
Wallander 02 - The Village Idiot (2005)

ジャンル : 犯罪, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 32分

演出 : Jørn Faurschou
脚本 : Petra Revenue


In the second film with Krister Henriksson as Kurt Wallander, a man enters a bank and threatens to blow it up in the air unless his demands are met. Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed commissioner has the assistance of daughter Linda, newly graduated police officer, and criminal inspector Stefan Lindman.


Krister Henriksson
Krister Henriksson
Kurt Wallander
Johanna Sällström
Johanna Sällström
Linda Wallander
Ola Rapace
Ola Rapace
Stefan Lindman
Angela Kovács
Angela Kovács
Anna-Britt Höglund
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Chatarina Larsson
Chatarina Larsson
Lisa Holgersson
Douglas Johansson
Douglas Johansson
Mats Bergman
Mats Bergman
Stina Ekblad
Stina Ekblad
Marianne Mörck
Marianne Mörck
Anders Ekborg
Anders Ekborg
Göran / Bror
Amanda Ooms
Amanda Ooms
Henriette Leike
Johan Rabaeus
Johan Rabaeus
Eric Leike
Linus Jardert
Linus Jardert
David Leike
Toni Rhodin
Toni Rhodin
Michael Sandell
Anette Lindbäck
Anette Lindbäck
Petra Brylander
Petra Brylander
Mathilda Johansson


Petra Revenue
Petra Revenue
Henning Mankell
Henning Mankell
Jørn Faurschou
Jørn Faurschou
Adam Nordén
Adam Nordén
Original Music Composer
Peter Mokrosinski
Peter Mokrosinski
Director of Photography
Hélène Berlin
Hélène Berlin
Louise Gylling
Louise Gylling
Production Design
Gabriella Ekman
Gabriella Ekman
Costume Design
Kimmo Rajala
Kimmo Rajala
Stunt Coordinator
Lars Björkman
Lars Björkman
Peter Bose
Peter Bose
Executive Producer
Jenny Gilbertsson
Jenny Gilbertsson
Executive Producer
Ole Søndberg
Ole Søndberg
Mikael Hansson
Mikael Hansson
Tusse Lande
Tusse Lande
Mikael Hansson
Mikael Hansson
First Assistant Director


