
Looking For (2011)

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 24分

演出 : Michelle Pollino


Tracy Lawrence has returned to the dating scene after a long absence. So, what does she do when love desperation arises? Why, she utilises a match making service that guarantees results! Or does it?



Michelle Pollino
Michelle Pollino


Teenagers Nathan Leopold Jr. and Richard Loeb share a dangerous sexual bond and an amoral outlook on life. They spend afternoons breaking into storefronts and engaging in petty crimes, until the calculating Nathan ups the ante by kidnapping, and murdering, a young boy.
A Carne é Fraca
Alguma vez você já pensou na trajetória de um bife antes de chegar ao seu prato? Nós pesquisamos isso para você e contamos neste documentário aquilo que não é divulgado. Saiba os impactos que esse ato - de comer carne representa para a sua saúde, para os animais e para o planeta. Com depoimentos dos jornalistas Washington Novaes e Dagomir Marquezi, entre outros.
Pra Sempre Cazuza
Músicas: 1. Exagerado 2. Medieval II 3. Por que a gente é assim? 4. Vida louca vida 5. Boas novas 6. Ideologia 7. O nosso amor a gente inventa 8. Blues da piedade 9. faz parte do meu show 10. Todo amor que houver nessa vida 11. Codinome beija-flor 12. Preciso dizer que te amo 13. Só as mâes sâo felizes 14. O tempo nâo pára 15. Bete balanço 16. Um trem para as estrelas 17. Brasil 18. O mundo é um moinho (clipe)
The Degenerates
An adaptation of Petronius' satire about the decadent life in ancient Rome. "If you like the Fellini version, you should definitely see this one, too. It's every bit as good and in some ways better."
Posthumous Memories
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis' classic. The narrator is a rich dead man, who tells us about his life and times, making fun of both.
Food Matters
With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide sickness industry and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally.
What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?
Amanda is a divorced woman who makes a living as a photographer. During the Fall of the year Amanda begins to see the world in new and different ways when she begins to question her role in life, her relationships with her career and men and what it all means. As the layers to her everyday experiences fall away insertions in the story with scientists, and philosophers and religious leaders impart information directly to an off-screen interviewer about academic issues, and Amanda begins to understand the basis to the quantum world beneath. During her epiphany as she considers the Great Questions raised by the host of inserted thinkers, she slowly comprehends the various inspirations and begins to see the world in a new way.
The Given Word
Zé is a very poor man whose most prized possession is his donkey. When his donkey falls terminally ill, Zé makes a promise to Saint Bárbara: If his donkey recovers, he will carry a cross - like Jesus - all the way from his city to Saint Bárbara's church, in the state capital. Upon the recovery of his donkey, Zé leaves on his journey. He makes it to the church, but the priest refuses to accept the cross once he discovers the context of Zé's promise.
Food Choices
This documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet.
Life Is But a Dream
Life Is But a Dream is a HBO documentary about the life of US singer Beyoncé Knowles during the years 2011 and 2012 and on the recording of her fifth album. The film was directed by Beyoncé herself. The film shows Beyoncé from intimate moments of her pregnancy to behind the scenes and rehearsals of the main concerts of that time.
The Year My Parents Went on Vacation
A boy is left alone in a Jewish neighborhood in the year of 1970, where both world cup and dictatorship happen in Brazil.
Little Ashes
About the young life and loves of artist Salvador Dalí, filmmaker Luis Buñuel and writer Federico García Lorca.
Small Apartments
When a clumsy deadbeat accidentally kills his landlord, he must do everything in his power to hide the body, only to find that the distractions of lust, the death of his beloved brother, and a crew of misfit characters force him on a journey where a fortune awaits him.
Too Big to Fail
An intimate look at the epochal financial crisis of 2008 and the powerful men and women who decided the fate of the world's economy in a matter of a few weeks.
ザ・キャピタル マネーにとりつかれた男
The head of a giant European investment bank desperately clings to power when an American hedge fund company tries to buy them out.
Stronger Than The World: The Story of José Aldo
The Story of longtime UFC Featherweight champion and the struggles facing him on the road to the top.
We're So Young
The life of Renato Russo, from his first involvement with music, to his years in the punk rock band Aborto Alétrico, to the formation of Legião Urbana, in the Brasília rock scene of 1970s and 1980s.
A recently widowed detective still grieving over his wife's death discovers a shocking connection between himself and the suspects in a serial killing spree linked to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Brazilian Western
An adaptation of the eponymous song by Renato Russo, a famous Brazilian singer and composer who in the style of Bob Dylan knew how to delight crowds by telling stories and singing with his lyrics. Focusing on the love story of outlaw João do Santo Cristo with Architecture major student Maria Lúcia, the movie takes place in Brasilia in the early 80s. In a clash of interest, drug dealers and the police conflict with one another,while the end of the military dictatorship in the Capital of Brazil, Brasilia takes place. The wanderings and tedium of a young rocker, who lived in a city still being built, are the backdrop for this story.
After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a sudden earthquake destroys his home before he has a chance to do so. Now wandering around Rome in the time of Nero, Encolpio encounters one bizarre and surreal scene after another.