Director of Photography
The story of "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" centers on a Pokémon scientist who has developed a new Mirage System to resurrect extinct Pokémon. Satoshi, Haruka, Masato, and Takeshi show up at the Mirage Mansion for a demonstration of this new machine, only to witness the kidnapping of the scientist! Then a mysterious stranger appears and claims that the machine can actually create Pokémon without weaknesses. It’s up to Satoshi and company to preserve the natural balance of the Pokémon world.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Supervisor
Director of Photography
ある日、東京湾に輸送機が墜落する。その後湾岸の各所で何者かによってレイバーが襲撃される事件が連続して発生。警視庁城南署の刑事、久住と秦は各所で聞き込み捜査を進め、墜落事件の後に巨大なハゼが釣れていた事、墜落した輸送機の貨物コンテナに不審な点があることなどの奇妙で不審な点を突き止める。 その後、6月8日の雨の夜に若者の集うディスコクラブ「バビロン」で車に乗ったカップルの惨殺死体が発見される。時を同じくして近隣にあるバビロン工区の水上コンテナ備蓄基地で突如警報が作動し、停電と共に内部の職員と連絡がとれなくなる、という事態が発生。 近くを走行中のパトカー(城南4)に偶然乗っていた久住と秦は、警備員の通報を受けパトカーに乗る警官らと共に現場に急行。施設内部へと分け入る。しかし、そこで彼らが遭遇したのは廃棄物13号(WXIII)と名付けられた異形の怪物だった。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
ここは海辺にある大きなお屋敷。ピカチュウたちはそこで「かくれんぼ」をして遊ぶことに。ピカチュウがオニに決まって、さあ、みんな上手に隠れることができたかな?! そのころヨーギラスは、ひとりぼっちがおもしろくなくて、大きな石をけったんだ。それが芝刈り機に命中して動き出しちゃった!ピカチュウたちを追いかけて大暴走! 迷路に追い込んでも海に落としても芝刈り機はへっちゃら。みんなで丸太を運んで道を作って小屋に入れるつもりだけれど、ドジなコダックが転んでしまって、さあ大変!ハラハラドキドキのファンタジー。
Director of Photography
現代の40年前の世界。ハテノの森を訪れた少年・ユキナリは、森の中でハンターに追われていたポケモンに出会う。そのポケモンは「セレビィ」といい、時を超える力を持つと言われるポケモンだった。セレビィをハンターから守ろうとしたユキナリは、セレビィの力でセレビィと共に40年後の未来へタイムスリップしてしまう。 現代。旅の途中でハテノの森を訪れたサトシ一行は、セレビィが時を越える際に起こる「森の声」という現象に遭遇。程なくサトシ達は祠の前に倒れているユキナリを発見。ハテノ村の長老トワ達に介抱されたユキナリはセレビィがいないことに気付き、サトシ達と共にセレビィを探しに向かう。傷だらけのセレビィを見つけたサトシ達はトワの下へ戻ろうとするが、そこへセレビィを追っていたロケット団幹部・ビシャスが現れ、セレビィを捕えようと襲い掛かって来た。ユキナリとの連携でビシャスのポケモンを撃退し、何とか逃げおおせたサトシ達は、生き物の傷を癒す不思議な力を持つ湖にたどり着き、そこで一夜を明かす事にする。
Editorial Manager
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
1カラットもない安物の指輪、マルケスの記念指輪がニューヨークのオークション会場に出品された。呆れ返る衆人をよそに、一人の紳士が百万ドルの値を付けるが、1$差でバンク・オブ・ワールド頭取のシンシアに競り負けてしまう。 そこへ銭形警部が現れた。 シンシアと競り合っていた紳士の正体はルパンだったのだ。 ルパンは指輪を奪い逃走しようとするが、シンシアの部下ナビコフに奪われてしまう。指輪には、持っているだけで世界の王になれるというブローチの所在を示す秘密が隠されていて、シンシアもそのブローチを狙っていたのだ。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
美しい高原の街「グリーンフィールド」に住む少女ミーはアンノーンの研究をしている父親のシュリーと共に暮らしていた。ある日、遺跡の調査をしていたシュリーがアンノーンの空間に閉じ込められてしまい、行方不明となった。父親が残した奇妙なカードをミーが並び替えた時、「アンノーン」達が出現し、彼女の感情を感じ取り、エンテイを生み出した。声や雰囲気から父親がエンテイになって帰ってきたと思い、ミーは喜んだ。 一方、サトシたちも旅の途中でトレーナーのリンとのポケモンバトルを繰り広げ、ジョウト地方で女性が行きたい場所No.1の「グリーンフィールド」を訪れていた。突如グリーンフィールドがクリスタルで囲まれたことに困惑するサトシ達。シェリーや娘のミーが気掛かりになったオーキド博士とハナコも現場に向かい、サトシと再会した。その様子を見ていたミーは自分もママが欲しいとエンテイに願うと彼女の願いを叶えるため、ハナコを連れ去ってしまう。グリーンフィールドの結晶化が進む中、ミーはサトシ達に両親が帰ってきたから来ないようにメールが来る。それに疑問に思う一同であったがサトシはハナコを救うため、カスミやピカチュウ達と共にグリーンフィールドの中心に出来た結晶塔へ向かう。
