Turning Paige (2002)

Three’s a crowd

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 49分

演出 : Robert Cuffley


A young would-be writer is forced to confront her past upon the return of her angry, wayward brother.


Nicholas Campbell
Nicholas Campbell
Ross Fleming
Katharine Isabelle
Katharine Isabelle
Paige Fleming
Philip DeWilde
Philip DeWilde
Trevor Fleming
Torri Higginson
Torri Higginson
Ms Sheila Newlands
Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher
Jeff Simm
Nikki Barnett
Nikki Barnett
Danielle Whitaker
John Diamond
John Diamond
Steve Pettle
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
David McClelland
David McClelland
Chet’s dad
Janet Monid
Janet Monid
Woman in woods
Dawn McKelvie Cyr
Dawn McKelvie Cyr
Social worker
Charlie Rhindress
Charlie Rhindress
Bette Douglas
Bette Douglas
Shouting woman
Vincent Connors
Vincent Connors
Shouting man
Matt Kennedy
Matt Kennedy
Guy #1


Robert Cuffley
Robert Cuffley
Robert Cuffley
Robert Cuffley
Jason Long
Jason Long
Carolyn McMaster
Carolyn McMaster
Colin Neale
Colin Neale
Executive Producer
Mike Shields
Mike Shields
Mark Dobrescu
Mark Dobrescu
Director of Photography
Paryse Normandeau
Paryse Normandeau
Production Design
Chris J. O'Neil
Chris J. O'Neil
Costume Design
Georges Hannan
Georges Hannan
Sound Mixer
Beau Shiminsky
Beau Shiminsky
Sound Editor


An Ordinary Man
A war criminal in hiding forms a relationship with his only connection to the outside world - his maid.
When architect-turned-recluse Bernadette Fox goes missing prior to a family trip to Antarctica, her 15-year-old daughter Bee goes on a quest with Bernadette's husband to find her.
It’s 1948 and the Cold War has arrived in Chile. In the Congress, prominent Communist Senator and popular poet Pablo Neruda accuses the government of betraying the Party and is stripped of his parliamentary immunity by President González Videla. The Chief of Investigative Police instructs inspector Óscar Peluchonneau to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to escape from the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril, but they are forced to go underground.
Death Note/デスノート
Kiss and Cry
A romantic drama based on the story of Carley Allison, a promising 18 year old figure skater and singer who made medical history in her fight against a rare 1 in 3.5 billion type of sarcoma.
Sexo salvaje
A young couple going through a matrimonial crisis decides to open their relationship to new sexual experiences and adopt the swinger lifestyle, discovering not only a world without sexual limits, but also challenging the frontiers of their confidence.
Run the Tide
When their drug abusing mother is released from prison determined to rebuild their family, Rey kidnaps his younger brother Oliver and escapes their desert home for the California coast.
I'm Not Ashamed
Based on the inspiring and powerful true story and journal entries of Rachel Joy Scott- the first student killed in the Columbine High School shooting in 1999.
Boys in the Trees
On Halloween 1997, two estranged teen skaters embark on a surreal journey through their memories, dreams and fears.
10 クローバーフィールド・レーン
ある決闘 セントヘレナの掟
A Texas Ranger investigates a series of unexplained deaths in a town called Helena.
インドネシアの山奥で過去最大と呼ばれる巨大金脈を発見し、 一攫千金の夢を成し遂げた探鉱者、ケニー・ウェルス。倒産寸前だった彼の会社はV字回復。 ウォール街の巨大投資銀行から全世界の金山を牛耳ってきた黄金王までがケニーの成功を賞賛し、 それを連日報じる全米のメディアは、彼を一躍スターへと押し上げた。 そんな中、報じられたのは衝撃のニュースだった。170億ドルの金塊が一夜にして消えた―。 「オレは何も知らない!」ケニーの主張も空しく、会社の株価は大暴落。 混乱の中、メディアや株主からの追求は激しさを増し、そして遂にFBIの捜査が始まった。 騙したのは、誰だ―。
LION/ライオン ~25年目のただいま~
インドで迷子になった5歳の少年が、25年後にGoogle Earthで故郷を探し出したという実話を、「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のデブ・パテル、「キャロル」のルーニー・マーラ、ニコール・キッドマンら豪華キャスト共演で映画化したヒューマンドラマ。 1986年、インドのスラム街で暮らす5歳の少年サルーは、兄と仕事を探しにでかけた先で停車中の電車で眠り込んでしまい、家から遠く離れた大都市カルカッタ(コルカタ)まで来てしまう。そのまま迷子になったサルーは、やがて養子に出されオーストラリアで成長。25年後、友人のひとりから、Google Earthなら地球上のどこへでも行くことができると教えられたサルーは、おぼろげな記憶とGoogle Earthを頼りに、本当の母や兄が暮らす故郷を探しはじめる。
Clavius, a powerful Roman military tribune, and his aide, Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.
サロゲート -危険な誘い-