Land of Truth, Love & Freedom (2000)

ジャンル : ドラマ, 戦争

上映時間 : 1時間 12分

演出 : Milutin Petrović


In 1999, during the NATO bombing in Serbia, a young television editor (Boris Milivojevic) in an underground shelter - turned mental institution is having a psychiatric exploration through which he reflects his story...


Boris Milivojević
Boris Milivojević
Nikola Đuričko
Nikola Đuričko
Biljana Srbljanović
Biljana Srbljanović
Rade Marković
Rade Marković
Nebojša / Drug Marković
Lana Budimlić
Lana Budimlić
Medicinska sestra
Đorđe Anđelić
Đorđe Anđelić
Vanja Govorko
Vanja Govorko
Šef klinike
Dina Prelević
Dina Prelević
Nedeljko 'Neško' Despotović
Nedeljko 'Neško' Despotović
Dalibor Andonov Gru
Dalibor Andonov Gru
Predrag Bambić
Predrag Bambić
Petar Jakonić
Petar Jakonić
Milorad Milinković
Milorad Milinković
Alja Nikitović
Alja Nikitović
Mirela Pavlović
Mirela Pavlović
Ljubica Petrović
Ljubica Petrović
Milutin Petrović
Milutin Petrović
Vera Petrović
Vera Petrović


Milutin Petrović
Milutin Petrović
Petar Jakonić
Petar Jakonić
Milutin Petrović
Milutin Petrović
Saša Radojević
Saša Radojević


Falling in the Paradise
A half-mad patriot who shot Avax from the roof of his house captures its American pilot during NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. The hostage gets romantically involved with his sister while unsuccessfully trying to escape.
In the Name of the Father and Son
The story about typical Montenegrin family Miletic in post-war Yugoslavia, which shows personal tragedy of a father, whose only son comes back from the war as a different man.
Wounded Country
Stories and destinies of people hidden in underground shelter during NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999.
A story about two unhappy couples in love, one from Dorćol, the other from Manhattan.
Land of Truth, Love & Freedom
In 1999, during the NATO bombing in Serbia, a young television editor (Boris Milivojevic) in an underground shelter - turned mental institution is having a psychiatric exploration through which he reflects his story...
Black Ravens
Dusan Vukovic publicly returned the medal of bravery awarded after his son died during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. In doing so he gave voice to the growing number of families who lost sons under Milosevic’s regime.
Invasion of Prchevo
In a small village of Prchevo in 2006, Montenegrin independence referendum takes place. But in this part of the world, the locals hide American citizen of distant Montenegrin ancestry, in order to make him "their man" against Montenegro's independence. USA looks for its citizen through NATO troops, and the air raid on Prchevo is about to begin.
Fellowship Offerings
The screenplay was written immediately after the bombing of Novi Sad, 1999, but it was only a motive to speak up about the people that were humiliated for more than ten years in various ways, and that way became the victims of wrong politics, not only Milosevic's, but Western as well. The title of the movie was born there. In the second book of Moses it is written: " An altar of earth you shall make for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings." The people who suffered most in the wars on this territory are the ones that had no influence of what so ever on the development of situation on the Balkan. But, at the same time. there was ambitious youth, that the sense of their life in these stormy time. The film is about them and that is why it sounds optimistic. Film is about the fact that we will always have the energy to survive senseless time and live normally after that.
In the Land of Wonders
Still today, years after the war, some regions are contaminated with broken families, poverty, crime and low-grade uranium. In the middle of nowhere in Western Herzegovina, at a NATO military training range, a nine-year-old girl called Alica, together with her uncle Valentin, collects shells and scraps of grenades to sell on the black market. Valentin dies of cancer, Alica's diagnosis is not good but there's no money for therapy. Alica's journey through the Land of Wonders begins.
While touring in Italy, a recently-widowed American opera singer has an incestuous relationship with her 15-year-old son to help him overcome his heroin addiction.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Three tales of very different women using their sexuality as a means to getting what they want.
宇宙世紀0079。宇宙植民地(スペースコロニー)サイド3はジオン公国を名乗り、連邦軍に独立戦争をしかけてきた。 サイド7に住む15歳の少年アムロは、ジオン軍の奇襲の中、モビルスーツ・ガンダムに偶然乗り込み、敵モビルスーツ・ザクを撃退する。 避難民を乗せたホワイトベースは、ジオン軍の追撃をかわし、逃避の旅を続ける。迫るジオン軍の赤い彗星シャア。大人はみんな死んだ。 生きのびたければ、やるしかない。アムロの意志が、ガンダムを飛翔させる!
2020年。人間のボクシングに代わり、より暴力的な「ロボット格闘技」が人気を博していた。人間のボクシングが廃れたことで、将来を有望視されていたプロボクサーのチャーリー・ケントン(ヒュー・ジャックマン)も、今では中古のロボットを使ってプロモーターとして生計を立てていた。 ある日、昔捨てた妻が亡くなったという連絡が入る。残された息子のマックス(ダコタ・ゴヨ)の養育権について、妻の姉であるデブラ(ホープ・デイヴィス)とマーヴィン(ジェームズ・レブホーン)夫妻と話し合いをすることとなるが、夫妻が金持ちであることに気づいたチャーリーは、借金を返すためにマーヴィンに10万ドルで息子を渡すと持ちかける。マーヴィンは「旅行に行く3ヶ月の間、マックスを預かってもらう」という条件付きで承諾した。 しばらくして、チャーリーのもとにマックスがやってくる。前金の5万ドルを手にしたチャーリーは以前破壊された「アンブッシュ」の代わりに、中古の「ノイジーボーイ」を購入。マックスはチャーリーの幼なじみであるベイリー(エヴァンジェリン・リリー)の元に居候することになる。金で売られたことに気づいたマックスはチャーリーを嫌っていたが、ロボットとゲーム好きな彼は無理やり試合についていく。「ミダス」との試合は最初は優勢だったが、結局負けてしまい、ノイジーボーイもスクラップになってしまう。
Happy Birthday to Me
Virginia is proud that she belongs to a clique. The best students at a private school. But before her 18th birthday, a gruesome set of murders take place and her friends are the ones who are falling prey. Could it be her? She suffers from blackouts due to a freak accident one year earlier. We soon learn the truth behind her accident and what is going on...
Accomplished sailor Charlie St. Cloud has the adoration of his mother Claire and his little brother Sam, as well as a college scholarship that will lead him far from his sleepy Pacific Northwest hometown. But his bright future is cut short when a tragedy strikes and takes his dreams with it. After his high-school classmate Tess returns home unexpectedly, Charlie grows torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. And as he finds the courage to let go of the past for good, Charlie discovers the soul most worth saving is his own.
インモータルズ -神々の戦い-
人間や動物が誕生する以前、不老不死の者達が天国で互いに敵対し戦っていた。勝利者達は自らを神と呼び、敗者となったタイタンはタルタロス山の下に封印された。この戦争中、計り知れない力を持つエピロスの弓が地球上でなくなった。紀元前1228年、イラクリオンの人間の王ハイペリオン(ミッキー・ローク)は家族を失った恨みを晴らすため、タイタンを解き放ち神を倒す目的でこの弓を探す。 ゼウスに選ばれた人間テセウスは、人類を滅ぼす武器を手に入れようとギリシャ中で暴れまわる冷酷なハイペリオン王との戦いを指揮する。
A young and devoted morning television producer is hired as an executive producer on a long-running morning show at a once-prominent but currently failing station in New York City. Eager to keep the show on air, she recruits a former news journalist and anchor who disapproves of co-hosting a show that does not deal with real news stories.