Director of Photography
This is the story about how Dubus, Lafiels father, and Plakia after an adventure on a mysterious, abandoned spaceship decided to have a daughter together and why Dubus gave her the name Lafiel.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
2015年、人類はこれまでに知られている最大の脅威に直面します。天使と呼ばれる謎の存在が、どこに現れてもパニックと破壊を広めます。 誰もその起源や動機を知りません。 この致命的な脅威を阻止するために、国連は秘密結社のネルフに巨大なアンドロイド、エヴァンゲリオンを作成するよう依頼しました。 庵野秀明監督の最初のエヴァンゲリオン映画の最新のビジョンを伝える新しいモンタージュを備えた新しいリマスター版。 この新しいモンタージュには、いくつかの再描画されたシーンが含まれていますが、再生セグメントはフッテージから削除され、The End ofEvangelionの最終カットに恒久的に組み込まれています。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
第25話「Air」 全ての使徒を倒したNERVに対し、サードインパクト発動を目論むゼーレが戦略自衛隊を使った武力占拠を開始する。施設が次々と破壊・占拠されていく中、シンジは戦自隊員に発見され殺されそうになるが、生きる意思を失くしていたシンジは抵抗すらしなかった。それをミサトが寸前で救出するが、移動中に銃撃に遭って負傷し、シンジにEVAで戦うよう言い残して命を落とす。 第26話 「まごころを、君に」シンジを乗せたEVA初号機を依代としてサードインパクトが始まる。これによって人類は個体の生命体としての姿を保てなくなり液化して崩れていき、その魂は「黒き月」に集められる。初号機はレイやカヲルの姿をとる巨人(第2使徒リリス)に取り込まれ、シンジはレイとカヲルに再会する。そこでシンジは人類が単体の生命となることを望まず、それぞれの個人がいる従来の世界を望みリリスは首から血を噴き出しながら倒れ崩れ落ちていく。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ross Sylibus is assigned to a police unit on a Martian colony, to find that women are being murdered by a psychotic named D'anclaude. He is assigned a very unorthodox partner named Naomi Armitage, who seems to have links to the victims. To stir things up more, every victim is found to be an illegally made third-generation android.
Director of Photography
Less than a year after Geist activated the Death Force, which decimated most of Jerra's population, he has kept himself busy by dismantling the Death Force machines one by one. Most of the remaining human population have fled to a remote haven run by a warlord named Krauser. Krauser is another MDS unit, MD-01, who has a technology that hides his mobile fortress from the Death Force.
Director of Photography
A courageous team of heroes battles the evil king of the planet Voice who's plotting to overthrow Earth through corporate raiding in this anime parody of Super Sentai/Power Rangers programs. The members of the Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman -- Shinesman Red, Shinesman Sepia, Shinesman Moss Green, Shinesman Salmon Pink and Shinesman Gray -- use the time between meetings and deadlines at the Right Corporation to bring down the bad guys.
