
犬夜叉 紅蓮の蓬莱島 (2004)

ジャンル : ファンタジー, アニメーション, アドベンチャー

上映時間 : 1時間 28分

演出 : Toshiya Shinohara




Kappei Yamaguchi
Kappei Yamaguchi
Satsuki Yukino
Satsuki Yukino
Kagome Higurashi
Koji Tsujitani
Koji Tsujitani
Houko Kuwashima
Houko Kuwashima
Kumiko Watanabe
Kumiko Watanabe
Noriko Hidaka
Noriko Hidaka
Fumiko Orikasa
Fumiko Orikasa
Yu Kobayashi
Yu Kobayashi
Reiko Kiuchi
Reiko Kiuchi
Yuki Masuda
Yuki Masuda
Kaori Shimizu
Kaori Shimizu
Emi Motoi
Emi Motoi
Nobutoshi Canna
Nobutoshi Canna
Takeshi Kusao
Takeshi Kusao
Nobuo Tobita
Nobuo Tobita
Tadahisa Saizen
Tadahisa Saizen
Mitsuki Saiga
Mitsuki Saiga
Tomiko Van
Tomiko Van
Lady Kanade
Ken Narita
Ken Narita
Mamiko Noto
Mamiko Noto
Richard Ian Cox
Richard Ian Cox
InuYasha (voice)


Toshiya Shinohara
Toshiya Shinohara
Yoji Takeshige
Yoji Takeshige
Background Designer
Hirofumi Ogura
Hirofumi Ogura
Second Unit Director
Hirofumi Ogura
Hirofumi Ogura
Storyboard Artist
Hirofumi Ogura
Hirofumi Ogura
Assistant Director
Etsuhito Mori
Etsuhito Mori
Key Animation
Chizuru Miyawaki
Chizuru Miyawaki
Key Animation
Atsuko Nakajima
Atsuko Nakajima
Key Animation
Hidetsugu Ito
Hidetsugu Ito
Key Animation
Hirofumi Masuda
Hirofumi Masuda
Key Animation
Jun Yoshida
Jun Yoshida
Key Animation
Kouichi Arai
Kouichi Arai
Key Animation
Nobuo Hashimoto
Nobuo Hashimoto
Key Animation
Tadashi Kubo
Tadashi Kubo
Key Animation
Takashi Hashimoto
Takashi Hashimoto
Key Animation
Toshiyuki Inoue
Toshiyuki Inoue
Key Animation
Seiichi Nakatani
Seiichi Nakatani
Key Animation
Ryou Komori
Ryou Komori
Key Animation
Koichi Usami
Koichi Usami
Key Animation
Genichiro Kondo
Genichiro Kondo
Key Animation
Masaya Fujimori
Masaya Fujimori
Animation Director
Masaya Fujimori
Masaya Fujimori
Second Unit Director
Yuji Hosogoe
Yuji Hosogoe
Key Animation
Yuki Nishioka
Yuki Nishioka
Animation Director
Emiko Endo
Emiko Endo
Key Animation




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Beyblade the Movie: Fierce Battle
Immediately after winning the National Championships, Tyson is challenged by a mysterious boy named Daichi, who is determined to become the next Beyblading champion. But when they battle, their Beyblades awaken ancient dark forces that take human form and become the evil Shadow-Bladers who vow to destroy mankind! Now it's up to Tyson and the Bladebreakers to defeat the Shadow-Bladers before they carry out their destructive plan. Will they succeed... or is this the end of the Bladebreakers?
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プロジェクト A子3 - シンデレラ・ラプソディ
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映画犬夜叉 天下覇道の剣
犬夜叉が誕生した日、彼の父は妻を救うため人間の武士・刹那猛丸と死闘を繰り広げ、相討ちとなり果てた。その戦いで使われた妖刀は、刀々斎の手により骨喰いの井戸に放り込まれ処分された。 そして現代、日暮神社で発見されたその刀・叢雲牙の目覚めと共に、犬夜叉・殺生丸の兄弟は戦いへと誘われる。
犬夜叉 鏡の中の夢幻城
犬夜叉 時代を越える想い
While searching for her missing mother, intrepid teen Enola Holmes uses her sleuthing skills to outsmart big brother Sherlock and help a runaway lord.