
The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death (2015)

Hell will be Unleashed

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Israel Luna


A fun filled weekend turns deadly when a group of unsuspecting theatre goers are trapped inside, after a ravenous spirit is resurrected and released from a Ouija board. They must confront their most terrifying fears and destroy the spirit before it finds and kills them first.


Justin Armstrong
Justin Armstrong
Swisyzinna Moore
Israel Luna
Israel Luna
Ticket Taker
Nicole Holt
Nicole Holt
The Ghost
Gerald Crum
Gerald Crum
Jessica Willis
Jessica Willis
Elena Cooper
Eric Zettina
Eric Zettina
Ty Gibson
Eric Window
Eric Window
Eric Window


Israel Luna
Israel Luna
Israel Luna
Israel Luna
Tom Zembrod
Tom Zembrod
Israel Luna
Israel Luna
Stuart Alson
Stuart Alson
Executive Producer
Nicole Holland
Nicole Holland
Executive Producer


Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.
A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.
ウィジャ ビギニング ~呪い襲い殺す~
In 1965 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her two daughters add a new stunt to bolster their séance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home. When the youngest daughter is overtaken by the merciless spirit, this small family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side.
The Ouija Exorcism
In 1985 an exorcist locked a demonic spirit inside a Ouija board. Now, when his grandson stumbles upon the board game, the evil is unleashed and free to torment those responsible for its banishment.
ノーマンとクレアはごく普通のカップルのようです。 彼は遺伝学の教授であり、彼女は主婦です。 彼女の娘の大学退学によってクレアに残された空白は、奇妙な出来事が神秘的に家で発生し始めるので、彼女にとって二次的な関心事になりつつあります。 物体は落下し、ドアは自分で開き、誰も触れずにラジオをオンにします。クレアは家が霊に取りつかれていると考え、この奇妙な出来事を掘り下げることにします。
Ouija: Deadly Reunion
As some friends prepare a birthday party in a warehouse, Kay and best friend Noah find a Ouija board in a storage room. They try to contact the spirits of the dead, and strange things begin to happen.
Ouija House
A graduate student, who is trying to finish the last of her research on a book project that she hopes will help her down-on-her-luck mother, brings friends to a house with a dark past, where they soon unwittingly summon an evil entity who makes the house part of its game…
The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death
A fun filled weekend turns deadly when a group of unsuspecting theatre goers are trapped inside, after a ravenous spirit is resurrected and released from a Ouija board. They must confront their most terrifying fears and destroy the spirit before it finds and kills them first.
The Ouija Experiment
Based on true events, five friends who fall prey to the evil entities of the Ouija board. As they set about filming their experimental session, what starts out as bit of fun, soon escalates into a terrifying series of events as paranoia and personal demons are revealed…. and recorded.
13 Ghosts
Reclusive Dr. Zorba has died and left his mansion to his nephew Cyrus and his family. They will need to search the house to find the doctor's fortune, but along with the property they have also inherited the occultist's collection of 13 ghosts.
Half-sisters Aileen and Romina, along with first cousins Ruth and Sandra, reunite in Camiguin to bury their grandmother. Accompanied by Sandra's friend, Lucy, the five girls dare to call on the spirits of the dead when they find their old Ouija board from when they were kids. The Ouija board is burned by accident before they are able to finish the ritual, trapping a murderous entity around them. As they begin to realize the terror that they have brought upon themselves, Aileen and Romina's hostile relationship even become more strained, while Lucy's sanity brings a heavy burden on Sandra, and Ruth's boyfriend, Gino, is unknowingly pulled into the danger and horror that await all of them. Confronted by imminent Death, the girls have nowhere to go unless they can identify the spirit and find out where it is buried. It is only by leading the spirit to its burial ground that they will able to release the spirit from the Ouija board and survive its fatal hauntings.
Ouija: Summoning
Sara lived a seemingly normal life before she had a Ouija board experience that unleashed a dark spirit. The spirit wants Sara to relive it's tortured past, and compels her to commit murder towards one of her family members or loved ones. Sara resists these threats and tries to stand against the power but she's forced to either watch her loved ones die one after the other, or obey the spirit and kill only one of them herself, as the spirit had done to her own son, long before. Sara must kill only one, and face the regret and pain of committing murder, or watch everyone around her die.
Clara, an attractive young journalism student, has just arrived in town where she will spend her holidays. Shortly after arriving she meets Victor, a passion for the occult that quickly will be fascinated by the charms of her new friend. Together they form a group of young people coming together to live a fun experience while dangerous: make a Ouija session
死霊の世界 ウィッチ・ボード
Playing around with a Ouija board, a trio of friends succeeds in contacting the spirit of a young boy. Trouble begins when the evil spirit, Malfeitor, takes over one of their bodies.
Bunshinsaba: Ouija Board
Yu-jin and her blind mother move to a small village from Seoul. On her first day at the new school, Yu-jin gets picked on by her classmates. Along with other victims of hatred, Yu-jin puts a curse on the four girls tormenting them through a Ouija Board. On her second day at school, one of the spellbound bursts into flames and dies just as she sits down where Yu-jin used the board. Next day, another victim burns to death, and now the school is enclosed by horror.
Sorority House Massacre II
Five college women buy the old Hokstedter place for their new sorority house. They got it cheap because of the bloody incidents from five years before. They decide to stay in it for the night so they can meet the movers in the morning, but begin to get the creeps when the weird neighbor Orville Ketchum starts poking around. Shortly after the women take showers and consult a Ouija board they begin experiencing an attrition problem.
A off-world look at the superstitious repercussions of tattooing an Ouija Board on your body. Hagen, who has a dead wife believes that he can revive her from the dead. Travis, a man who lost his brother and wants to join him in the after life. Morbius, a bartender who is betrayed by those he loves comes back from the dead to take revenge.
Ouija: Blood Ritual
The footage of three filmmakers shooting a web series has been recovered. Intending to debunk famous Internet urban legends and rituals, they perform a blood ritual that summons an ancient primordial entity in the process. As the spirit’s unstoppable evil seeps into their daily lives the trio are left with a single choice: Submit to its will… or die!


