
ボルグ/マッケンロー 氷の男と炎の男 (2017)

Some stars shine forever

ジャンル : ドラマ, 履歴

上映時間 : 1時間 48分

演出 : Janus Metz
脚本 : Ronnie Sandahl




Sverrir Gudnason
Sverrir Gudnason
Björn Borg
Shia LaBeouf
Shia LaBeouf
John McEnroe
Stellan Skarsgård
Stellan Skarsgård
Lennart Bergelin
Tuva Novotny
Tuva Novotny
Mariana Simionescu
Leo Borg
Leo Borg
Younger Björn Borg
Marcus Mossberg
Marcus Mossberg
Young Björn Borg
Jackson Gann
Jackson Gann
Young John McEnroe
Scott Arthur
Scott Arthur
Peter Fleming
Ian Blackman
Ian Blackman
John McEnroe Senior
Robert Emms
Robert Emms
Vitas Gerulaitis
David Bamber
David Bamber
UK Commentator George Barnes
Jane Perry
Jane Perry
Kay McEnroe
Roy McCrerey
Roy McCrerey
Björn Borg's Agent #2
Björn Granath
Björn Granath
Bengt Grive
Tom Datnow
Tom Datnow
Jimmy Connors
Colin Stinton
Colin Stinton
Talk Show Host
Janis Ahern
Janis Ahern
Bob Boudreaux
Bob Boudreaux
Mr. Henderson
Wille Glyt
Wille Glyt
National Teamplayer #2
Anders Berg
Anders Berg
Södertälje Tennis Coach
Iva Šindelková
Iva Šindelková
Borg's fan (uncredited)
Zuzana Geislerová
Zuzana Geislerová
Jamie Marshall
Jamie Marshall
British Commentator


Janus Metz
Janus Metz
Ronnie Sandahl
Ronnie Sandahl
Niels Thastum
Niels Thastum
Director of Photography
Per K. Kirkegaard
Per K. Kirkegaard
Per Sandholt
Per Sandholt
Lina Nordqvist
Lina Nordqvist
Production Design
Vladislav Delay
Vladislav Delay
Original Music Composer
Jon Ekstrand
Jon Ekstrand
Original Music Composer
Carl-Johan Sevedag
Carl-Johan Sevedag
Original Music Composer
Jonas Struck
Jonas Struck
Original Music Composer
Jon Nohrstedt
Jon Nohrstedt
Fredrik Wikström
Fredrik Wikström
Rasmus Whinter Jensen
Rasmus Whinter Jensen
Sound Designer
Heikki Kossi
Heikki Kossi
Sound Designer
Henric Andersson
Henric Andersson
Sound Mixer
Anders Ekdahl
Anders Ekdahl
Sound Mixer


【公式】『ボルグ/マッケンロー 氷の男と炎の男』8.31公開/絶賛コメント編


Flesh and Fury
Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.
Pororoca: Surfing the Amazon
This film tells the story of an extremely interesting expedition by the two worldclass surfers Ross Clarke-Jones and Carlos Burle. On boats they penetrate deep into the delta of the Amazon to experience the exceptional natural spectacle of a several-metres-high tidal wave, which has been born hundreds of kilometres away in the ocean and which under certain climatic circumstances and under the full moon penetrates deep into the flow of the Amazon River. The surfers set off to meet this frightening wall of water and to surf on it for several kilometres. With its enormous force, this tidal wave also has devastating consequences for the landscape of the river.
War Don Don
This gripping documentary follows the trial of Issa Sesay, a leader in Sierra Leone's civil war who stands accused of crimes against humanity. Can the trial of one man uncover the truth of a traumatic past?
Her Private Hell
A young Italian girl comes to London, and is tricked into posing nude for risqué magazines.
In June of 1999 an unlikely chestnut colt named Charismatic, with jockey Chris Antley aboard, headed down the stretch at the Belmont Stakes with the hope of becoming the first Triple Crown winner in nearly 21 years.
Clive of India
Fort St. David, Cuddalore, southern India, 1748. While colonial empires battle to seize an enormous territory, rich in spices and precious metals beyond the wildest dreams, and try to gain the favor of the local kings, Robert Clive (1725-1774), a frustrated but talented clerk who works for the East Indian Company and struggles to earn his fortune, makes a bold decision that will change his life forever.
Few thought that Rhapsody (E11) would be bettered anytime soon, but the first ascent of Echo Wall high on the north face of Ben Nevis brought another rise in world standards in trad climbing. Echo Wall is a strong contender for the world’s hardest traditional rock climb. The film follows Dave’s preparation and attempts on Echo Wall, through some of Scotland’s most beautiful mountains and climbing venues.
In a small presbytery in Yorkshire, England, living under the watchful eyes of their aunt and father, a strict Anglican pastor, the Bronte sisters write their first works and quickly become literary sensations.
Golf in the Kingdom
In 1956, American philosophy student Michael Murphy is on his way to an ashram in India when he stops off in Scotland for one last game of golf. He meets a spirited pro who teaches him about golf and life, and how the two are beautifully intertwined.
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
Day and Age
The Sandbox Crew at it again with their seventh release: Day and Age. This time with more heli footage then ever, from killing big mountain lines to taking the heli to the streets. Featuring never before seen urban heli footage. Join the whirlwind adventure of traveling and exploring the snow covered world in pursuit of the ultimate shred! Filmed at Whistler, Vancouver Island, Golden, Selkirk Range, Alberta Rockies, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Aspen, Lake Tahoe, Boston, Japan.
Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady
Margaret Thatcher - The Iron Lady is the first major documentary to look back on the development and impact of this remarkable woman, whom commentators of both the political left and right agree changed the face of 20th Century politics forever. Featuring many excerpts from her powerful speeches and insightful contributions from her political supporters and detractors, a portrait emerges of a woman whose strength of conviction eventually becomes the weakness of intransigence.
Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story
Biography of Chicago Bulls' basketball star Dennis Rodman, who is well known for his off-court and on-court shenanigans takes great effort to paint the calm, decent side of the athlete despite the film title. Dennis is shown to be pushed by his momma to play pro ball and to go to college where he would get the opportunity. Shipped to Oklahoma where he faces racism, he is taken in by a white family and coached by Lonn Reisman. The movie finally tracks Rodman into his wild, multi-haired current lifestyle. Written by John Sacksteder
The Cinematographer Project
TransWorld SKATEboarding is proud to present our 24th video, The Cinematographer Project. We’ve assembled 13 of skateboarding’s finest filmmakers to each produce their own original three-to-five minute short. The result is a truly creative and diverse take on the current world of skateboarding. Featuring: Jon Holland, Mike Manzoori, Bill Strobeck, Russell Houghten, Dan Wolfe, Chris Ray, Brennan Conroy, Beagle, Torsten Frank, Lee Dupont, RB Umali, Christopher Middlebrook, Alien Workshop
CAPiTA: Defenders of Awesome
A classic featuring some of the best snowboarders in the world. Including the 2011 nominees for Men's Rider of the Year, Women's Rider of the Year and Rookie of the Year, the CAPiTA team is stacked and delivers hot snowboarding in this team video.
Australis: an Antarctic Ski Odyssey
In November 2009, Chris Davenport, Stian Hagen, and Andrea Binning ventured to the bottom of the world in search of the ski lines of their dreams. During their journey to the Antarctic Peninsula, the team discovered a new understanding of the beauty of ski mountaineering and of the depths of human connection to nature.... This is their story.
The Best Things in Life Are Free
Ray Henderson joins Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown to form a successful 1920s musical show writing team. They soon have several hits on Broadway but De Sylva's personal ambition leads to friction as the other two increasingly feel left out of things.
Bert & Dickie
Thrown together just five weeks before the final of the 1948 London Olympics, Bert Bushnell (Doctor Who's Matt Smith) and Dickie Burnell (Sam Hoare) defied all the odds and made history in the double sculls. This is the story of how they did it - not only by pushing physical and emotional limits, but also by overcoming their vast professional and personal differences.


