
Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai (2006)

Love is blind.

ジャンル : ロマンス, スリラー

上映時間 : 2時間 8分

演出 : Bunty Soorma


Jaipur-based Durga has been blind as far as she can remember, and helps her dad make clay statues of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. When her dad passes away, she and her mom continue making clay statues to make a living. Then one day Durga is involved in an accident and is rescued by a young man named Babu. Both of them fall in love with each and want to get married. But before that could happen, Dubai returned Rana, another man who wants to marry Durga, kills her mom and then Babu himself. A devastated Durga undergoes eye surgery through Swiss-based Dr. R.K. Prasad and regains her sight. Dr. Prasad takes her with him to live in Switzerland and this is where multi-millionaire Raj enters her life and wants to marry her.


Arjun Rampal
Arjun Rampal
Rohit 'Babu'
Ameesha Patel
Ameesha Patel
Bobby Deol
Bobby Deol
Achint Kaur
Achint Kaur
Anang Desai
Anang Desai
Beena Banerjee
Beena Banerjee
Asha Sharma
Asha Sharma
Suhasini Mulay
Suhasini Mulay
Kanwaljit Singh
Kanwaljit Singh
Vivek Shauq
Vivek Shauq
Parmeet Sethi
Parmeet Sethi


Bunty Soorma
Bunty Soorma
Ashok Roy
Ashok Roy
Javed Siddiqui
Javed Siddiqui
Bunty Soorma
Bunty Soorma
Shruti Merchant
Shruti Merchant


ビバリーヒルズ チワワ
激しい暑さにむせぶフロリダを舞台に、謎めいた女と出会った若い弁護士が遺産相続を背景にした恐ろしい罠にまきこまれてゆく姿を描く。製作はフレッド・T・ガロ、監督・脚本は「レイダース 失われた聖櫃<アーク>」の脚本を手がけたローレンス・カスダン、撮影はリチャード・H・クライン、音楽はジョン・バリー、編集はカロル・リトルトン、製作デザインはビル・ケニーが各々担当。出演はウィリアム・ハート、キャスリーン・ターナー、リチャード・クレンナ、テッド・ダンソン、J・A・プレストン、ミッキー・ロークなど。
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A guy's life is turned around by an email, which includes the names of everyone he's had sex with and ever will have sex with. His situation gets worse when he encounters a femme fatale (Ryder) who targets men guilty of sex crime.
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Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.
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Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.
Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash are narcotics detectives who, while both being extremely successful, can't stand each other. Crime Lord Yves Perret, furious at the loss of income that Tango and Cash have caused him, frames the two for murder. Caught with the murder weapon on the scene of the crime, the two have no alibi. Thrown into prison with most of the criminals they helped convict, it appears that they are going to have to trust each other if they are to clear their names and catch the evil Perret.
ペイチェック 消された記憶
シカゴ警察でトップの手腕を誇る人質交渉人ダニー・ローマン彼はある日、何物かの罠にはめられて、殺人罪と横領罪の濡れ衣を着せられてしまう。八方ふさがりの状況の中、彼に残された最後の手段それは警察ビルに人質をとって立てこもって時間を稼ぎ真犯人を突き止めることだった。 ダニーは、自分の交渉相手に、ほかの管轄区を担当する交渉人クリス・セイビアンを指名するが…。
1962年。イタリアから希望の国アメリカに向けて出港したアントニア・グラーザ号。贅の限りを尽くしたこの豪華客船は、航海中に突然その消息を絶った。それから40年後の現在。海難救助用のタグボート”アーティスティック・ウォリアー”のクルーたちは、謎の男からベーリング海に浮かぶ巨大漂流戦のサルベージ依頼を受ける。その船こそが40年前に消息を断ったゴーストシップ=アントニア・グラーザ号であることも知らずに……。一体この船で何が起きたのか? 乗船していた1,100人もの人間が忽然と姿を消したのはなぜか? 謎と恐怖が支配する、ゴーストシップへようこそ──。
Viola Hastings is in a real jam. Complications threaten her scheme to pose as her twin brother, Sebastian, and take his place at a new boarding school. She falls in love with her handsome roommate, Duke, who loves beautiful Olivia, who has fallen for Sebastian! As if that were not enough, Viola's twin returns from London ahead of schedule but has no idea that his sister has already replaced him on campus.
ファイナルデッドコール 暗闇にベルが鳴る
An escaped maniac returns to his childhood home on Christmas Eve, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。