Hitch Hike
A bickering couple driving cross-country pick up a murderous hitchhiker who threatens to kill them unless they take him to a sanctuary. In return he agrees to split some bank loot he has on him.
何一つ不自由のない暮らしで、奨学金も給付され大学に進学。その後も安定した生活を送っていた19歳のエミリー・ローズはある日の晩、大学寮で眠っていたところ奇妙な現象に襲われる。真夜中の午前3時、焦げ臭い匂いで目を覚ました彼女は突如として何かに押さえつけられるようにしてもがき苦しみだしたのだ。 その後、彼女には幻覚、幻聴が起こるようになる。そして遂には発狂してしまう。医学的治療を行なっても治る兆しを一向に見せない彼女は、それらを悪魔の仕業だと確信。地元の地区神父であるムーア神父に助けを求める。神父も事態を重く見て彼女を救うべく、祈りによって悪魔との対決を試みた。しかし結果は失敗。エミリーは死亡してしまう。 悪魔の存在は信じられることなく、エミリーの死亡はムーア神父によるものと疑いをかけられてしまい、神父は裁判で裁かれることになる。弁護士のエリンはそんなムーア神父を救うべく奔走する。
退役を迎え、ハワイからアメリカ本土に最後の航海に出たアメリカ海軍戦艦「ミズーリ」。艦長のサプライズ誕生日パーティーと偽りヘリが着艦。しかしそのヘリには元CIAエージェント、ストラニクス率いるテロリスト一味が乗っていたのだ。副艦長・クリル中佐も仲間の一味で彼らを手引きしていた。クリル中佐は艦長を殺害、テロリストどもは他の乗員を船倉に監禁してしまう。彼らの目的は、艦に搭載されている核弾頭搭載トマホーク巡航ミサイルのブラックマーケットへの転売だった。 ただひとり難を逃れたのは、冷蔵庫に監禁されていたコック長のライバック兵曹のみ。しかし彼の正体は、元海軍特殊部隊「SEAL」の対テロ部隊の指揮官だった。彼は、ある作戦で部下が多数死傷し、当時の情報将校を殴打し降格処分になってしまった。それをアダムス艦長が不憫に思い、彼を自分の手元に置いてコック長という任務に就かせていたのである。 救出した同僚やケーキの中にいた女性ダンサーのジョーダン・テイトと共に、ライバックの反撃が始まる。
ある夏の午後、ショーバー一家は休暇を過ごすためにレンジローバーでクラシック音楽のクイズをしながら別荘に向かっていた。途中、隣人のベーリンガーと挨拶をかわす。そこには白いシャツと白いズボン、白い手袋を身に着けた2人組の見知らぬ男たちがいた。 別荘につくと妻アンナは夕食の支度に取りかかり、夫ゲオルクと息子は明日のセーリングの準備をはじめる。そこに、ベーリンガーの所にいた2人組の男のうちの1人が、卵がなくなったので譲ってほしいとアンナに話しかけてきた。 アンナはそれを受け入れて卵を渡すが、男は2度も落として割ってしまう。そして3度目の訪問時、態度を見かねたゲオルグに平手打ちを食わされた途端に男の態度は豹変し、近くにあったゴルフクラブでゲオルクの脚を殴りつけ、一家全員をソファーに縛り付ける。2人は悪びれた態度を微塵も見せず、くつろぐように家を占領し続けた。 夜になると、2人は一家に「明日の朝まで君たちが生きていられるか賭けをしないか?」と持ち掛ける。 こうして、残酷でおぞましいゲームの幕開けが告げられた。
シカゴ警察でトップの手腕を誇る人質交渉人ダニー・ローマン彼はある日、何物かの罠にはめられて、殺人罪と横領罪の濡れ衣を着せられてしまう。八方ふさがりの状況の中、彼に残された最後の手段それは警察ビルに人質をとって立てこもって時間を稼ぎ真犯人を突き止めることだった。 ダニーは、自分の交渉相手に、ほかの管轄区を担当する交渉人クリス・セイビアンを指名するが…。
ジョンQ -最後の決断-
An NYPD hostage negotiator teams up with a federal agent to rescue dozens of tourists held hostage during a 10-hour seige at the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Gladbeck: The Hostage Crisis
In August 1988, two armed bank robbers keep German police at bay for 54 hours during a hostage-taking drama that ends in a shootout and three deaths.
Toy Soldiers
After federal agents arrest a drug czar and put him on trial, the cartel leader's vicious son storms a prep school and takes its students hostage. They rebel against the armed intruders and try to take back their academy by any means necessary.
Hard Eight
A stranger mentors a young Reno gambler who weds a hooker and befriends a vulgar casino regular.
HELD FOR RANSOM tells the true story of Danish photojournalist Daniel Rye who was held hostage for 398 days in Syria by the terror organization ISIS along with several other foreign nationals including the American journalist, James Foley. The film follows Daniel’s struggle to survive in captivity, his friendship with James, and the nightmare of the Rye family back home in Denmark as they try to do everything in their power to save their son. At the center of this crisis, we find hostage negotiator, Arthur, who plays a pivotal role in securing Daniel’s release.
When an ambulatory TV news unit live broadcasts the embarrassing defeat of a police battalion by five bank robbers in a ballistic showdown, the credibility of the police force drops to a nadir. While on a separate investigation in a run-down building, detective Cheung discovers the hideout of the robbers. Cheung and his men have also entered the building, getting ready to take their foes out any minute. Meanwhile, in order to beat the media at its own game, Inspector Rebecca decides to turn the stakeout into a breaking news show.