The Ouija Experiment
Based on true events, five friends who fall prey to the evil entities of the Ouija board. As they set about filming their experimental session, what starts out as bit of fun, soon escalates into a terrifying series of events as paranoia and personal demons are revealed…. and recorded.
フッテージ デス・スパイラル
A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.
Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.
A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.
インシディアス 序章
Four friends on their way to Coachella stop off in Los Angeles to tour true-crime occult sites, only to encounter a mysterious young runaway who puts them on a terrifying path to ultimate horror.
A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.
ウィジャ ビギニング ~呪い襲い殺す~
In 1965 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her two daughters add a new stunt to bolster their séance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home. When the youngest daughter is overtaken by the merciless spirit, this small family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side.
The Hallow
Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.
In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.
Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.
何一つ不自由のない暮らしで、奨学金も給付され大学に進学。その後も安定した生活を送っていた19歳のエミリー・ローズはある日の晩、大学寮で眠っていたところ奇妙な現象に襲われる。真夜中の午前3時、焦げ臭い匂いで目を覚ました彼女は突如として何かに押さえつけられるようにしてもがき苦しみだしたのだ。 その後、彼女には幻覚、幻聴が起こるようになる。そして遂には発狂してしまう。医学的治療を行なっても治る兆しを一向に見せない彼女は、それらを悪魔の仕業だと確信。地元の地区神父であるムーア神父に助けを求める。神父も事態を重く見て彼女を救うべく、祈りによって悪魔との対決を試みた。しかし結果は失敗。エミリーは死亡してしまう。 悪魔の存在は信じられることなく、エミリーの死亡はムーア神父によるものと疑いをかけられてしまい、神父は裁判で裁かれることになる。弁護士のエリンはそんなムーア神父を救うべく奔走する。
郊外に格安物件の一軒家を見つけ、家族で越してきたエリックたち。心機一転、新たな生活をスタートさせるが、子供たちは次第に、家の中に潜む不気味な雰囲気を感じ取る。クローゼット、TV、天井裏……庭からは骨片のようなものが見つかる中、ある日、家にいたはずの幼いマディソンが忽然と姿を消してしまう。一体、この家では何が起こっているのか? おぞましい“秘密"を知った一家は、霊媒師に助けを求め、娘を取り戻すために決死の戦いを始める――。
過去との決別のために新天地に来たグレタ は、老夫婦と暮らす8歳の男の子のベビーシッターのアルバイトとしての仕事に就いた。しかしその少年は人間サイズの人形だった…。冗談かと思い笑うグレタを前に、老夫婦はその人形を「ブラームス」と呼び人間として溺愛しグレタを驚愕させる。さらにその人形を世話するときの「必ず守らなくてはいけない」10のルールを知らされグレタは衝撃を受ける。やがて老夫婦が旅行に出かけ不在になった屋敷でグレタがルールを無視し始めた時から人形に奇妙な現象がおき始める。それは想像を絶する惨劇の始まりだった。一体人形に何が起こりはじめたのか?
A woman tries to exonerate her brother's murder conviction by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon.
インシディアス 最後の鍵
Parapsychologist Elise Rainier and her team travel to Five Keys, NM, to investigate a man’s claim of a haunting. Terror soon strikes when Rainier realizes that the house he lives in was her family’s old home.
A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.