A Thousand Clowns (1965)
ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ, ロマンス
上映時間 : 1時間 58分
演出 : Fred Coe
脚本 : Herb Gardner
Twelve-year-old Nick lives with his Uncle Murray, a Mr.Micawber-like Dickensian character who keeps hoping something won't turn up. What turns up is a social worker, who falls in love with Murray and a bit in love with Nick. As the child welfare people try to force Murray to become a conventional man (as the price they demand for allowing him to keep Nick), the nephew, who until now has gloried in his Uncle's iconoclastic approach to life, tries to play mediator. But when he succeeds, he is alarmed by the uncle's willingness to cave in to society in order to save the relationship.
The difficult relationship between a british postal officer and his adoptive son.
Hes, an uptight and disaffected social worker reaching retirement, discovers a young woman, Anna, in the closet of an acquaintance who has committed suicide. Realizing that she has been kept in the apartment all her life, he moves in and helps her comes to terms with the complexities of the real world.
Meu Nome é Dindi shows the movement of time over a young woman who owns a small marketplace near bankruptcy and fights for survival.
The Fruit Hunters explores the little known subculture and history of rare fruit hunters who travel the globe in an obsessive search for the exotic, in this stylish and sometimes erotic documentary.
A man desiring to join the Grouch Club describes the terrible experience of trying to check out a book from a public library.
Α Bengalese architect builds library boats that can bring books to people even during the monsoon season. Α Mongolian author packs two boxes full of books each summer to provide reading material to children in remote areas. Α Kenyan librarian leads caravans of camels loaded with boxes of books to the nomadic tribes bordering Somalia. Despite the heat, wind, rain or snow, they still manage their long journeys. This film about the fascinating world of mobile libraries tells of unusual means of transportation and adventurous travel, of different cultures and lifestyles, of the worries, aspirations and dreams of people in these areas – of books that change lives – and of book lovers, who take on unbelievable challenges in order to provide people in the remotest areas of the world with reading material. A film about the love of literature and the respect for knowledge that accepts no boundaries.
Two trouble-causing brothers, who in the second generation after World War II Germany live, are in the center of this German made for TV movie. The movie makes a subject out of their everyday lives and the helpless attempt for them to build a normal life.
サンフランシスコのとある街、失業した俳優、ダニエル・ヒラードは、3人の子どもが自分の全てというほどの、子煩悩な父親。しかし収入のない夫に代わって一家の家計を担っているやり手デザイナーの妻ミランダは、自分が連日疲れきって帰宅しても家事に全く協力せず子供達との遊びにかまけている夫や、自分だけが仕事に家事にと追われている事に強いストレスを感じていた。 長男クリスの誕生日、ミランダの留守中に自宅でパーティを開き、大騒ぎを起こしたダニエルは、堪忍袋の緒が切れたミランダからとうとう離婚の意思を告げられる。生活能力のないダニエルは養育権を奪われ、週一度限られた時間にしか子どもたちに会えなくなった。やがてミランダが仕事の忙しさで家政婦を募集していることを知ったダニエルは一計を案じ、メイクアップアーティストの兄の手を借りて、イギリスの老婦人ミセス・ダウトファイアにすっかり変身する。持ち前の演技力と女装で見事にミランダを騙し、家政婦として最愛の子供たちのそばにいられることになるが、それは同時にこれまで家事全般を省みた事のないダニエルの、抱腹絶倒の奮闘記の幕開けであった。
A group of actors putting on an interpretive Passion Play in Montreal begin to experience a meshing of their characters and their private lives as the production takes form against the growing opposition of the Catholic church.
A lonely woman's prank phone call leads to an unexpected friendship with a grieving widow.