメーション化。金属を食べる巨大ロボット“アイアン・ジャイアント”と、一人の少年との心の交流を通 して“真の友人とは何か?”を問いかける。>
カラー・アウト・オブ・スペース -遭遇-
恐怖小説やSF小説の先駆者H・P・ラブクラフトの「ザ・カラー・アウト・オブ・スペース(宇宙からの色/異次元の色彩)」をニコラス・ケイジ主演で映画化したSFホラー。ネイサン・ガードナーと妻のテレサは子どもたちとともに大都会の喧噪から逃れるため、閑静な田舎に移住してきた。しかし、前庭に隕石が激突して以来、一家の生活は心と体に影響を及ぼす地球外変異体との戦いに明け暮れ、理想としていた静かな田舎暮らしは悪夢へと変わってしまう。ケイジがネイサン役を演じるほか、ネイサンの妻テレサ役を「レッド・スパロー」のジョエリー・リチャードソン、長女ラヴィニア役を「ビッグ・アイズ」「好きだった君へ P.S.まだ大好きです」のマデリン・アーサーがそれぞれ演じる。監督は「ハードウェア」「ダスト・デビル」のリチャード・スタンリー。
A TransSiberian train journey from China to Moscow becomes a thrilling chase of deception and murder when an American couple encounters a mysterious pair of fellow travelers.
グリーンランド -地球最後の2日間-
希少な最高純度のブルーダイヤモンドの取引のためにロシア・サンクトペテルブルクを訪れた、宝石商のルーカス・ヒル(キアヌ・リーヴス)。ところが、ダイヤを所持していたビジネスパートナーのピョートルとの連絡が途絶え、ルーカスは伝言を便りに彼を追ってシベリアへと飛ぶ。親密になった現地のカフェの女主人カティアを巻き込み、苦労の末にダイヤを見つけ出すが、それは巧妙に作られた偽物だった。期日が近づき、取引相手のロシアンマフィアの手が迫るなか、果たしてルーカスは一世一代の取引を成功させることはできるのか…!?©2018 MARS TOWN FILM LIMITED
ハロウィン5 ブギーマン逆襲
Presumed dead after a shoot-out with the Haddonfield police, Michael Myers is secretly nursed back to health — and returns a year later to kill again and once more targets his young niece, Jamie. Jamie is now recovering in the local children's hospital after attacking her stepmother and losing her voice. Her mental link with her evil uncle may be the key to uprooting her family tree.
The Blob
A drive-in favorite, this sci-fi classic follows teenagers Steve and his best girl, Jane, as they try to protect their hometown from a gelatinous alien life form that engulfs everything it touches. The first to discover the substance and live to tell about it, Steve and Jane witness the blob destroying an elderly man, then it growing to a terrifying size. But no one else has seen the goo, and policeman Dave refuses to believe the kids without proof.
Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers
Area 51, flying saucers from another world - and the program to create a fierce technology. Bob Lazar remains the singular most famous and controversial name in the world of UFOs. The reason you know about Area 51 is because Lazar came forward and told you about it. His disclosures have turned his life upside-down and he has tried to stay out of the spotlight. For this reason, he has never let any filmmaker into the private world of his daily life - that is - until now. Corbell’s film explores Lazar’s claims through the lens of thirty years - providing rare and never before revealed footage - guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was a belligerent, trailer park-raised eight-year-old. Now, blasting Van Halen in his jacked-up economy car, the irrepressibly optimistic Joe hits the road alone in search of his folks.
It Came from Outer Space
Author & amateur astronomer John Putnam and schoolteacher Ellen Fields witness an enormous meteorite come down near a small town in Arizona, but Putnam becomes a local object of scorn when, after examining the object up close, he announces that it is a spacecraft, and that it is inhabited...
シベリア女収容所 悪魔のリンチ集団
Siberia 1953: Ilsa is now working in a Gulag prison camp. Her mission is to "retrain the minds" of those who don't agree with the communists.
Mysterious and unearthly deaths start to occur while Professor Saxton is transporting the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he found in Manchuria back to Europe.
Space Mutiny
A pilot is the only hope to stop the mutiny of a spacecraft by its security crew, who plot to sell the crew of the ship into slavery.