
千年女優 (2002)


ジャンル : アニメーション, ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Satoshi Kon
脚本 : Sadayuki Murai, Satoshi Kon




Miyoko Shoji
Miyoko Shoji
Chiyoko Fujiwara (70's) (voice)
Mami Koyama
Mami Koyama
Chiyoko Fujiwara (20-40's) ( voice)
Fumiko Orikasa
Fumiko Orikasa
Chiyoko Fujiwara (10-20's) (voice)
Showko Tsuda
Showko Tsuda
Eiko Shimao (voice)
Shozo Iizuka
Shozo Iizuka
Genya Tachibana (voice)
Masaya Onosaka
Masaya Onosaka
Kyouji Ida (voice)
Masane Tsukayama
Masane Tsukayama
The Man with the Scar (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Koichi Yamadera
The Man of the Key (voice)
Hisako Kyoda
Hisako Kyoda
Chiyoko's Mother (voice)
Tomie Kataoka
Tomie Kataoka
Mino (voice)


Satoshi Kon
Satoshi Kon
Nobutaka Ike
Nobutaka Ike
Art Direction
Kim Eun-young
Kim Eun-young
Taro Maki
Taro Maki
Masao Maruyama
Masao Maruyama
Executive Producer
Takeshi Honda
Takeshi Honda
Character Designer
Takeshi Honda
Takeshi Honda
Animation Director
Satoshi Kon
Satoshi Kon
Original Story
Sadayuki Murai
Sadayuki Murai
Satoshi Kon
Satoshi Kon
Masafumi Mima
Masafumi Mima
Sound Director
Hisao Shirai
Hisao Shirai
Director of Photography
Satoshi Hashimoto
Satoshi Hashimoto
Color Designer
Satoshi Terauchi
Satoshi Terauchi
Kumiko Taniguchi
Kumiko Taniguchi
Special Effects
Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa
Original Music Composer
Sachi Suzuki
Sachi Suzuki
Special Effects
Hideki Hamasu
Hideki Hamasu
Animation Director
Kenichi Konishi
Kenichi Konishi
Animation Director
Shougo Furuya
Shougo Furuya
Animation Director
Toshiyuki Inoue
Toshiyuki Inoue
Animation Director
Hideki Hamasu
Hideki Hamasu
Key Animation
Hiroshi Shimizu
Hiroshi Shimizu
Key Animation
Hirotaka Kinoshita
Hirotaka Kinoshita
Key Animation
Hiroyuki Horiuchi
Hiroyuki Horiuchi
Key Animation
Hitoshi Haga
Hitoshi Haga
Key Animation
Jun Takagi
Jun Takagi
Key Animation
Junko Abe
Junko Abe
Key Animation
Katsuichi Nakayama
Katsuichi Nakayama
Key Animation
Kenichi Konishi
Kenichi Konishi
Key Animation
Kouichi Arai
Kouichi Arai
Key Animation
Kumiko Kawana
Kumiko Kawana
Key Animation
Masaharu Tada
Masaharu Tada
Key Animation
Masahiko Kubo
Masahiko Kubo
Key Animation
Masahiro Emoto
Masahiro Emoto
Key Animation
Masahiro Kurio
Masahiro Kurio
Key Animation
Michio Mihara
Michio Mihara
Key Animation
Michiyo Suzuki
Michiyo Suzuki
Key Animation
Minoru Murao
Minoru Murao
Key Animation
Mitsunori Murata
Mitsunori Murata
Key Animation
Shinji Otsuka
Shinji Otsuka
Key Animation
Shougo Furuya
Shougo Furuya
Key Animation
Takeshi Honda
Takeshi Honda
Key Animation
Tatsuhiro Itano
Tatsuhiro Itano
Key Animation
Tetsuya Kumagai
Tetsuya Kumagai
Key Animation
Tetsuya Nishio
Tetsuya Nishio
Key Animation
Toshihiro Kikuchi
Toshihiro Kikuchi
Key Animation
Toshiyuki Inoue
Toshiyuki Inoue
Key Animation
Yasuhiro Seo
Yasuhiro Seo
Key Animation
Yasunori Miyazawa
Yasunori Miyazawa
Key Animation
Yoshimitsu Ohashi
Yoshimitsu Ohashi
Key Animation
Hiroaki Hirabayashi
Hiroaki Hirabayashi
Color Timer
Satoshi Kon
Satoshi Kon
Character Designer




