コンカッション (2015)
Even Legends Need a Hero
ジャンル : ドラマ, 履歴
上映時間 : 2時間 3分
演出 : Peter Landesman
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.
How Murat Kurnaz ended up in Guantanamo Bay is a mysterious story. 5 YEARS investigates the psychological aspect of this endless and unjustified "imprisonment" where Kurnaz had to endure never ending physical and psychological torture.
Reggie White stars as Reggie Knox, a pro football player who retires, frustrated because he hasn't won a championship. Knox begins coaching a Portland, Ore., high school football program, where he befriends a troubled student. Reggie fights local ruffians with Christian values. And punches.
This is a story about family relationships, set in the time before and during the American Civil War. Ethan Wilkins is a poor and honest man who ministers to the human soul, while his son Jason yearns to be a doctor, helping people in the earthly realm. It is a rich story about striving for excellence, the tension of father-son rebellion, and the love of a mother that can never die.
Sega's children, born into post-war Chinese rule, can't relate to their father's love for Japanese culture, having grown up under Japanese rule before WWII.
Dr. Sam Abelman is a Jewish doctor contentedly spending his autumn years serving his own Brooklyn neighborhood. But when his nephew, would-be journalist Myron, writes an article about him, it draws the attention of a producer, Woodrow Thrasher, who believes Dr. Abelman a good candidate for a TV show. The doctor, however, is suspicious of the whole enterprise, thinking both Myron and Thrasher are simply out to make a fast buck.
Petra heads to New York in search of her older sister after a long time of being separated. They are both movie actresses and heirs of the wounds of the Brazilian dictatorship. But Petra has only a few clues: home movies, newspaper clippings, a diary...
米海軍特殊部隊ネイビー・シールズに入隊し、イラク戦争に狙撃手として派遣されたクリス。その任務は“どんなに過酷な状況でも仲間を必ず守ること”。狙撃精度の高さで多くの仲間を救ったクリスは “レジェンド”の異名を轟かせるまでになる。しかし、敵の間にもその腕前が知れ渡り、“悪魔”と恐れられるようになった彼の首には18万ドルの賞金が掛けられ、彼自身が標的となってしまう。一方、家族はクリスの無事を願い続けていた。家族との平穏な生活と、想像を絶する極限状況の戦地。愛する家族を国に残し、終わりのない戦争は幾度となく彼を戦場に向かわせる。過酷なイラク遠征は4度。度重なる戦地への遠征は、クリスの心を序々に蝕んでゆく。
Soegija is an epic history drama of Indonesia, directed by the senior director of Indonesia Garin Nugroho, about national hero Albertus Soegijapranata.
A documentary that goes behind the scenes of the movie Illegal Aliens, and a filmmaker's journey from obscurity to moral blindness in the seductive glare of the media spotlight.
This feature length documentary explores the ravages of American suburban sprawl, what America has lost as a result, and the perils we face if we don't change the way in which we build our cities. Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security by cheap energy that has allowed us to spread endlessly into our landscape. We are trapped behind the wheels of our automobiles. With the demand for oil outpacing the Earth's ability to supply it, this suburban living arrangement will fail. America's love affair with the automobile is unsustainable and, like Nero, we are fiddling away, confident that tomorrow will be as promising as today. The wake up call is coming.
Even though today he remains a great stranger, Jani Christou (1926-1970) stands among the greatest figures of the 20th century music avant-garde. His work is characterized by a rare uniformity and consistency, regarding not only the pioneering means which he introduced in the world of sounds and the innovatory music systems, but also his own philosophical universe which runs through and inspires his compositions: the myth, the transcendent, the mysticism, the primordial, the ritual, the unapproachable, the panic, the hysteria... With Christou's early death in a tragic accident, on his birthday, in January 8th 1970, the world of contemporary music lost one of the most thrilling and provocative talents. The documentary attempts to illustrate the personality and the spirit of this great thinker of art and follow the path of his short life, which has always been interwoven with art and his meaning of offering to humanity and civilization.
A little-known actor discovers that he is hugely popular in Serbia.
"The Caruso of the trumpet," critics say. "Caruso? The Nakariakov of the tenor voice," they'll say soon. Portrait of the 27-year old genius from Gorki. Sergei Nakariakov, trumpetist from Nizhny Novgorod living in Paris is a phenomenon. He plays the trumpet with a unique virtuosity and at the same time leaves this virtuosity behind. He doesn't play the trumpet, he sings it. He phrases like the great Bel Canto singers who aimed at the true legato. The film presents the 27-year-old musician at his best but it also shows the victim of a soviet child prodigy biography. The mature Nakariakov's breathtaking virtuosity is contrasted with footage of the child whose lips are sore from practicing. Is it true that Sergei was "never a wunderkind", as he claims in the interview?
