Jim Shields

死亡 : 2000-01-01


Supervising Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
ソ連崩壊前、ソ連の化学兵器工場に006ことアレックと共に侵入したボンドだったが、責任者のウルモフ大佐によりアレックが拘束されてしまう。ボンドはやむなく彼を見捨て秘密工場を爆破し、任務を達成した。 それから9年後。20世紀も終わりに近く、ソ連は既に崩壊していた。ボンドはモナコでロシアの犯罪組織「ヤヌス」のメンバーであるゼニアをマークしていたが、彼女と将軍になっていたウルモフは、対電磁波装甲を施したNATOの最新鋭戦闘ヘリコプター・タイガーを、デモンストレーションを行っていたフリゲート艦上から奪取・逃走する。 その後ゼニアとウルモフは、ロシアの秘密宇宙基地に現れ、ソ連時代の秘密兵器「ゴールデンアイ」を起動させ、兵士と職員を皆殺しにする。女性コンピューター技術士のナターリアは、奇跡的に生き残り脱出した。 ボンドは「ゴールデンアイ」とヤヌスの関係の手掛かりを求めてサンクトペテルブルクへ行き、そこで9年前殺されたはずのアレックと再会して、意外な真実を知る。
Dialogue Editor
1788年の英国。国王ジョージ3世が突然錯乱して王室は大混乱。この英国王室史上最大のスキャンダルをどう収めるのか? 国王をめぐる王室の人々のそれぞれの思惑が巡って……。その行方は?
1492: Conquest of Paradise
Supervising Sound Editor
1492: Conquest of Paradise depicts Christopher Columbus’ discovery of The New World and his effect on the indigenous people.
ADR Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Editor
Five highly-trained KGB agents are sent to the west to assassinate several Soviet dissidents. In order to stop the diabolical plot, an American agent must infiltrate Soviet intelligence and obtain information from a Russian computer.
Sound Editor
ADR & Dubbing
Gawain and the Green Knight
Sound Editor
The medieval legend of a supernatural knight who challenges the king's men to kill him.
Sound Editor
A musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic ghost tale starring Albert Finney.
Three Sisters
Sound Editor
Nearly a thousand miles away from their beloved Moscow, Chekhov's Three Sisters live in virtual exile. Olga , a schoolmistress, attempts to support her siblings and the home that is the sole legacy of their late father.
Three Sisters
Associate Producer
Nearly a thousand miles away from their beloved Moscow, Chekhov's Three Sisters live in virtual exile. Olga , a schoolmistress, attempts to support her siblings and the home that is the sole legacy of their late father.
Battle of Britain
Sound Editor
In 1940, the Royal Air Force fights a desperate battle against the might of the Luftwaffe for control of the skies over Britain, thus preventing the Nazi invasion of Britain.
まごころを君に /アルジャーノンに花束を
Sound Recordist
What's So Bad About Feeling Good?
A new infection that simply makes people feel happy is treated as a threat by the authorities while its "victims" work to spread it to others.
Assignment K
Sound Editor
Philip Scott, the boss of a toy company, is secretly also the chief of a British spy organization. Scott's cover is destroyed when enemy agents kidnap his girlfriend to force him to reveal the identities of his fellow spies.
Dialogue Editor
秘密組織スメルシュによって各国の諜報部員が次々と抹殺されて行く。英情報部は、007のコードネームを後輩に譲り今では隠居生活を営む元祖ジェームズ・ボンドにスメルシュ打倒を依頼するが……。ショーン・コネリーの007が人気を博していた当時、唯一版権が製作会社イオン・プロになかった『カジノ・ロワイヤル』をプロデューサー、チャールズ・K・フェルドマンがコロムビアで映画化した一大パロディ。笑いは泥臭く全く洗練されていないし、5人の監督の個性が裏目に出たのかシーンによっての落差が激しく、お世辞にも良く出来た作品とは言い難いが、とにかく賑やか。呆けて見るにはこれ以上の映画はないだろう。バート・バカラックの音楽は絶品、大ヒット主題歌“愛のおもかげ(Look of Love)”も素晴らしくサウンドトラックの充実が最大の魅力。
A Thousand Clowns
Sound Mixer
Twelve-year-old Nick lives with his Uncle Murray, a Mr.Micawber-like Dickensian character who keeps hoping something won't turn up. What turns up is a social worker, who falls in love with Murray and a bit in love with Nick. As the child welfare people try to force Murray to become a conventional man (as the price they demand for allowing him to keep Nick), the nephew, who until now has gloried in his Uncle's iconoclastic approach to life, tries to play mediator. But when he succeeds, he is alarmed by the uncle's willingness to cave in to society in order to save the relationship.
Carol for Another Christmas
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
Vincent Bruce, a war veteran, begins working as an occupational therapist at Poplar Lodge, a private psychiatric facility for wealthy people where he meets Lilith Arthur, a charming young woman suffering from schizophrenia, whose fragile beauty captivates all who meet her.
Terror in the City
Rural runaway finds himself in Manhattan.
Long Day's Journey Into Night
Sound Designer
Over the course of one day in August 1912, the family of retired actor James Tyrone grapples with the morphine addiction of his wife Mary, the illness of their youngest son Edmund and the alcoholism and debauchery of their older son Jamie. As day turns into night, guilt, anger, despair, and regret threaten to destroy the family.
Something Wild
A young rape victim tries desperately to pick up the pieces of her life, only to find herself at the mercy of a would-be rescuer.
Sound Designer
The Young Doctors
An aging doctor's resentment of his young assistant could lead to tragedy.
Lucky Jim
Sound Editor
Jim Dixon feels anything but lucky. At the university he has to do the bidding of absent-minded and boring Professor Welch to have any hope of keeping his job. Worse, he has managed to get entangled with unexciting but neurotic Margaret Peel, a friend of the Professor's. All-in-all, the pub is the only friendly place to be. His misery is completed at a dreadful weekend gathering of the Welch clan by the arrival of son Bertrand. Not so much that Betrand is loud-mouthed and boorish - which he is - but that he has as companion Christine Callaghan, the sort of marvellous and unattainable woman Jim can only dream about.
Brothers in Law
Sound Editor
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
Storm Over the Nile
First Assistant Editor
In 1885, while his regiment is sent to the Sudan to battle the rebellious Dervish tribes, British Lieutenant Harry Faversham resigns his officer's commission in order to remain with his fiancée Mary Burroughs in England. His friends and fellow officers John Durrance, Peter Burroughs and Tom Willoughby brand him a coward and present him with the white feathers of cowardice. His fiancée, Mary, adds a fourth feather and breaks off their engagement. However, former Lieutenant Faversham decides to regain his honor by fighting in the Sudan incognito. Re-used a great deal of stock footage from The Four Feathers (1939), including the entire final battle sequence.
Garden of Eden
Sound Designer
War widow and pre-teen daughter leave home of tyrannical father-in-law in Florida, get lost on a detour, and find shelter at a nudist colony.
Sound Designer
テリーは元ボクサーだが、落ちぶれた今は波止場で荷役をする日雇い労働者であった。テリーがボクサーをやめることになったのは、ギャングの一味である兄のチャーリーの指示で八百長をやってしまったからだったのである。 不幸にも、八百長試合の相手のウィルソンはタイトル戦に挑戦するまでのボクサーになった。 テリーはある日、地元のギャングであるジョニーの命令で、古い友人を呼び出し、結果的に殺害に関与してしまう。
An Italian war bride has problems dealing with her husband's possessive mother.
Guilty Bystander
A drunken ex-cop gets a shot at redemption when his young son is kidnapped after a smuggling deal goes belly up.