Blood: The Last Vampire
1966年、秋。ベトナム戦争最中の、日本の中のアメリカ——米空軍・横田基地。ファントムF4戦闘機があわただしくスクランブル発進する基地周辺を殺伐とした空気が包む中、街では不審な自殺が相次いでいた。 地下鉄・銀座線、浅草行最終列車。殺風景な車両にたたずむひとりの少女。大人をも射すくめる強い眼差しと、堅く結ばれた唇が秘めた意志を物語る──彼女の名は小夜(SAYA)。人間社会に身を潜めた吸血鬼<翼手>を倒すため、「組織」が送り込んだ救世主。セーラー服に身を包んだ小夜は、日本刀を武器に基地内のアメリカンスクールに潜入したが……。
Azumanga Daioh: The Very Short Movie
In this short movie featuring familiar characters from Azumanga Daioh, Osaka is yet again having a strange dream of Chiyo-Chan's pigtails being posessed. As Chiyo-Chan's pigtails bounce out of the window, who knows if young Chiyo will ever be happy again.
Amon Saga
Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
Psycho Diver: Soul Siren
Yuki Kano has it all: fame, wealth, the world at her feet. There's also something very wrong with her... from time to time, she's totally unable to sing (which, for a pop star, is not good). Enter Bosujima, a "psycho diver" with the capability to enter people's heads and straighten out what's wrong with them. Well, most of the time, anyway.
真救世主伝説 北斗の拳 ZERO ケンシロウ伝
ドラゴンボール 魔訶不思議大冒険
ミーファン国皇帝(餃子)の花嫁ランランが行方不明となり、ミーファン国大臣(鶴仙人)はランラン捜索のためにドラゴンボールを集めようと画策する。各地へ兵を派兵したミーファン国は、ドラゴンボールの捜索のために現地の住人まで駆り出し強制労働や虐殺などを繰り返していた。 一方で、この時期ミーファン国で開かれる武道大会で優勝すると褒章が貰えるという。ウパとボラは国の非道を正す目的で、亀仙人の弟子となった孫悟空とクリリンは腕試しのために武道大会へと赴くのであった。
In 2710, a boy named Shinichi is on a school field trip to a rebuilt 21st century version of the city Nara. When he wanders from his class, he spots a talking white deer and it steals his bag. Shinichi follows the deer and sees a strange girl named Toto and falls in love with her. She is being pursed by two brothers and they try to get away from them.
GoShogun: The Time Étranger
Forty years after the events of the TV series, Remy Shimada, ex-pilot of the GoShogun, suffers a terrible accident while on her way to a meeting with her former robot-piloting comrades. While they rush to the hospital, Remy floats between life and death. She sees visions of her life when she was young, and stranger still, experiences a hallucination of being with her friends, all of them young again, in a mysterious city filled with hostile fanatics. Far from being the reunion Remy hoped for, a ghastly letter arrives for each member of the team that predicts their gruesome deaths. Slated to die in two days, both in reality and in her dream, Remy struggles to find a way out of the City of Fate, relying on the memories of her friends to see her through, even as they surround her death bed in the waking world.
エスパー魔美 星空のダンシングドール
Digimon X-Evolution
The Digital World is becoming so overpopulated that the super computer Yggdrasill who governs the Digital World can no longer handle it. Its solution is Project Ark: to wipe out most of inhabitants with the X Program. Yggdrasill chooses a very small percentage to be moved to a new Digital World and then proceeds to destroy the old one. Some Digimon who were not chosen survive anyway, and they move to the new world with a rare gift known as the X Antibody; this antibody changes their appearance and makes them more powerful, while at the same time making them immune to the X Program. No longer in control, Yggdrasill uses the Royal Knights to destroy these X-Digimon, who are outcasts in the new Digital World.
Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku
The young warrior Son Ogong (Son Goku) goes on a outrageous quest to acquire seven magical orbs, along the way beating up evil persons who want to steal the orbs for their own ends.
ルパン三世 ロシアより愛をこめて
ルパン三世 セブンデイズ・ラプソディ
Kawamo o Suberu Kaze
In the story, 33-year-old Kanazawa native Noriko had decided long ago not to accept an ordinary, provincial life for herself. So, she had gone to college in Tokyo, worked on her own, married a man at an elite trading firm, and had a child. She has just returned home from five years abroad with her husband and four-year-old son. However, she senses a large emptiness in her heart since coming back. Moreover, there is a man who shares a big secret with Noriko.


銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 激突 第⼀章
帝国暦488年(宇宙暦797年)、ラインハルトは門閥貴族連合との内戦に勝利し、名実ともに銀河帝国の最高権力者となる。しかし、自らの半身ともいうべきキルヒアイスを喪った哀しみは、彼の心に暗い影を落としたままであった。時を同じくして、自由惑星同盟では、救国軍事会議によるクーデターを鎮圧したヤン・ウェンリーが、名将としての声望をますます高めていた。しかし、権力に固執する同盟政府の政治家たちは、ヤンへの警戒心を強めていく。 翌年、銀河帝国軍はイゼルローン要塞の奪還作戦を開始した。過去も現在も難攻不落を誇る軍事拠点に対し、ケンプ提督率いる帝国軍は驚くべき攻略法をもって攻めかかる。それは、これまでの歴史にない戦闘の始まりとなるのであった。
'Close-Up' Long Shot
Hossain Sabzian and some of his associates discuss his character, his life-long obsession with cinema and his attitude towards the film he starred in, "Close-Up" (1990).
銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 激突 第三章
帝国暦488年(宇宙暦797年)、ラインハルトは門閥貴族連合との内戦に勝利し、名実ともに銀河帝国の最高権力者となる。しかし、自らの半身ともいうべきキルヒアイスを喪った哀しみは、彼の心に暗い影を落としたままであった。時を同じくして、自由惑星同盟では、救国軍事会議によるクーデターを鎮圧したヤン・ウェンリーが、名将としての声望をますます高めていた。しかし、権力に固執する同盟政府の政治家たちは、ヤンへの警戒心を強めていく。 翌年、銀河帝国軍はイゼルローン要塞の奪還作戦を開始した。過去も現在も難攻不落を誇る軍事拠点に対し、ケンプ提督率いる帝国軍は驚くべき攻略法をもって攻めかかる。それは、これまでの歴史にない戦闘の始まりとなるのであった。
Black Light
A car accident happened. One died, and the other went into a coma. The case was concluded as the dead one’s fault. Being guilt-ridden, the dead man’s wife, Hee-ju struggles to move forward. One day, she learns that the victim tried to kill himself before the accident. Suspecting that the accident might be caused by the victim on purpose, she starts to reinvestigate the case all over again.
少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライトロンド・ロンド・ロンド
大場なな。 聖翔音楽学園第99期生 出席番号15番。 中学時代、1人きりの演劇部で孤独の中にいる彼女は、この学園で初めて舞台を創る本当の喜びを知る。 同じ舞台を目指し、手を取り合った99期生という同志。 幕が下りた瞬間の沸き立つ拍手と、身を震わせる充実。 燃える宝石のような煌めき。 輝く虹のような幸福な日々をもう一度ーー あの眩しさに囚われたななは、キリンが主催する謎のオーディションに参加。 合格者となった彼女は、運命の舞台に「第99回聖翔祭、あの一年間の再演」を望む。 「いいでしょう」 そして再び始まる、「あの一年」。 ななは開花させた才能の全てを、眩しい日々の「再演」に注ぎ込む。 だが、彼女は未だ知らない。 全く同じ舞台は無いということを。 終わらない舞台は無いということを。 繰り返す再演の先に、廻る輪舞の幕が上がる。 「演じたはずの舞台。なのに、私の知らない舞台」 「それが、ロンド・ロンド・ロンドーーわかります」
The Enchanting Star
Famous star Suheir falls in love with a rising actor called Ibrahim and they intend to get married. However, her producer who gets overly jealous hires a woman to ruin Suheir and Ibrahim's relationship by claiming she is Ibrahim's wife.
第四次ティアマト会戦からアスターテ会戦までの期間を描いた劇場用作品。「銀河英雄伝説 わが征くは星の大海」の続編。 銀河帝国の若き大将ラインハルト・フォン・ミューゼルは、第四次ティアマト会戦を勝利に導いた功績で、名門ローエングラム伯爵家を継ぐことに決定。しかし、彼をこころよく思わない門閥貴族たちは、ラインハルトを戦場で殺してしまおうと企むのだった。
銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 星乱 第2章
In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance-are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen Li as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.
銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 激突 第二章
帝国暦488年(宇宙暦797年)、ラインハルトは門閥貴族連合との内戦に勝利し、名実ともに銀河帝国の最高権力者となる。しかし、自らの半身ともいうべきキルヒアイスを喪った哀しみは、彼の心に暗い影を落としたままであった。時を同じくして、自由惑星同盟では、救国軍事会議によるクーデターを鎮圧したヤン・ウェンリーが、名将としての声望をますます高めていた。しかし、権力に固執する同盟政府の政治家たちは、ヤンへの警戒心を強めていく。 翌年、銀河帝国軍はイゼルローン要塞の奪還作戦を開始した。過去も現在も難攻不落を誇る軍事拠点に対し、ケンプ提督率いる帝国軍は驚くべき攻略法をもって攻めかかる。それは、これまでの歴史にない戦闘の始まりとなるのであった。
銀河英雄伝説外伝 黄金の翼
銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 星乱 第一章
In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance-are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen Li as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.
Port of Memory
In what is left of the city of Jaffa, a man about to lose his house contemplates his fate. Meanwhile two women remain tied to their homes. Cats scrabbling her front door, one finds solace feeding her old mother, until her house is taken over by an Israeli film crew. The other immerses herself in dreams of love whilst making wedding decorations. In a nearby café an old captain sits motionless the whole day through, while another man moves restless like a fish in an aquarium. For these Palestinian characters this is a way of life, holding onto hope through their own rituals.
超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか
銀河英雄伝説: わが征くは星の大海
The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Seiran 3
In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance-are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen Li as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.
Filmmaker Naomi Kawase captures the love, loss, and loneliness felt as she prepares to move out of her foster mother's home.
Black Wind
The building of a railroad under tough conditions from searing heat to freezing cold in the Sonora desert provokes clashes of passion and struggles between the engineers and the workers at the campsite. The workers also contend with sudden dust storms that are called the 'black wind'. Based on true events.