Heikki Kossi

Heikki Kossi

出生 : 1969-12-08, Tampere, Finland


Heikki Kossi


Fallen Leaves
Foley Artist
The story of two lonely people who meet each other by chance in the Helsinki night and try to find the first, only, and ultimate love of their lives. Their path towards this honorable goal is clouded by the man's alcoholism, lost phone numbers, not knowing each other's names or addresses, and life's general tendency to place obstacles in the way of those seeking their happiness.
Foley Artist
火・水・土・風のエレメント(元素)が共に暮らす都市エレメント・シティを舞台に、だれも知らないイマジネーションあふれる色鮮やかな世界での奇跡の出会い、予想もできない驚きと感動の物語が始まる。 ふたりの距離は近くて、遠い。 正反対のふたりが起こす、奇跡の化学反応。 本作の主人公は“火のエレメント“エンバーと“水のエレメント“ウェイド。 様々なエレメントたちが共に暮らすエレメント・シティで、アツくなりやすくて家族思いな火の女の子エンバーと涙もろくて心やさしい水の青年ウェイドは性格だけでなく、その気になればお互いを消せる(!?)性質を持ち、全てが正反対の意外なふたり。 正反対のふたりの出会いは“エレメントの世界“にどんな化学反応を起こすのか?
A House Made of Splinters
Sound Designer
A temporary house for abandoned children near the front line in eastern Ukraine is run by a small group of social workers determined to provide comfort and safety. It may be humble and somewhat run-down, but this house is filled with love and offers up to nine months of refuge to kids whose fate will be determined by the system. During this short time, the caretakers try to nurture within them a sense of stability and normalcy.
Foley Artist
In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and begins to reckon with growing up in a world of inequality and prejudice.
Sound Designer
Innocence tells the story of children who resisted to be enlisted but capitulated. Their stories were never told as they died during their service. Through a narration based on their haunting diaries, the film depicts their inner turmoil. It interweaves first-hand military images, key moments from childhood until enlistment and home videos of the deceased soldiers whose stories are silenced and seen as a national threat.
ミニオンズ フィーバー
Foley Artist
The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic
Sound Designer
Jaakko and Sirpa have never met face to face, but talk on the phone every day. When Jaakko hears news about Sirpa's declining health, he decides to go meet her in another city. It's not the easiest decision, because he's blind and paralyzed from the chest down - and he has to make the journey alone. To get there, Jaakko must rely on the help of five strangers. What could go wrong?
Foley Artist
A story of siblings building a tree house together over the course of a year. We experience the beauty and brutality of the seasons, as we follow them through their struggles and moments of joy.
Compartment No. 6
Foley Artist
A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a larger than life Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment No. 6 to face major truths about human connection.
ザ・ユナイテッド・ステイツ vs. ビリー・ホリデイ
Foley Artist
ビリー・ホリデーは、そのキャリアの大半をファンから慕われることに費やした。1940年代、政府は人種差別を助長するためにホリデイを標的にし、最終的には物議を醸したバラード "Strange Fruit "を歌わせないようにしようとした。
The Killing of Two Lovers
Foley Artist
David desperately tries to keep his family of six together during a separation from his wife. They both agree to see other people but David struggles to grapple with his wife’s new relationship.
サウンド・オブ・メタル ~聞こえるということ~
Foley Artist
ヒルビリー・エレジー -郷愁の哀歌-
Foley Artist
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future.
Sound Designer
Running in three parallel images in black & white and colour, and complemented with an evocative soundtrack, Biblion opens the dense and layered heart of the book. Fluid shapes of marbled covers, varied fibres of paper, dissolving appearances in printing ink are only some of the elements in a surreal world of enchanting visual narrative.
Foley Artist
Pearl Diver
This is a film about three couples that are drifting apart. A hedgehog falls in love with a balloon, but struggles to keep up his grooming routine. There is a coldness between an arctic/antarctic couple, and two naive oysters are longing to meet.
