The Marcorelle Affair (2000)
ジャンル : ドラマ, ファンタジー, スリラー
上映時間 : 1時間 32分
演出 : Serge Le Péron
François Marcorelle, an investigation magistrate in Chambéry, finds himself in the room of a young Polish girl that he met in a restaurant
The story about Abby Jensen, a girl who's been eager to reach her 16th birthday and has kept a secret wish list since she was a little girl. When the Big Day actually arrives, utter disaster strikes, leaving Abby to think her birthday is ruined. But when a mysterious box of magical birthday candles arrives to turn things around, Abby's 16 Wishes start to come true. Her day gets better and better...until she makes one wish that threatens to change everything.
When a high school diploma becomes the key to unlocking his inheritance, a spoiled teen gets an invaluable lesson in life and love in a rural village.
In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
A precocious and obsessive teenager develops a crush on a naive writer with harrowing consequences.
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
A suburban family is torn apart when fourteen-year-old Annie meets her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via online chat and phone, Annie discovers her friend is not who he originally claimed to be. Shocked into disbelief, her parents are shattered by their daughter's actions and struggle to support her as she comes to terms with what has happened to her once innocent life.
After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns in a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.
In the future, medical technology has advanced to the point where people can buy artificial organs to extend their lives. But if they default on payments, an organization known as the Union sends agents to repossess the organs. Remy is one of the best agents in the business, but when he becomes the recipient of an artificial heart, he finds himself in the same dire straits as his many victims.
After falling from the Twin Towers, Kong lies in a coma for ten years. When his heart begins to fail, scientists engineer an artificial heart, and a giant female ape is captured to serve as a source for a blood transfusion. When Kong awakens following his heart transplant, he senses the nearby presence of the female ape and the two escape to wreak havoc together.
The ongoing war between the canine and feline species is put on hold when they join forces to thwart a rogue cat spy with her own sinister plans for conquest.
Sunny is a naïve circus performer who dreams of inheriting his father's knife-throwing skills. However, his hostile colleagues continue to bully him, relegating him to a lowly clown. On a tour to Malaysia, Cheung and other performers discover a cave occupied by the Japanese army during World War II. Instead of finding treasure, the performers - including Sunny - are sprayed with a mysterious chemical that turns them into superhuman mutants...
When three skiers find themselves stranded on a chair lift at a New England ski resort that has closed for the next week, they are forced to make life or death choices that prove to be more perilous than staying put and freezing to death.
旅を続けるサトシ一行は、自然に囲まれた町・ミチーナに到着する。タッグバトルをしたトレーナーの案内で、遺跡に向かったサトシたちは、そこで時を司る神・ディアルガを呼び出す女性・シーナに出会う。 シーナからアルセウスについての言い伝えを聞いてた時、遂にアルセウスが長い眠りから覚め、人間を滅ぼそうと復讐のために現れる。
普段のように天国と地獄の管理を行っている閻魔の館で一人の若いサイケ鬼が地獄行きの魂を浄化するスピリッツロンダリング装置のタンクを換え忘れた。満タンになったタンクからは悪の気が漏れ出し、サイケ鬼の体を媒介に、怪物ジャネンバに変化。同時に閻魔の館は結界で封じられてしまい、あの世とこの世の秩序がめちゃくちゃになってしまった。この世ではフリーザなど、かつて倒した悪人達が復活し大混乱。孫悟飯、孫悟天、トランクスらが応戦するが、根本的な解決法が分からずにいた。 同じ頃、前回のあの世一武道会のやり直しとして再び行われていた武道会の決勝戦にて、突如謎の結晶体が現れる。閻魔界に異常があることを知った悟空とパイクーハンは閻魔のもとへと向かい、結界を破壊しようと試みるも失敗。閻魔から、結界を張った張本人が上にいたジャネンバであると告げられ、ジャネンバ直々の指名もあり、悟空が闘いを挑むことになる。 ジャネンバは一見間抜けな姿をしているが、魔法のような不思議な技を自在に操る上に、相手の動きを見切ることに長けているため、悟空はやや苦戦を強いられる。ついに悟空は魔人ブウ戦以来2度目となる超サイヤ人3に変身し、ジャネンバに渾身の一撃を喰らわせる。ところが、息絶えたかに見えたジャネンバは瞬く間に体を再生させ、より戦闘向きの体となって悟空に襲い掛かった。ジャネンバの実力は悟空の超サイヤ人3の力を持ってしても歯が立たず、大ピンチに。そんな中悟空のピンチに駆けつけたのは、あの世の秩序が乱れたことにより、本来の肉体を取り戻したベジータだった。 一人果敢に立ち向かうベジータだったが、ジャネンバに敵わず、歴然たる実力差を見せつけられたベジータは、死んだ今でもなお悟空に一歩及ばないことを悟り、落胆する。そこで、悟空から最後の手段として、融合技「フュージョン」を提案される。あの世とこの世の秩序を元通りにすべく、悟空とベジータは、強敵ジャネンバを前にフュージョンを試みる。