
Making Plans for Lena (2009)

ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 45分

演出 : Christophe Honoré


Ever since she broke up with Nigel, Lena soldiers on through life as best she can with her two kids. She valiantly overcomes the obstacles put in her way. But she has yet to confront the worst of them: Her unstoppable family has decided, by any means necessary, to make her happy.


Chiara Mastroianni
Chiara Mastroianni
Marina Foïs
Marina Foïs
Marie-Christine Barrault
Marie-Christine Barrault
Jean-Marc Barr
Jean-Marc Barr
Fred Ulysse
Fred Ulysse
Louis Garrel
Louis Garrel
Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
Alice Butaud
Alice Butaud
Julien Honoré
Julien Honoré
Caroline Silhol
Caroline Silhol
la fleuriste


Christophe Honoré
Christophe Honoré
Geneviève Brisac
Geneviève Brisac
Christophe Honoré
Christophe Honoré


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A normal New Yorker's life is upended when his girlfriend is murdered by the Bulgarian mob. He flees to Paris to hide from her killers. But three years later, he sees a similar looking woman on the silver screen. Obsession with past love takes Sam to Los Angeles to look for answers, only to put him back into the sights of the Bulgarians. An updated Hitchcockian thriller in the vein of Vertigo and Rear Window
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The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
The Funeral Home
Bernardo is an undertaker. He runs his mortuary business in the same house where he resides. In the front, he has his clients. And in the back, his dysfunctional family lives amongst coffins, wreaths, and the mischievous but nonviolent ghosts that visit on a daily basis. But when a malevolent entity enters the scene, it wreaks havoc on the already fractured household.
An assassin named Tae-goo is offered a chance to switch sides with his rival Bukseong gang, headed by Chairman Doh. Tae-goo rejects the offer that results in the murder of his sister and niece. In revenge, Tae-goo brutally kills Chairman Doh and his men and flees to Jeju Island where he meets Jae-yeon, a terminally ill woman. Though, the henchman of the Bukseong gang, Executive Ma is mercilessly hunting Tae-goo to take revenge.
『Blood Red Sky』(別題:『Transatlantic 473』)は、ステファン・ホルツが監督し、ピーター・ソーワースと共同で脚本を手掛けた、イギリス・ドイツ合作のアクション・サスペンス・ホラー映画[1]。出演は、ローランド・ムーラー、ペリ・バウマイスター、チディ・アジューフォ、アレクサンダー・シェア。ドミニク・パーセルなど。2021年7月23日にNetflixで全世界に配信予された。
Zeros and Ones
Called to Rome to stop an imminent terrorist bombing, a soldier desperately seeks news of his imprisoned brother — a rebel with knowledge that could thwart the attack. Navigating the capital's darkened streets, he races to a series of ominous encounters to keep the Vatican from being blown to bits.
「屋敷女」「レザーフェイス 悪魔のいけにえ」など数々の恐怖映画を手がけるジュリアン・モーリー&アレクサンドル・バスティロ監督が、湖底に沈んだ謎の屋敷で思いがけない恐怖に遭遇する若い男女の姿を描いたホラー。 世界各地の廃墟などを撮影した動画で登録者数を増やしているYouTuberカップルのティナとベンは、フランスのある湖に沈められた、いわくつきの屋敷を撮影しようと現地を訪れる。湖畔で知り合ったピエールに案内してもらい水中に潜り、不気味な屋敷にたどり着いた2人は早速、屋敷内を探索し、撮影を開始する。しかし、そんな彼らの前に不思議な現象や幻影が次々と現れる。危険な雰囲気を察知した2人は屋敷から出ようとするが、いつの間にか出口は塞がれていた。空気残量も少なくなり、パニックに陥る彼らにさらなる恐怖が襲いかかる。 謎の屋敷に挑む男女を演じたのは、ミック・ジャガーの息子ジェームズ・ジャガーと人気モデルのカミーユ・ロウ。
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“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.
MEN 同じ顔の男たち
In the aftermath of a personal tragedy, Harper retreats alone to the beautiful English countryside, hoping to find a place to heal. But someone — or something — from the surrounding woods appears to be stalking her, and what begins as simmering dread becomes a fully-formed nightmare, inhabited by her darkest memories and fears.
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Stéphane decides to move to the beautiful mountains of Cantal in order to reconnect with his 8-year-old daughter, Victoria, who has been silent since her mother's disappearance. During a walk in the forest, a shepherd gives Victoria a puppy named "Mystery" who will gradually give her a taste for life. But very quickly, Stéphane discovers that the animal is in reality a wolf… Despite the warnings and the danger of this situation, he cannot bring himself to separate his daughter from this seemingly harmless ball of hair.
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ジュールとジムは、情熱的で奔放な女性カトリーヌに恋をする。ジムへの想いを胸に秘めたままジュールと結婚した彼女だが、ジムとの再会で再び二人に愛の炎が燃え上がる。しかし、小さな食い違いでジムは彼女から離れていく。ある日出かけた河岸で、カトリーヌはジムをドライブに誘い、壊れた橋に向かってスピードを上げた。 三角関係の心理を見事に描いた本作は、ジャンヌ・モローの輝くばかりの美しさが圧倒的な魅力となった一遍。
Love Songs
Ismael and Julie, who in the hope of sparking their stalled relationship, enter a playful yet emotionally laced threesome with Alice. When tragedy strikes, these young Parisians are forced to deal with the fragility of life and love. For Ismael, this means negotiating through the advances of Julie's sister and a young college student – one of which may offer him redemption.
In the wake of her mother's tragic death, French teenager Junie transfers to a different high school. Though Junie lives mostly inside her own head, her beauty and stoicism win her the attention of the entire male student population. Junie begins dating the gentle Otto Cleves, but finds herself intensely drawn to her youthful Italian language teacher, Nemours. When Nemours begins to reciprocate, serious complications ensue.
サガン -悲しみよ こんにちは-
デビュー作『悲しみよ こんにちは』が世界的なベストセラーとなり、わずか18歳にして時代の寵児となったサガン。以後、次々と小説を発表する一方、その華麗な交友録で私生活にも注目が集まっていた。あり余るほどの富を手にした彼女は桁外れの金額でギャンブルに興じ、奔放な恋を謳歌する。そんなある日、スポーツカーを運転していて事故に遭い九死に一生を得たサガン。その後22歳で編集者のギイ・シェレールと結婚するが、それはほどなく失敗に終わってしまう。
Sorry Angel
Jacques is a writer living in Paris. He hasn't turned 40 but already mistrusts that the best in life is yet to come. Arthur is a student living in Brittany. He reads and smiles a lot and refuses to think that everything in life might not be possible. Jacques and Arthur will like each other. Just like in a lovely dream. Just like in a sad story.