
Mili (2015)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 54分

演出 : Rajesh Pillai


Mili is a motivational film about Mili, an introvert girl who is very depressed. But she finds it in herself to think of her nadir as but a stepping stone to success. She chooses to rise above the challenges and take back the reins of her life.


Amala Paul
Amala Paul
Nivin Pauly
Nivin Pauly
Prabhakaran Nair
Sanusha Santhosh
Sanusha Santhosh
Idavela Babu
Idavela Babu
Shamna Kasim
Shamna Kasim
Nandana Varma
Nandana Varma
Young Mili
Nandana Varma
Nandana Varma
Mili - Childhood
Bindu Panicker
Bindu Panicker
Anjali Aneesh Upasana
Anjali Aneesh Upasana


Rajesh Pillai
Rajesh Pillai
Mahesh Narayanan
Mahesh Narayanan
Gopi Sundar
Gopi Sundar


告白 ファミリーレポート
Three generations of a French family open up about their sexual experiences and desires after young Romain is caught masturbating in his biology class.
フロリダ・プロジェクト 真夏の魔法
サンフランシスコのとある街、失業した俳優、ダニエル・ヒラードは、3人の子どもが自分の全てというほどの、子煩悩な父親。しかし収入のない夫に代わって一家の家計を担っているやり手デザイナーの妻ミランダは、自分が連日疲れきって帰宅しても家事に全く協力せず子供達との遊びにかまけている夫や、自分だけが仕事に家事にと追われている事に強いストレスを感じていた。 長男クリスの誕生日、ミランダの留守中に自宅でパーティを開き、大騒ぎを起こしたダニエルは、堪忍袋の緒が切れたミランダからとうとう離婚の意思を告げられる。生活能力のないダニエルは養育権を奪われ、週一度限られた時間にしか子どもたちに会えなくなった。やがてミランダが仕事の忙しさで家政婦を募集していることを知ったダニエルは一計を案じ、メイクアップアーティストの兄の手を借りて、イギリスの老婦人ミセス・ダウトファイアにすっかり変身する。持ち前の演技力と女装で見事にミランダを騙し、家政婦として最愛の子供たちのそばにいられることになるが、それは同時にこれまで家事全般を省みた事のないダニエルの、抱腹絶倒の奮闘記の幕開けであった。
イングリッド ネットストーカーの女
友人の結婚式に呼ばれないことに腹を立て、披露宴に乱入したイングリッド。その事から施設に入れられる。退所後、禁止されていたSNSで華やかな生活を送っていたテイラーを見つけ、彼女のファンに。イングリッドはテイラーと友達になる為に彼女の居る西へ向かう が、それはストーキングの始まりであった。
物語は、娘の雪が、母である花の半生を語るかたちで綴られる。 東京のはずれにある国立大学に通う、女子大生の花は、大学の教室でとある男と出会い、恋に落ちる。その男は自分がニホンオオカミの末裔、「おおかみおとこ」であることを告白するが、花はそれを受け入れ2人の子供を産む。産まれた姉「雪」と弟「雨」は狼に変身できる「おおかみこども」であった。しかし雨の出産直後、男は亡くなってしまう。花は2人の「おおかみこども」の育児に追われるが、都会ではたびたび狼に変身してしまう雪と雨を育てるのは難しく、山奥の古民家に移住する。 人の目を気にすることなく山奥で姉弟は育っていく。蛇や猪をも恐れない活発で狼になるのが好きな雪に対し、弟の雨は内向的であったが、やがて雪は小学校に通うようになり、狼にならないように気をつけ、人間として生きていく。一方で雨は小学校に馴染めず、山に入っては狼となって、一匹の狐を「先生」と呼び彼から山で生きる術を学んでいく。
1959年、12月。従業員31,259名を擁するニューヨークの保険会社。19階の大部屋に勤める C. C. バクスター(ジャック・レモン)。勤続3年10カ月、礼儀正しく、数字に強く、押しに弱い"バド"の週給は94ドル70セント。 セントラルパーク近くの家賃月額85ドルの (くつろげて、独身向き) アパートに暮らすバドは、なし崩し的に続いている「バドの部屋のまた貸し」を当てにし私生活に割り込んでくる課長ら上司の、色恋の絡む、あってないような空き予約をなかなか断り切れずにいた。
クリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演を務めた衝撃のヒューマン・ドラマ。厳しいボクシングの世界を題材に、そこに生きる名もなき男女の悲愴な人生模様を綴る。アカデミー賞で作品賞をはじめ主演女優、助演男優、監督賞の計4部門を受賞。 ロサンジェルスのダウンタウンにある小さなボクシング・ジムを営む老トレーナー、フランキー。その指導力に疑いのない彼だったが、選手を大切に育てるあまり、成功を急ぐ優秀なボクサーは彼のもとを去ってしまう。そんなある日、31歳になる女性マギーがジムの門を叩き、フランキーに弟子入りを志願する。13歳の時からウェイトレスで生計を立てるなど不遇の人生を送ってきた彼女は、唯一誇れるボクシングの才能に最後の望みを託したのだった。ところが、そんなマギーの必死な思いにも、頑固なフランキーは、“女性ボクサーは取らない”のひと言ですげなく追い返してしまう。それでも諦めずジムに通い、ひとり黙々と練習を続けるマギー。フランキーの唯一の親友スクラップはそんなマギーの素質と根性を見抜き、目をかける。やがてマギーの執念が勝ち、フランキーはついにトレーナーを引き受けるのだが…。
A Catholic school newcomer falls in with a clique of teen witches who wield their powers against all who dare to cross them -- be they teachers, rivals or meddlesome parents.