Foley Artist
A quiet staircase of an ordinary office building. Two colleagues, Markku, an older accountant, and Eeva, younger HR manager are heading down the stairs, one after another. It turns out that earlier that day, Eeva has had to tell Markku that he has been fired from the company after many years. Markku is bitter and full of rage. Then something unordinary happens.
This Train I Ride
Sound Designer
The adventures of three female wanderers on their journeys thorough the United States of America, who hop on freight trains to travel free. The particular reasons of each one of them for living this life of perpetual motion are unique, a life that gains sense in the wide open empty space of an immense country, historically marked by the mythical rail roads.
ヴァルハラ 神々の戦い
Foley Artist
Foley Artist
Chris the Swiss
Foley Artist
Croatia, 7th of January 1992: In the middle of the war, a young journalist's body is discovered dressed in the uniform of an international mercenary group. Twenty years later, his cousin Anja Kofmel investigates his story.
Luis und die Aliens
Foley Artist
The story 11-year-old Luis who makes friends with three loveable little aliens, who crash their UFO into his house. In return for Luis' help in finding the home-shopping channel stuff they came for, they save Luis from boarding school - and an exciting adventure follows.
After Her
Foley Artist
After finding a mysterious totem in a cave while on a hike with her friend, a wayward teenage girl goes missing.
Winter Brothers
Foley Artist
A brother odyssey set in a workers' environment during a cold winter. We follow two brothers - their routines, habits and rituals - and a violent feud that erupts between them and another family.
The Distant Barking of Dogs
Foley Artist
Hnutove, Donbass, eastern Ukraine, 2015. Young Oleg lives in a war zone where anti-aircraft gunshots and missile attacks often resonate dangerously near. Although many inhabitants have already left this dangerous area, he remains with his grandmother, who has cared for him since his mother's death, because they have nowhere to go. They are just waiting for the war to end.
The Distant Barking of Dogs
Sound Designer
Hnutove, Donbass, eastern Ukraine, 2015. Young Oleg lives in a war zone where anti-aircraft gunshots and missile attacks often resonate dangerously near. Although many inhabitants have already left this dangerous area, he remains with his grandmother, who has cared for him since his mother's death, because they have nowhere to go. They are just waiting for the war to end.
Unknown Soldier
The film follows Finnish army machine gun company in Continuation War against Soviet Union, 1941–1944. Based on Väinö Linna's best selling novel Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier) and the novel's uncensored version, Sotaromaani (A War Novel).
ボルグ/マッケンロー 氷の男と炎の男
Sound Designer
The Beguiled/ビガイルド 欲望のめざめ
Foley Artist
Foley Artist
Juho Kuosmanen's new version of the first Finnish film ever made.
キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Off the Map
Foley Artist
Career woman finds out that her boyfriend is living a secret double life. She finds a bag of money and decides to make a run for it. She is accompanied by a little girl who is also on a run from her criminal step-father. Together they're trying to make it to her grandmothers house.
Foley Artist
A documentary film about Martta Koskinen, the last executed woman in Finland during the war in 1943. Martta was a Seamstress who lived in Helsinki during the Second World War. She was one of the post-civil war (in 1918) generation for whom the war had meant a disappointment in the system and failure in unity of the Finnish nation. The legacy of the civil war had left systems of persecution in place for those with socialist ideals. Martta and her fellow revolutionaries were determined to continue the resistance movement although they knew that at worst it could cost their lives. Martta was imprisoned twice before she was shot. She was an idealist, whose seemingly harmless, naive beliefs in peace and justice were the most dangerous traits a person could have at the time.
Urban Family
Foley Artist
Selja is in her thirties and lives in a shared flat with her friends. One day a boy appears at her door; a boy she gave up for adoption sixteen years earlier. Selja has a chance to get to know her son, but at the same time, makes a complete mess of her and her best friends’ lives. Urban Family is a new kind of music film set in the modern-day world.
リトルプリンス 星の王子さまと私
Other Girls
Foley Artist
Other Girls tells the story of four young girls nearing graduation, all of them struggling with various issues.