Director of Photography
2029年、二度の大戦を経て、電脳化・義体化技術の発展した世界。新たな可能性の一方で、ゴーストハックや犯罪の多様化といった問題にも悩まされていた。 そんな中、他人の電脳をハックし人形のように使う「人形使い」が入国し公安9課は調査に乗り出す。
Camera Production Assistant
Director of Photography
An elite police crime fighting team is formed using convicted criminals. Using their first hand knowledge of the criminal mindset, the Wild 7 are first sent after a gang of Bank robbers. Then in Wild Biker Knights they are sent after a huge crime syndicate that has many high powered government officials in its deep pockets.
Director of Photography
CRYING FREEMAN: FINAL CHAPTER -- THE GUIDING LIGHT OF MEMORY (1993) is the sixth and last volume in the OAV series of Japanese anime adaptations of the "Crying Freeman" manga. A hard-hitting tale of violent criminals engaged in a brutal turf war, it is easily the best-written and most stylishly directed since the first in the series (PORTRAIT OF A KILLER). This one tells the story of a young Japanese Yakuza who takes over the Russian supply of drugs and weapons to Japan and cuts out the involvement of the Hong Kong-based 108 Dragons. Freeman, the hitman of the title and the 108 Dragons' star player, goes to Japan to investigate and gets framed for a succession of assassinations of top Yakuza bosses. The chief enemy here, Tsunaike, is aided by an icily sexy Arctic hit lady, Tanya (described as "Eskimo" in the subtitles, although she looks more Siberian), who is frequently seen in the nude in regular trysts with Tsunaike.
Director of Photography
A fortuneteller tells Hidari Taisho that he must hunt down 1000 foxes in order to conquer the country. So Akuemon, who is disliked by everybody, is hired to do the foxhunting. In response, the foxes send a female fox to Akuemon's house disguised as his wife. A story unfolds between Akuemon, who has never loved anyone, and the female fox, who slowly discovers true love in him even while tormented by sorrow over her comrades' death. This is the 6th work in "The Lion Books" series. It is also the first attempt by visualist Tezuka Makoto, Tezuka's older son, to render an original of his father's into an animated version.
In L.A.'s Chinatown, the crime cartel known as K.O. hatches a plot to bring down Ron Tayan and the 108 Dragons. Ron joins forces with the computer-savvy daughter of the local boss; she tracks the attacking gang via electronics, Ron goes to their stronghold via plane. They are kidnapers of young children, using ransom money to fuel their other activities. The troops are ex-Green Berets; the leaders are Larry Park, an expatriate Yank, and Nina Heaven, a killer with a soft spot in her heart for Ron. He's her captive, but she wants him to be her partner. Meanwhile, Fu, armed with her Muramasa sword, and Dark Eyes arrive on the island surreptitiously. The battle lines are drawn.
Director of Photography
In L.A.'s Chinatown, the crime cartel known as K.O. hatches a plot to bring down Ron Tayan and the 108 Dragons. Ron joins forces with the computer-savvy daughter of the local boss; she tracks the attacking gang via electronics, Ron goes to their stronghold via plane. They are kidnapers of young children, using ransom money to fuel their other activities. The troops are ex-Green Berets; the leaders are Larry Park, an expatriate Yank, and Nina Heaven, a killer with a soft spot in her heart for Ron. He's her captive, but she wants him to be her partner. Meanwhile, Fu, armed with her Muramasa sword, and Dark Eyes arrive on the island surreptitiously. The battle lines are drawn.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Because of a mysterious earring, Yumemi, a young japanese student, becomes involved in a mysterious story. She must go to Germany, where she learns that the spirit of an evil prince is haunting her earring...
Director of Photography
A science-fiction fantasy based loosely on the classical Japanese Noh theatre drama Adachi-ga Hara about the demon Onibaba, of which lyrical extracts are quoted at intermission-like intervals throughout the film. The plot centres on a journey made by a space pilot named Yūkei who arrives at a planet upon which a murderous "witch" is said to reside.
Naitai, the evil head of the Great Bear God religion, hatches a plot to destroy the 108 Dragons. His henchman, Oshu Togoku, the world wrestling champion, squeezes Ron Tayan unconscious in a match; the ambulance taking Ron to hospital is actually driven by Kimie, one of Ron's old enemies. She takes him to Naitai's stronghold where he has prepared a clone of Ron whom he intends to send, like a Trojan horse, onto the yacht of the 108 Dragons. Can Ron foil the plot? Will Fu recognize the clone or be fooled? What of Oshu Togoku, can anyone defeat him? And who, or what, can stand up to Naitai's sorcery?
