
Bloody Nitrate (1969)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 8分

演出 : Helvio Soto
脚本 : Helvio Soto


Chilean soldiers try to survive in the desert after they are attacked by Peruvian troops. The 17 survivors are held together by the Captain. The Lieutenant is a civilian attorney who clashes with the Captain as he pursues the valuable rights to nitrate deposits in the area. When the fighting was over, 25,000 soldiers from Chile, Peru and Bolivia had perished while trying to secure the coveted mineral rights for foreign companies.


Héctor Duvauchelle
Héctor Duvauchelle
Patricia Guzmán
Patricia Guzmán
La cholita
Jaime Vadell
Jaime Vadell
Jorge Guerra
Jorge Guerra
Jorge Yáñez
Jorge Yáñez
Mario Vernal
Mario Vernal
Teresa Vernal
Teresa Vernal
Angel Lattus
Angel Lattus
Jorge Lillo
Jorge Lillo


Helvio Soto
Helvio Soto
Silvio Caiozzi
Silvio Caiozzi
Director of Photography
Helvio Soto
Helvio Soto
Alejandro Villaseca
Alejandro Villaseca
Arturo Feliú
Arturo Feliú
Production Consultant
Sergio Trabucco
Sergio Trabucco
Assistant Director
Carlos Piaggio
Carlos Piaggio
Olivia de Ugarte
Olivia de Ugarte
Art Direction
Gonzalo Salvo
Gonzalo Salvo
Tito Lederman
Tito Lederman


Freaks Out
Four circus freaks with superpowers find themselves trapped in Nazi-occupied Rome after their owner and father figure goes missing in the aftermath of the 1943 surrender of Italy to the Allies.
ヒトラー ~最期の12日間~
チャーチル ノルマンディーの決断
ユダヤ人を救った動物園 〜アントニーナが愛した命〜
The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.
イレーナ・センドラー 2500人の命のために
Irena Sendler is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, when her physician father died of typhus contracted while treating poor Jewish patients. When she initially proposes saving Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, her idea is met with skepticism by fellow workers, her parish priest, and even her own mother Janina.
1942年北大西洋。1隻のドイツ潜水艦Uボート571号がイギリスの駆逐艦に攻撃され漂流、救難信号を発信する。 それを傍受したアメリカ海軍は潜水艦S-33をUボートに偽装、救援を装ってU571号を乗っ取り、ドイツ軍の最新暗号機(エニグマ)を奪取する作戦に出る。 しかし作戦実行中、救難信号を受けロリアンのUボート・ブンカーからU571号の救援に駆けつけた本物のUボートによってS-33が撃沈され乗組員のほとんどを失ってしまう。 敵潜水艦に取り残された副長ら数人は、扱いなれないUボート571号を駆使して、帰還しようとドイツ軍に立ち向かう。


Guitarras lloren guitarras
Juan from Altamira, Tamaulipas, arrives at the train station in the capital and is assaulted by Gus. As he finds only ten dollars in his wallet, he believes that Juan brings more money and offers him accommodation in his room to pay the rent. Juan is dedicated to singing and Gus makes his representative. Juan is successful singing together with Susana on stage and radio Azteca, but she does not correspond to his love. As she wants to succeed alone, she goes to Guadalajara but without success. Juan helps her and when she gets a heart illness, she agrees to marry him.
Cape Horn
The whaling captain, Antonio Grez, meets in a bar in the port of Valparaiso a very beautiful woman who lives haunted by the tragic premonition that fate will give her a violent death. Grez takes command of a whaler bound for Cape Horn and Antarctica. In Punta Arenas, the owner of the whaling company embarks on together with his fiancee, who is none other than the mysterious woman with whom Grez has fallen in love. The final route of the ship is the 'Land of Desolation', a place on which there is a curse and everyone knows that, for centuries, is has been fulfilled inexorably.
Boom in the Moon
An American soldier (Keaton) during World War II escapes from an airplane crash over the Pacific Ocean. He arrives on a beach believing he has landed in Japan, but he is actually in Mexico. He wanders into a fishing village and is arrested under the mistaken belief that he is a wanted serial killer. Keaton and another prisoner are put in the custody of an scientist who is planning to launch a manned rocket into outer space. The two prisoners, along with the scientist’s assistant, are blasted into space but their craft lands in an isolated portion of Mexico instead. They mistake a beekeeper wearing protective headgear as an alien, while the beekeeper believes the trio (who are wearing wizard robes) are escaped lunatics. The prisoners and the scientist’s assistant are apprehended by the local police, and the matter is quickly settled. The film is notable both as Keaton’s only Mexican production and as the last time Keaton had star billing in a feature film.
Doctor of Doom
A mad scientist terrorizes a city by kidnapping young women with his ape-man Gomar and then using them as subjects in sadistic brain transplant experiments. A female wrestler whose sister was one of the victims swears vengeance against the Mad Doctor.
Enough Praying
Many socially-concerned priests in Catholic Latin America have at some time left their parish churches to go and work in the fields and factories of the poor. Such priests, usually adherents of "liberation theology," are called "worker-priests." This Chilean film tells the story of how one man became a "worker-priest" and won the trust of the poor.
El zapato chino
A taxi driver finds Marlene, a provincial woman, lost in a brothel. Immediately he decides to help her out and take her at his place. Little by little, his paternal protection turns into a bizarre passion
Valparaiso My Love
A story inspired by real events that took place in the port of Valparaiso. Four poor children have been abandoned because their father, who is out of work, steals cattle to feed them and the police have arrested him. The story takes up the children's point of view and is structured in four episodes that describe their inevitable descent into the world of marginality and crime. Faced with life in a brutal way, from their problematic social situation, they head towards a marginality that is difficult to avoid.
El húsar de la muerte
Depicts the deeds of Chilean national hero Manuel Rodriguez and the events of the Chilean War of Independence against Spain in the early 1800s.
Three Sad Tigers
A glimpse at the few days and nights in the lives of a brother and sister, Amanda and Tito, in Santiago’s semi-criminal underworld. A rambling portrait of Chilean society.
A Long Journey
The death of his newborn brother will cause a child from the poor neighborhoods of Santiago to walk around the city with the lost cardboard wings that the dead baby lost after the wake, trying to return them to him with the illusion that his little brother can fly to heaven.