The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old ancestral home as part of building an ashram. The “curse” that befalls Pattabhiraman in the face of opposition leaves him broken, till a mysterious ally lends him his support. Their fight against the evil forces forms the rest of the plot.
Sunday Holiday
Mr. Unni Mukundan who is very passionate about his first movie, coincidentally meets Mr. David Paul, a famous movie director. At the same time, the life experiences of Amal, who relocates himself to Cochin from Thalaserry, makes him undergo a total change in his vision of life due to his acquaintance with Nakutti and Rahul, the residents of 'Sargapournami' his home in Cochin. Sunday Holiday is a beautiful story that is replete with comedy.
James and Alice
James is a hardworking filmmaker in advertising and his girlfriend Alice works in banking. Against their parent's wishes, the two marry and the movie revolves around the misunderstandings between them caused by their busy lifestyles. Things take a turn when James meets with a freak car accident.
CIA: Comrade In America
A young Aji Mathew is a communist who goes the whole nine yards for the ideologies he believes in. When the girl he loves leaves to the US out of the blue and her parents fix her wedding, Aji is left with just a fortnight to reach the country albeit with no passport or visa. How far he is willing to go for love forms the plot.
Annmariya Kalippilaanu
2016 Indian Malayalam childrens film directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas and written by Thomas and John Manthrichal. Produced by Alice George under the banner of Goodwill Entertainments, the film stars Baby Sara, Sunny Wayne, and Aju Varghese.
Varun Blake is an Atlanta police officer that consumes himself with hunting and bringing to justice a shadowy killer. After being adopted from India by American parents, Varun dedicates himself to the city that doesn't accept him. After a few unexplained murders happen at the newly outsourced company, InfoTech, his ex-wife is in danger of being the next victim.
Mahi, a seasoned convict who is well-known for attacking his enemies stealthily, decides to murder someone in order to raise money for his friend.
The film revolves round a socio-political family where Balagangadhara Menon, the Education Minister lives with his son B.Krishnakumar a.k.a. Unni -a Politician, his wife Lakshmi, three daughters and two son-in-laws.
Lukka Chuppi
Lukka Chuppi delves into the lives of a group of married couples, where the husbands are close friends. The story shows the group getting together after 14 years. The wives see a new side to their husbands suddenly, singing and laughing like how they were during their college days.
Swapna Sanchari
Ajayachandran immigrates to the Gulf and he makes his fortune and returns to Kerala for a holiday. Ajayachandran flaunts his wealth to gain social acceptance. Rashmi, Ajayachandrans wife, a grounded young woman who is not too comfortable with her husbands new, flashy lifestyle. However, soon, all of Ajayachandrans calculations about life go wrong. An incident occurs and changes his life forever
Irfan, a young Muslim boy, falls in love with a Hindu girl, Anita who is much older than him. However, when their families oppose their relationship, the duo seeks help from the police.
Milan Paul and Sreeramakrishnan are best friends who have been together since college. The intensity of their friendship has not faded though the carefree days of college have long past gone. Now Sree is an ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police) of Kottayam and Milan is a renowned reporter in the same city. Though in different fields both are in highly responsible jobs. In effect, both of them use their friendship to fulfill their respective social responsibilities.
4 The People
Fed up of the corruption all around, four young men form a secret group called '4 the people' and decide to take on the corrupt on their own. They have a web site and eventually gain enormous support.
After years of being away in Dubai, Joshua returns for his sister's funeral. But it gets weird when he starts seeing his beloved sister's spirit.
Police-Ravi is a student aspiring to become a police officer,becomes hunted when he helps his friend out of trouble.The hunted becomes the Hunter to secure his future.
Life of Josutty
Life of Josutty narrates the story of the struggles and life lessons learned by Josutty(Dileep), a simple farmer living in a village in Kerala who migrates to New Zeland after marriage.
Azhakiya Ravanan
Shankar Das, a rich business man, returns to his village and gets caught up in a topsy-turvy situation when he bumps into his childhood love, Anuradha. Will Shankar Das be able to lead a happy life with Anuradha?
The movie tells the story of a village called Chembattunadu in Chamarajanagar District on the borders of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which is popular as Chattambinadu for the presence of several goons and hooligans. According to Vadival Vasu (Janardanan), it was the severe animosity between Mallanchira and Kattappilly families that has caused the arrival of several goons to the land, including him, which made Chattambinadu notorious. The film begins with Mallanchira Chandramohan's(Manoj K. Jayan) plan to sell off his mansion, to pay up his heavy debts.
Role Models
Gowtham is a geeky loner with hardly any social connections, though he was a jovial guy while at college. His parents, being worried about his extreme changes, attempt to bring back his old self with the help of Gowtham’s friends from college days.
Katha Parayumbol
the film is about how a barber's life is turned upside down when a film unit comes to the village for a shoot, and the news spreads that superstar Ashok Raj (Mammootty) is the barber's childhood friend. The script also by Srinivasan is so layered that every frame has a comment to make about the world and every line of the dialogue, on the mores of the society. The craze for celebrities and the problems of leading a principled life are discussed without being preachy.