Director of Photography
Naitai, the evil head of the Great Bear God religion, hatches a plot to destroy the 108 Dragons. His henchman, Oshu Togoku, the world wrestling champion, squeezes Ron Tayan unconscious in a match; the ambulance taking Ron to hospital is actually driven by Kimie, one of Ron's old enemies. She takes him to Naitai's stronghold where he has prepared a clone of Ron whom he intends to send, like a Trojan horse, onto the yacht of the 108 Dragons. Can Ron foil the plot? Will Fu recognize the clone or be fooled? What of Oshu Togoku, can anyone defeat him? And who, or what, can stand up to Naitai's sorcery?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ron Tayan now leads the 108 Dragons; Fu Ching Ran is his loyal wife. As their body tattoos show, he's the dragon, she's the tiger. The 108 Dragons are attacked by African Tusk, a syndicate intent on world control. Ron goes to Africa, dealing first with Shicaro, African Tusk's assassin, then with Jagone, its leader. Despite his success, he must still face Bugnug, Jagone's muscular and athletic military commander: Ron gives her a new name, Dark Eyes. Back in Hong Kong, Fu faces danger as well. A Muramasa sword with a dark history and, seemingly, its own demon spirit, falls into her hands. She seeks to tame it, and in the process, discovers her inner warrior identity
Director of Photography
With the blessing of the 108 Dragons, Yo and Emu marry and receive new names, Ron Tayan and Fu Ching Ran. The elders send them to Macau to find out who's behind a new attack. Fu is kidnaped; at the same time, Baya San (the huge granddaughter of the 108 Dragons' aged leaders) demands to be the next head of the gang, not Ron. The childish Baya San has joined forces with the Macau gang, in league with the American mob. A surprise visitor from the US arrives where Fu is being held captive. Can Ron rescue her, find the traitor within the 108 Dragons, defeat his enemies, and bring discipline to Baya San? He must still face the angry and deadly girlfriend of the American visitor.
Director of Photography
After hitting a passing spaceship and causing it to crash, a troupe of aliens and robots rescue the only survivor. It is a human baby named Corona that they decide to raise on their own, using the data they retrieved from the computer to mimic the life she would have had on Earth.
Director of Photography
Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?
Director of Photography
Camera Production Assistant
Noera is heading to work after drinking all night with a friend when he meets Marcia, a young biker heading towards Los Angeles. They abruptly get involved in a car chase and Marcia ends up retrieving a locked metal box from one of the pursued vehicles. Within it, a dark sphere. Many people want the orb at any cost forcing Noera and Marcia to desperately run away while trying to figure out what exactly is the strange object they are carrying.
Director of Photography
Senbei Norimaki finds the secret treasure named “Eye of Rainbow” of the legendary Nanaba Castle in the mountain. This treasure makes every dream come true. When the gang of Arale Norimaki and Gatchan tried to steal the treasure, Bisna, who is the descendant of Nanaba Kingdom, takes the treasure. Bisna wants to revive the devil and Nanaba Kingdom. Arale and her friends went towards the secret Nanaba Castle to get back the treasure.
Director of Photography
Arale and her friends learn of a World Grand Prix being organised by the Radial Kingdom. The prize is marrying Princess Front (a dead ringer to Ms. Yamabuki) or 1 million dollars. Of course they decide to enter for the money. Not so for Dr. Mashirito; he is going for the princess and will stop at nothing to win! The princess though has her own plan, which involves Ms. Yamabuki, and that of course means even Dr. Slump decides to enter with his trusty Borobo. Let the race begin...
Director of Photography
An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.
Director of Photography
When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group of students (including his robot daughter Arale) to venture into space to save her.
Director of Photography
Boston, United States. Dracula, the immortal vampire, interrupts a satanic ritual and flees with Dolores, the woman whom the members of the evil cult are about to murder. Overwhelmed by his love for her, and unable to drink her blood, they have a son together, whom they name Janus. (Loosely based on Marvel's The Tomb of Dracula comic book series.)