Masao Maruyama
出生 : 1941-06-19, Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Masao Maruyama (丸山 正雄, born June 19, 1941) is a Japanese anime producer and anime entrepreneur, the co-founder of Madhouse, as well as the founder of MAPPA and Studio M2. He is the current chairman of MAPPA and president of Studio M2.
Maruyama has been involved in the Japanese animation business for over 50 years. He has worked with many well-known and up-and-coming animators, established several animation production companies, worked on dozens of series and films, and planned and produced various works.
Maruyama is one of the most experienced producers in the Japanese animation industry and has given opportunities to individuals who went on to become accomplished directors in their own right. Among the talents he picked up were Satoshi Kon, Mamoru Hosoda, and Sunao Katabuchi. He also gave Masaaki Yuasa and Mitsuo Iso a chance to direct at a very early stage. He also gave Mamoru Hosoda, who was thinking of returning to his hometown to change careers after he was forced to drop out of directing Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle, a chance to direct his first theatrical film after resigning from Toei Animation. Yuichiro Hayashi, Munehisa Sakai, and Sunghoo Park, who became MAPPA's main directors, and Sayo Yamamoto, his direct protégé at Madhouse, are also people whose talents were discovered by Maruyama. His ability to find talented people helped Madhouse and MAPPA to make great strides.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Masao Maruyama (film producer), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
A subtle portrait of Japanese director Satoshi Kon by the specialist of Japanese cinema Pascal-Alex Vincent and a dive into a rich work. With interviews of the greatest Japanese, French and American directors inspired by his work.
Self - Film Producer
Japanese Masao Maruyama, co-founder of the Madhouse studio and producer of the cult films Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers talks about the fantastic universe of mangaka and filmmaker Satoshi Kon (1963-2010), one of the most brilliant and fascinating authors of world animation, ten years after his death.
A woman lends an admirer her arm for the course of one night for him to find pleasure with it... An eerie erotic short story by Nobel Prize laureat Kawabata Yasunari is turned into minimalist animation of dazzling beauty indebted to Alfons Maria Mucha. A true gem created by two anime giants.
ゴンと共に旅をしていたキルアは、兄のイルミに「お前には友達はできない」と迫られる夢にうなされていた。しばらくして二人は、マリオネットを操って路上ライブにいそしみ、ライブ終了後に投げ銭を受け取る人形師に出会う。人形師の名はレツといった。 一方、クラピカはレオリオとの道中、竪琴を弾く少年と出会う。少年は、かつて試験官が引き連れてきた者から同伴者を一人選んで行う試験で、競争相手であるはずの隣相手を選び、共に合格した程の仲である目の見えない少年、パイロだった。クラピカはレオリオに先を促して二人の時間を作った。再会も束の間、クラピカはパイロに両の目を奪われてしまう。クラピカが病室で静養している中を幻影旅団No.4のヒソカが現れ、奪った相手が以前の幻影旅団No.4だった男だと語った。その男の名は……。
Colin MacLeod hunts for the man responsible for the death of his love. He chases the immortal Marcus Octavius across centuries as his quest threatens to take over his life and heart. In his quest, he meets a woman who reminds him of his slain beauty. But it's his final battle with Marcus that will decide not only his fate, but also the fate of everyone in the world.
Executive Producer
Mayumi, the peaceful daughter of an E.G.O. leader, has never been able to come to terms with her faction's mission or her psychic abilities. Everything changes when, in the middle of a horrific attack on Earth, a mysterious boy named Hokuto appears. Mayumi is suddenly infused with a power she's never felt before. Hokuto convinces a new generation of E.G.O., ARAYASHIKI, WIZ-DOM, and DARKLORE members that the world is in danger. The POLESTAR EMPIRE, led by the ambitious Emperor, seeks to conquer the universe by resurrecting dead warriors. Four young women will discover their own personal strengths to face the ultimate evil in the Aquarian Age, a chaotic period rife with war.
Executive Producer
The story is focused on the future as seen by Kuzuki Kakyou, the dreamgazer of Dragons of Earth, as he remembers the life and death of a remarkable young woman whom he met in his dreams. He also recounts his dreams of a tragic future in which the fate of the earth will be decided.