End of Summer
Foley Artist
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
ビッグゲーム 大統領と少年ハンター
Foley Supervisor
In the Crosswind
Foley Artist
June 14, 1941, 3 a.m. Over 40000 people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are deported by Soviets to Siberia. Among them is a philosophy student Erna, a happily married mother of a little girl. Separated from her husband Erna and her daughter are dispatched together with other women and children to remote Siberian territories. Despite hunger, fear and brutal humiliation Erna never in next fifteen years loses her sense of freedom and hope of returning to homeland. The story is inspired by real events.
Towards the Day of Doom
Foley Artist
Four stories about Finnish life intersect. In the first one, drum artist Monkki Mähönen arrives for a renovation job at his old band mate's summer villa. Second story revolves around wannabe motorcycle gang and its leader Jouni who are being humiliated at a village shop. Thirdly in the 1960s, a star reporter Erkki "Likasanko" Sysimetsä starts writing a once in a lifetime story about the womanizing of Arvo Hakala, a pipe organ repair man. In the fourth story, a fantasy and sci-fi film director Kurt "Kurre" von Riikonen is looking for financing of his upcoming movie Excalibur IV with catastrophic consequences.
For Those in Peril
Foley Supervisor
Aaron, a young misfit living in a remote Scottish fishing community, is the lone survivor of a strange fishing accident that claimed the lives of five men including his older brother. Spurred on by sea-going folklore and local superstition, the village blames Aaron for this tragedy, making him an outcast amongst his own people. Steadfastly refusing to believe that his brother has died, he sets out to recover him and the rest of men.
Body Fat Index of Love
Foley Artist
Timo Stigu Mertala is a celebrated, award-winning adman, and sworn to singlehood. He is a well known figure in the Helsinki nightlife.
Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman
Foley Artist
A silent film about a sorrowful man who's searching for a buyer for his goods and acceptance for his existence.
Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman
Sound Designer
A silent film about a sorrowful man who's searching for a buyer for his goods and acceptance for his existence.
Love and Other Troubles
Foley Artist
Ville, 25, is a downbeat former child star who's successfully avoided his womanizing rock 'n' roll dad for years. Everything changes when his dad moves into his flat and they both fall in love with the same American line-dancing teacher.
Letters to Angel
Film about a man who was sent to fight in Afghanistan years ago, where he converted to Islam. He now returns home only to find himself facing another kind of war.The front line in the decrepit Estonian town runs between Eastern and Western culture, men and women, common sense and madness. Somewhere amidst these battles is his daughter, who Kirotaja has decided to find after all the years of absence. His only leads are the sound of his daughter crying, heard once on the telephone, and a dog-eared notebook full of letters addressed to her. But the town has other plans for him and the women running it seem to take him for their savior from the nagging feeling of emptiness that has enveloped them. (from imdb)
Foley Artist
In spring 1940, a soldier is returning from the Finnish Winter War only to face the Repo man. A struggle against society, nightmares and the temptations of alcohol ensues while he strives to save his farm and marriage.
Fred Daly returns to Ireland with nowhere to live but his car. Then dope-smoking 21-year-old Cathal parks beside him, and brightens up his lonely world. Encouraged by Cathal, Fred meets attractive music teacher Jules. Growing closer, these three outsiders are set on a course that will change their lives forever.
Nurmoo - Shout from the plain
Foley Artist
Summer 1939 Little village Nurmo at the Finnish countryside is planning an international wrestling match that versus the whole world. But as autumn 1939 comes everything changes and the story forms into a legend.
The Temptation of St. Tony
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
Autumn Ball
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Jade Warrior
Thousands of years ago in ancient China, a man fights against his destiny. He wants another chance to be reunited with his loved one and he gets that chance, in a far away place and a far away time, in modern Finland.
Names in Marble
Based on an acclaimed 1935 novel about the War of Liberation (1918-1920) that ensured Estonia's independence, the film tells about a group of young schoolboys heading to the front to fight the army of Soviet Russia.