The Post Telegrapher (1912)

ジャンル : 西洋

上映時間 : 25分

演出 : Francis Ford, Thomas H. Ince


Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.


Francis Ford
Francis Ford
Bob Evans - the Post Telegrapher
Ann Little
Ann Little
Eva Reynolds - the Colonel's Daughter
Ray Myers
Ray Myers
The Second Telegrapher
Lillian Christy
Lillian Christy
The Settler's Daughter
Jack Conway
Jack Conway
Mildred Harris
Mildred Harris


Francis Ford
Francis Ford
Thomas H. Ince
Thomas H. Ince


砂漠の真ん中で首に縄を結ばれ身動きが取れない姿勢で枯れ木に吊るされた男が死を待っていた。男はどうして自分がこんな目に遭ったかを回想する。 男の名はブレット・マーヴェリック。ブレットは数日後に開かれるポーカー大会に出場するため、その資金稼ぎに躍起になっていた。そして、酒場でガンマン相手の掛けポーカーに勝ち抜いて何とかまとまった資金を得るが、それを同席していた美貌の女ギャンブラーのアナベルに掠め取られてしまう。怒ったマーヴェリックはアナベルを追い掛けるが、そこに謎の保安官クーパーも同行することに。かくして不思議な因縁で出会った3人の珍道中が始まった。
The simple story has the pair coming to the rescue of peace-loving Mormons when land-hungry Major Harriman sends his bullies to harass them into giving up their fertile valley. Trinity and Bambino manage to save the Mormons and send the bad guys packing with slapstick humor instead of excessive violence, saving the day.
ビリー・ザ・キッド 21才の生涯
Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.
Once Upon a Time in China and America
So goes to the U.S. to open a martial arts school. Around this time, many Chinese people were sold off to U.S. railroad companies, and were brutally treated by the Americans under the harsh working conditions. Thus, the American workers' hatred towards the Chinese immigrants is high. As a result, So gets into trouble with the Americans and the mob, and calls Master Wong for help.
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
After Custer and the 7th Cavalry are wiped out by Native Americans, everyone expects the worst. Capt. Nathan Brittles is ordered out on patrol but he's also required to take along Abby Allshard, wife of the Fort's commanding officer, and her niece Olivia Dandridge, who are being evacuated. Brittles is only a few days away from retirement and Olivia has caught the eye of two of the young officers in the Company. She's taken to wearing a yellow ribbon in her hair, a sign that she has a beau in the Cavalry, but refuses to say for whom she is wearing it.
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Two friends hired to police a small town that is suffering under the rule of a rancher find their job complicated by the arrival of a young widow.
When a Midwest town learns that a corrupt railroad baron has captured the deeds to their homesteads without their knowledge, a group of young ranchers join forces to take back what is rightfully theirs. They will become the object of the biggest manhunt in the history of the Old West and, as their fame grows, so will the legend of their leader, a young outlaw by the name of Jesse James.
American Matt Quigley answers Australian land baron Elliott Marston's ad for a sharpshooter to kill the dingoes on his property. But when Quigley finds out that Marston's real target is the aborigines, Quigley hits the road. Now, even American expatriate Crazy Cora can't keep Quigley safe in his cat-and-mouse game with the homicidal Marston.
風来坊 II/ザ・アウトロー
The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.
Ace High
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アメリカ建国200年記念として製作されたクリント・イーストウッド監督・主演の西部劇。 南北戦争末期。ある日、農夫のジョゼイ・ウェルズは、突然現われたテリルという男が率いる北軍直属の一隊に妻子を殺されてしまう。怒りに燃えるジョゼイは銃を携えてフレッチャーらレジスタンスに加わり、復讐に立ち上がった。しかし、間もなくテリルの策略にはめられ、仲間の多くが殺される。その難を逃れたジョゼイは独り、インディアンの土地をさすらうことに。やがて彼は、その道中でチェロキー族や美しい女性ローラと出会い、共に旅を続けていく。だがその一方、執拗にジョゼイの行方を追うテリルたちの影が徐々に迫っていた…。