Prince Alexander, son of King Philip, and heir to the Macedonian empire, must fend off political saboteurs, assassins, and the jealousy of his own father to ascend to the position of king. Once there, he begins his quest to conquer all nations and become known as the Great King, though an ancient prophecy foretells that he will be the destroyer of the world and forever remembered as the Devil King.
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。
Executive Producer
Based on an original character created by Danzig lead singer Glenn Danzig for his comic company Verotik Press. This three-minute pilot was created by Madhouse for a planned Satanika OVA series. As Verotik Press encountered financial difficulties and closed, a full-length anime was never produced.
A strange virus known as the Demon Virus, attacks the human genetic code, transforming people into monsters with demonic powers. One particular monster is terrorizing the streets of Tokyo. ripping open young women to devour their livers. A famed psychic holds the secret to the identity and purpose of this monster. Now it is up to two molecular biologists. self-proclaimed Bio Hunters Komada and Koshigaya, to reach the psychic and his beautiful daughter before its too late! The Demon Virus is out to conquer the world.
A 30-minute OVA composed of five Koji Nanjo music videos, featuring never-seen scenes between Takuto and him, with an original art gallery by Minami Ozaki at the end.
Sisters Mariko and May, along with Mariko's bad-tempered boyfriend, become involved with Ichiro, an arrogant, womanising male model.
「マーガレット」誌で連載された上田倫子の人気コミックをアニメ化した、マーガレットVIDEOシリーズ第5弾。新学期の朝、森里いぶきは夢の中でキスをした素敵な"王子様"と、現実の世界で出会ってしまった! 蛭子直人と名乗るその子は、同じクラスに転入してきたばかりか、彼女の家に居候することに──。キスは正夢になる?
Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.
Graduating senior Sakisaka Saki is secretly in love with her older sister Noriko's boyfriend, Kazame Kaname, unaware that Noriko and Kaname have broken up. Saki hopes to escape her dilemma when she goes to college, but she ends up attending the same college as Kaname. During orientation, she is recruited to Kaname's video club. He wants to film her, but so does another boy, Tachibana Daichi, who is secretly in love with her. Can the knots be untangled and true love find its true course?
Koji Nanjo, a young rock star, falls in love with soccer player Takuto Izumi. Koji eventually learns that Izumi's mother killed his father out of severe and intense love. Izumi took all the guilt for his father's murder and refuses to go pro because of fear that his past will be discovered by the media. Izumi detests Koji's company and encouragement and severely dislikes the attention from the press, but Koji cannot stay away for he soon realizes that his love for Izumi is very similar to the love that Izumi's mother felt for his father.
Jack has moved to Hokkaido to get treatment for an illness, but he's lonely and unhappy. One night a man on a horse rides through his window to help him. For a reason he doesn't understand, Jack instantly knows the man's name and feels they've met somewhere before. The man, Cu Chulainn, tells Jack to open the moonlight shadow window, which leads him to Nymphidia, the world of Midsummer Night's Dream, whose inhabitants are waiting for a new Fairy King.
Yamazaki Ryouhei is a cool twenty-three year old, with an extremely high sex drive. A smooth talker with the lady killing eyes and a winning smile, we follow him in his never-ending search for the perfect woman. When Yamazaki catches the eye of the beautiful senior editor, Oda Yuki, you know he's not just going far, he's going all the way. He lucks into a job at Potato Boy magazine that seems just made for him, but just how far can you get if your only hobby is looking at naked women? Now he's aiming for the top, turning Potato Boy magazine into one hell of a publication. No one expected things to get so hot, so quickly, but Yamazaki knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Don't think he will take no for an answer!
80年代の若者文化を先導していた人気作家・片岡義男の同名小説を、マンガ家・吉田秋生のキャラクターデザインによりアニメ映画化。 バイク好きの高校生・野村昭彦のあだ名はボビー。雑誌の誌面に載ったことをきっかけにして同い年の少女と文通を始めたり、仲間が集まる店でバイトを始めたりと、それなりに青春を謳歌していた。やがて父に対する反発心から家を飛び出したボビーの揺れる心は、会ったこともない文通相手への想いに支配されていく……。
Production Design
A fantasy-adventure with no human characters; only robots. A "road movie" for robots.