The Wild Soccer Bunch
The school year is over and for a diverse group of carefree kids, soccer is king! These kids believe that they are the local gold team and there is nothing they like more than improving their game. "If you want to be cool, you should be wild." However, the relentless rain turns their field into a swamp, so they have to take an unexpected break. And when the sun finally comes, a gang of older, bigger and dumber boys has just taken over the field. They won't give it back unless they lose a match against the kids.
C’era una volta il crimine
巨匠リチャード・リンクレイタ―監督が12年の構想期間を経て描く、感動のロードムービー。 妻に先立たれ、2日前に息子が戦死した父は、耐え切れない悲しみの中、故郷へ帰る旅に30年間音信普通だった戦友を誘った―。 かつて共にベトナム戦争に従軍し、痛みを分かち合った仲間たちは、30年前に起きた事件をきっかけに大きく人生が変わっていた。今はそれぞれの道を歩む旧友三人組は、仲間に起きた悲劇をきっかけに再会し、親友の息子の遺体を連れ帰る旅に出る――。戦争で刻まれた喪失感。仲間との旅は心の殻を一枚ずつ剥いでゆくー。30年前の“ある事件”によって傷ついた心の再生と、人生が再び輝き出す姿が描かれる。
The Fly
Industrialist François Delambre is called late at night by his sister-in-law, Helene Delambre, who tells him that she has just killed her husband, André. Reluctant at first, she eventually explains to the police that André invented a matter transportation apparatus and, while experimenting on himself, a fly entered the chamber during the matter transference.
I Do
Life is easy for 43-year-old Luis, a happy single guy, fulfilled in his job of star nose with a perfume creation company, cosseted by his mother and five sisters. It could have lasted for a whole life, but fed up with mollycoddling and helping him, his mother and sisters decide it's time he got married, and the sooner the better!
サバービコン 仮面を被った街
ペレ 伝説の誕生
A 17th-century nun becomes entangled in a forbidden lesbian affair with a novice. But it is Benedetta's shocking religious visions that threaten to shake the Church to its core.
ローマンという名の男 ー信念の行方ー
アガサ・クリスティー ねじれた家
ミステリーの女王アガサ・クリスティが1949年に発表した「ねじれた家」を映画化。無一文から巨万の富を築いた大富豪レオニデスが毒殺され、私立探偵のチャールズは、レオニデスの孫娘で元恋人のソフィアから捜査を依頼される。レオニデスの屋敷には3世代にわたる一族が勢ぞろいしており、巨額の遺産をめぐって疑惑や嫉妬、憎悪が入り乱れていた。捜査を開始したチャールズは、ソフィアを含めた一族全員に殺害の動機があることに気づく。そして真相に近づいていく中で、第2の殺人が起こり……。 一族を仕切る大伯母イーディス役に、「天才作家の妻 40年目の真実」ほかで7度のアカデミー賞ノミネートのグレン・クローズ。私立探偵チャールズ役は同作でクローズと共演しているマックス・アイアンズ。監督に「サラの鍵」「ダーク・プレイス」のジル・パケ=ブレネール、脚本に群像劇「ゴスフォード・パーク」でアカデミー脚本賞を受賞しているジュリアン・フェロウズ。