
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 (1977)

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 20分

演出 : Kazuhiko Yamaguchi
脚本 : Tatsuhiko Kamoi



Mitsuo Senda
Mitsuo Senda
Kankichi Ryotsu
Saori Yuki
Saori Yuki
Chieko Matsumoto
Chieko Matsumoto
Sayuri Mizuki
Mari Natsuki
Mari Natsuki
Yoko Matsumoto
Yuma Kusakawa
Yuma Kusakawa
Keiichi Nakagawa
Takao Yamada
Takao Yamada
Mitsuo Hamada
Mitsuo Hamada
Goro Totsuka
Yūko Katagiri
Yūko Katagiri
Mariko Mizuki
Nobue Ichitani
Nobue Ichitani
Sushi shop proprietor's wife
Aki Takejo
Aki Takejo
Nami Misaki
Nami Misaki
Yumi Nozaki
Tōru Yuri
Tōru Yuri
Man asking for directions
Akira Shioji
Akira Shioji
Sushi shop proprietor
Tsutomu Sasaki
Tsutomu Sasaki
Bento seller
Masaya Nihei
Masaya Nihei
Masahiko Tanimura
Masahiko Tanimura
Liquor store proprietor
Kunie Tanaka
Kunie Tanaka
Inspector Tomita
Chu Arai
Chu Arai


Kazuhiko Yamaguchi
Kazuhiko Yamaguchi
Tatsuhiko Kamoi
Tatsuhiko Kamoi
Osamu Akimoto
Osamu Akimoto
Comic Book
Yoshio Nakajima
Yoshio Nakajima
Director of Photography


Brittany Runs a Marathon
A young woman decides to make positive changes in her life by training for the New York City Marathon.
Yuppies versus Stooges
A group of yuppies fight over a group of office stooges for the control of a shoe factory.
Franco Escamilla: por la anécdota
Mexican stand-up comedian Franco Escamilla draws his jokes from real-life experiences -- and he's willing to do anything for new material. He's not afraid to make generalizations about how men bathe. But he is scared to talk to strangers. Especially at funerals.
好きなモノに囲まれ、自由気ままな独身生活を謳歌するプログラマーのパウル。5年前に開発した人工知能搭載アプリ「NANA」との甘い生活に心は満たされ、パウルにとってNANAは大切な存在になっていた。幼い頃からの親友で共同経営者のトニーは、デジタルに依存しているパウルを心配しつつも、自身の外見を磨くことに余念がない。 NANAをアメリカのIT実業家に売り込むプレゼンで、人を幸せにするために作ったと説明するパウルに対し、トニーは金儲けが真の目的であると主張する。結果400万ユーロ(約4.9億円)で買い取ってもらえることになり、従業員と共に祝杯をあげるトニー。しかしNANAで金儲けをしようとしていたことが許せないパウルは、トニーにある勝負を持ちかける。それは、持ち物すべてを倉庫に預け、裸一貫で所持金ゼロの状態から1日1つずつ必要なモノを取り戻し100日間生活する、とんでもない勝負だった。 パウルとトニーの100日間のバトル初日。2人は極寒のベルリンの街を裸で駆け抜け、全所持品が預けられた倉庫に向かう。たどり着いた倉庫で悩み抜いた末に、パウルはコート、トニーは寝袋を一番に選ぶ。あくる日、再び倉庫に来た2人の前に現れたのは、ゴージャスな衣装を着こなす魅力的な女性・ルーシー。パウルが彼女に目を奪われている中、トニーは彼女を我先にとデートに誘う。 身勝手過ぎるトニーに対し、次第に不信感が募り始めるパウル。トニーの策略によりNANAの買収金額が大幅にプラスされるも、相談なしに話を進められたことでさらに不信感が増していく。そしてある日、祖母の見舞いのために病院を訪れたパウルは、偶然ルーシーに出会い、彼女のある秘密を知ってしまう。そのことが原因で忽然と姿を消したルーシー。しかし、パウルの嫉妬によりルーシーを失ったと考えたトニーはパウルを殴り、ついに2人は仲違いをしてしまうのだった。 果たして、パウルとトニーは関係を取り戻すことができるのか。そして100日目を迎えた彼らが選んだ、本当に大切なモノとは…?
Greener Grass
Suburban soccer moms find themselves constantly competing against each other in their personal lives as their kids settle their differences on the field.
Set in the underworld of debt-collecting, homegrown hustler Peg Dahl will do anything to escape Buffalo, NY.
Sexo em Festa
A caretaker's passion for his bosses' niece.
The Lovebirds
A couple experiences a defining moment in their relationship when they are unintentionally embroiled in a murder mystery. As their journey to clear their names takes them from one extreme – and hilarious - circumstance to the next, they must figure out how they, and their relationship, can survive the night.
キャンディスは弟たち、フィニアスとファーブの悪さを暴いて懲らしめようと必死になるが、いつものごとく失敗に終わり自分の不公平さを嘆き悲しむ。そしてついには宇宙に見放されていると感じるようになる。その後キャンディスはエイリアンに誘拐され、弟のいない遠くの惑星にたどり着くと、彼女はそこで「選ばれし者」として崇拝される。はたしてそこはキャンディスが望んでいた場所なのか… 一方、フィニアスとファーブは、キャンディスを救出するために銀河を超える旅に出発し、エイリアンの邪悪な秘密を明らかにしていく。「フィニアスとファーブ/ザ・ムービー:キャンディス救出大作戦」は楽しくて心温まる待望の作品である。
Los adoptantes
Martín, a TV host of 42, has the urgent need of becoming a father. Leonardo, an agronomist of 45 and Martín’s partner for the past ten years, has doubts since he himself was adopted by his parents.
A psychiatric hospital patient pretends to be crazy. In charge of caring for this patient, a caregiver will begin to doubt the mental state of his "protégé".
Just Retired
Marilou and Philippe prepare for their future retirement in Portugal. But their daughter separates and a whole procession of solicitations falls on them.
好きだった君へ: P.S.まだ大好きです
Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recipient of one of her love letters enters the picture.
Don't Stop Me Now
Paola, a modern woman used to the hardships of modern life, takes her chance to make things right for herself.
Sara, Lucía, Sofía and Claudia are sisters, 4 modern women with very different personalities, who come together at their mother's funeral, after which they discover the man they've all called "dad" throughout their lives is not really their father. They embark on a quest to discover who their real fathers are, discovering more about themselves, their mother, and their lives.
The Hypocrites
The hypocrites tells the story of Nicolás, a young cameraman who works filming social events, but doesn’t feel fulfilled with his profession. In the middle of a high profile wedding, he accidentally records a compromising situation between the bride, Martina, and her brother, Esteban. Realising about what is in the tape, he sees the opportunity of leaving his tedious life behind through blackmailing the people involved. However, he does not know this secret could endanger his own life.
Heroic Losers
In a town in the Northwest of the province of Buenos Aires, a group of neighbors is organized to recover the economy of the area, but when the corralito is implemented in the country and they suffer a fraud, their hopes disappear. Now, they will unite to recover the lost money and give the blow of their lives to their greatest enemy.
Cindy La Regia
When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.