A nine-year-old boy named Charlie McCarthy is sent by his teacher to an eye doctor. The lad has been complaining about headaches and has missed a lot of school. The doctor, with the help of a nurse, conducts an examination. They learn that when the boy isn't at school, he does a lot of fishing. In the course of the exam, the doctor recommends glasses, and Charlie convinces the doc to accompany him on a trip.
The early years of a television sports powerhouse are chronicled as ABC becomes a player in the NFL coverage by putting their full resources into a major showcase. Executive Roone Arledge (John Heard) recruits former Dallas Cowboys quarterback 'Dandy' Don Meredith (Brad Beyer), along with Keith Jackson (Shuler Hensley), and the combative Howard Cosell (John Turturro) as commentators for the broadcasts, which become funny, odd trio events to millions of viewers. Jackson departs the show after the first year to take over the network's focus on college football, and former New York Giants star Frank Gifford (Kevin Anderson) takes his place, ruffling Cosell's feathers. Then things get really crazy!
"I Slew" - Hospital drama of a doctor who thinks that he killed a patient on the operating table.
Menon runs into his former wife Grace, who is married to a bedridden Mathew and loves him immensely. The movie revolves around their crossing and emotes the meaning of love and its various forms.
2002年、ウォルターやマイクたちのチームは、「The Boston Globe」で連載コーナーを担当していた。ある日、彼らはこれまでうやむやにされてきた、神父による児童への性的虐待の真相について調査を開始する。カトリック教徒が多いボストンでは彼らの行為はタブーだった。
1981年のサンフランシスコ。妻リンダと息子のクリストファーと暮らすクリス・ガードナーは、骨密度を測定する新型医療器械のセールスをしていた。大金をはたいて仕入れた時にはこの機械を「革命的な機械」と信じ、妻とともに希望にあふれていたが、いざセールスをしてみるとその機械は病院関係者にとって「レントゲンより少し鮮明に見える程度で高価な贅沢品」という無用の長物であった。そのため機械のセールスはうまくいかず税金も滞納し、妻のパートでなんとか乗り切る苦しい生活を送っていた。 そんなある日、彼は路上で「真っ赤なフェラーリ」を見かけて思わず持ち主に二つの質問をする。 「あなたに二つ質問がある。仕事と、その仕事にどうやって就いたんだ?」 「株の仲買人をしていて、学歴がなくてもなれる」と返された彼は、株に興味を持ち始め、たまたま見つけた証券会社の養成コースに願書を提出する。半年間の研修期間で定員は20名、その中で選ばれるのはたった1名。しかもそのためにはまず研修生に選ばれることが必要だった。そこで彼は人材課長のトゥイッスルに近づき、彼が持っていたルービックキューブ(当時テレビにも取り上げられるほど大流行していた)を数分で完成させ、驚かせる。そうしてトゥイッスルに認められたクリスは研修プログラムに合格、参加することになる。だが研修期間中は無給であった。もし1名に選ばれなかったら半年間が無駄になる。 そんなとき、とうとうリンダが苦しい生活に耐えかね、息子を連れて出て行ってしまった。クリスは保育所から息子のクリストファーを連れ帰ったものの、大家には立ち退きを命じられ、駐車違反で一晩拘留されてしまう。持ち前の誠実さと機転で研修生にはなれたが、息子と2人で安モーテルに住むことになった。幸い機械のセールスはうまくいき、4ヶ月で売り切るが、一息つく間もなく税の未納分として、そのほとんどを差し押さえられてしまうのである。 行くあてもなく文字通り路頭に迷う2人は、駅のトイレや教会などを転々とするホームレス生活を送る。貯蓄も家もなく、明日も見えない辛い日々の中、クリスを突き動かすものは、この生活から脱け出し幸せになりたいという思いと、父親も知らず育った自分のような境遇を息子に味わわせたくない、という息子への愛情であった。
1936年ナチス独裁政権下で開催されたベルリンオリンピックで史上初の4冠を達成したアメリカ人陸上競技選手ジェシー・オーエンスの半生を描く。貧しい家庭に生まれながら、陸上選手として中学時代から類いまれな才能を発揮していたジェシー・オーエンスは、オハイオ州立大学でコーチのラリー・スナイダーと出会い、オリンピックを目指して日々練習に励む。しかし、アメリカ国内では、ナチスに反対し、ベルリンオリンピックをボイコットする機運が高まっていた。そして黒人であるオーエンスにとって、ナチスによる人種差別政策は、当然容認できるものではなかった。オーエンス役を「グローリー 明日への行進」のステファン・ジェームス、コーチのスナイダー役を「モンスター上司」のジェイソン・サダイキスがそれぞれ演じ、オスカー俳優のジェレミー・アイアンズ、ウィリアム・ハートが脇を固める。監督は「プレデター2」のスティーブン・ホプキンス。