Wallander 01 - Before The Frost
A fanatical sect is suspected to be behind some horrific violent crimes in Ystad. Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed commissioner receives assistance from her daughter Linda, a newly-graduated police officer, and criminal inspector Stefan Lindman. The first of 32 films with Krister Henriksson as the popular commissioner Kurt Wallander.
Wallander 08 - The Photographer
When an American tourist is found murdered after visiting an internationally renowned photographer, her husband believes she was having an affair. Kurt Wallander decides to investigate.
Wallander 11 - The Black King
Following an argument with her lover on her boat, a woman is found dead. Wallander and the Ystad police investigate; their inquiries lead them to a farm commune and to an old friend of Linda's.
Wallander 16 - Kuriren
After the murder of a motorcyclist, an investigation reveals that bikers are being used as drug couriers from Denmark to Sweden and that the killing was part of a cartel power struggle.
Wallander 14 - The Revenge
Kurt Wallander has bought a dream house by the sea, but his peace and quiet is soon shattered when a man is murdered and an explosion in one of Ystad's power grids shuts down the electricity in the whole city.
Wallander 03 - The Brothers
In the third Wallander film, starring Krister Henriksson, a bestial double murder is investigated in which the victims have been subjected to torture and where many point to the act of revenge. Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed commissioner has the assistance of daughter Linda, newly graduated police officer, and criminal inspector Stefan Lindman.
Wallander 04 - The Overdose
Krister Henriksson plays the lead role as Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed Commissioner Kurt Wallander at the Ystad Police. After a girl's suicide, they come across a tangle on the track that affects several girls at the same school, a case that deeply affects Linda Wallander. Linda's closest colleague is Detective Stefan Lindman.
Wallander 10 - The Castle Ruins
Kurt Wallander and the team are stumped when they find an old man, Greger Stehn, dead due to poisoning. It appears that Stehn, who looked like a vagrant, was in fact very wealthy.
Wallander 25 - The Collector
A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment. The trail leads to her indebted ex-boyfriend, a bouncer. In the investigation, the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous. Isabell carries around a dark secret: one of the suspects, in this case, has a means of pressure against her in her hand. Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman, whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance.
Wallander 32 - The Sad Bird
When a restauranteur is abducted, Wallander's investigation leads him to suspect the Malmö police might be involved.
Wallander 31 - The Arsonist
When an arsonist is released from prison, the villagers do not want him anywhere near them. Soon they take matters into their hands and Wallander has to investigate whether their fear is justified.
Wallander 17 - The Thief
Homes are being burgled in Ystad and three neighbors form their own vigilante group. Soon Wallander is convinced the group has committed a double murder, although no bodies have been found.
Wallander 24 - The Heritage
When Manfred Stjarne is stabbed to death outside the Brada cider factory his wife Claire has inherited - suspicion falls on Polish worker Jan Kowalski, with whose wife Manfred was having an affair, but Jan is found hanged - later evidence suggesting foul play. Benjamin Wilkes, an ex-psychologist who helped Manfred select redundancy candidates, is killed in the same way as Manfred, putting disgruntled ex-Brada employees in the frame, but a third slaying implicates a former patient of Wilkes, who has connections to the Stjarne family. A newly loved-up Isabelle and Pontius start to fool around whilst on surveillance, taking their eye off the ball and allowing this suspect to confront Claire.
Wallander 15 - Skulden (The Guilt)
When a young boy disappears from pre-school, Wallander joins a desperate search to find him. Suspicions immediately fall on a pedophile recently released from prison.
Wallander 26 - The Witness
A girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins.
Wallander 05 - The African
Kurt Wallander receives a murder case from the Polish police, it turns out that the victim was shot dead on board a train in Sweden. Most of his face is shot away and for Wallander personally the case gets an unexpected turn. His two closest police colleagues are the daughter Linda, newly graduated police officer, and criminal inspector Stefan Lindman.
Wallander 07 - The Trickster
While Kurt Wallander works on a murder case involving a charming yet evil horse dealer who plays on the vulnerability of lonely women, he finds himself romantically involved with a married woman.
Wallander 20 - The Leak
The seemingly random murder of a jogger in woodland and the detonation of car bombs in central Ystad are but diversions to busy the police whilst a security van are robbed of 15 million kroner. Isabelle and Portus witness this and give chase but are attacked by the criminals and hospitalized. Given the security firm's meticulous contingency plan Wallander suspects a leak from the inside and aims for Micke Sterner, a compulsive gambler and the only staff member to know the encoded transit schedules. But some private sleuthing by over-worked Svartman, who has found the robbers' den, and Wallander's suspicions of an ex-cop turned security officer with connections to the firm provide the real break-through.
Wallander 30 -  The Loss
A young woman is found dead in Ystad. When the police begin the case, they are told that the woman came from Moldova and that she worked as a prostitute in Sweden. Kurt, who leads the case, decides to seek out the woman's family in Moldova. When he returns to Sweden, he is involved in a car accident and takes a leave of absence from work. Around the same time, Kurt finds where his forgetfulness comes from.
Wallander 21 - The Sniper
When a small-time crook is killed by a sniper, Wallander and the Ystad police investigate. Meanwhile, trainee policeman Pontus is forced to reconsider his career.