
チープ・フライト (2013)

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 54分

演出 : Satoru Nakajima


大手航空会社ALJのベテランC.A.・相沢美晴(竹内結子)は突然、子会社LCCへの出向を命じられる。嫌々ながらも新会社に向かう美晴だがそこにいたのは、同じくALJから出向した社長の星(船越英一郎)と倒産したLCCから転職してきた統括管理部長の加茂川(向井理)だけだった。 華やかな勤務から一転、激安、コストカットの運営スタイルに戸惑う美晴。特に倒産を経験した加茂川のコストカットは極端で、美晴とは毎日のように対立する。加えて上野駅で街頭ビラを配ってまで集めたC.A.候補生はどれもこれも曲者ぞろいのど素人。最悪最低の出発に頭を抱え、全て投げ出そうと思う美晴だが、 偶然、星社長の「高速バスに勝ちたいなぁ」というつぶやきを聞いてしまう。そしてにっくき加茂川にも安全のコストだけは絶対死守するという信念があることに気づくのだった。


Osamu Mukai
Osamu Mukai
Kamogawa Takashi
Yûko Takeuchi
Yûko Takeuchi
Aizawa Miharu
Mirei Kiritani
Mirei Kiritani
Yuka Kuramochi
Yoshiko Miyazaki
Yoshiko Miyazaki
Keiko Ichinomiya
Reina Triendl
Reina Triendl
Maria Sakurada
Erika Asakura
Erika Asakura
Ayano Mitsuba
Masumi Nomura
Masumi Nomura
Chizuru Yamamoto
Michiko Kichise
Michiko Kichise
Ayumi Terasaki
Ai Kato
Ai Kato
Yuki Enomoto
Eiichiro Funakoshi
Eiichiro Funakoshi
Kotaro Hoshi


Satoru Nakajima
Satoru Nakajima
Shogo Kashida
Shogo Kashida




Zero Fucks Given
Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.
Boeing, Boeing
Living in Paris, journalist Bernard has devised a scheme to keep three fiancées: Lufthansa, Air France and British United. Everything works fine as long as they only come home every third day. But when there's a change in their working schedule, they will be able to be home every second day instead. Bernard's carefully structured life is breaking apart
Stewardess School
A group of varied misfits (including a former prostitute/stripper and a bumbler who can't see more than 6 inches in front of his face) enter a school to become flight attendants. Somehow, the group makes it through to the final test: a cross-country flight.
Some Girls Do
A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the world's first supersonic airliner. A British agent is sent to investigate and with the help of another agent uncovers a plot masterminded by Carl Petersen who stands to gain eight million pounds if the aircraft is not ready by a certain date.
副操縦士の鈴木和博は機長への昇格訓練を受けており、今回のホノルル行きのフライトが昇格の分かれ目だった。教官が温厚な望月で安堵したのも束の間、望月が風邪をひき、代わりに厳格な原田が鈴木の教官を務めることになった。 一方今回のホノルル行きが国際線デビューとなるCA・斉藤悦子。だがその便には厳しいことで知られるチーフパーサー・山崎麗子も乗務していた。そしてグランドスタッフの木村菜採もまた仕事に限界を感じ辞めようかと考えていた。 ホノルル行きの便は離陸前の多様なトラブルがありながらも出発。機内では鈴木が原田の指導に戦々恐々とし、悦子は次々と繰り出される乗客の要求に右往左往。 そんな中、鈴木・原田のもとに、山崎麗子からキャビンで翼に何かがぶつかるのを見た乗客がいるとの知らせが入る。その直後、機のエアデータ・コンピュータが狂った表示を出し始めた。
Love is in the air
Three Guys Named Mike
A stewardess becomes romantically involved with an airline pilot, a college professor, and a successful businessman...all of whom are named Mike. When the three find out about each other, she has to decide which one she loves the most.
大手航空会社ALJのベテランC.A.・相沢美晴(竹内結子)は突然、子会社LCCへの出向を命じられる。嫌々ながらも新会社に向かう美晴だがそこにいたのは、同じくALJから出向した社長の星(船越英一郎)と倒産したLCCから転職してきた統括管理部長の加茂川(向井理)だけだった。 華やかな勤務から一転、激安、コストカットの運営スタイルに戸惑う美晴。特に倒産を経験した加茂川のコストカットは極端で、美晴とは毎日のように対立する。加えて上野駅で街頭ビラを配ってまで集めたC.A.候補生はどれもこれも曲者ぞろいのど素人。最悪最低の出発に頭を抱え、全て投げ出そうと思う美晴だが、 偶然、星社長の「高速バスに勝ちたいなぁ」というつぶやきを聞いてしまう。そしてにっくき加茂川にも安全のコストだけは絶対死守するという信念があることに気づくのだった。
March 27, 1977. At 2:00 in the afternoon, a thick fog rolled into the usually quiet Los Rodeos Airport in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. On the runway sat two fully loaded jumbo airliners. An explosion at a nearby airport had redirected air traffic to the undermanned airfield at Tenerife. Within three hours 583 people would be dead. This film reconstructs the moments leading up to the tragedy.
Come Fly with Me
Three airline hostesses combine their work crossing the Atlantic with searching for a rich handsome man to marry.
Flight Angels
Federal Airlines ace pilot Chick Faber is grounded by Flight Superintendent Bill Graves when a doctor says his eyesight is failing. Aided by Mary Norvell and Nan Hudson, Graves persuades Chick to take a job as teacher in the school for airline hostesses, and Chick and Mary get married. He learns that the Army is going to test a stratosphere plane that he and Artie Dixon designed and feels that he should make the first flight but permission is refused.
Fly Me
Stewardesses battle kung fu killers.
I'm a Mitzvah
A short film about a young American man who spends one last night with his deceased friend while stranded in rural Mexico.
Ένας τρελός τρελός αεροπειρατής
Two apartments of an apartment building with common balcony, living two same-sex couples. At one resident Stephen with Fanny and the other Myrto with Tatiana. But other things show and others are as well in the apartments live two married couples. Stephen with Myrto and Fanis with Tatiana, who keep hidden their marriages, because women working as hostesses in an airline that does not allow their marriage...
Die kleine Figur
Ten thousand meters above sea-level, the business woman Louise Trolle af Bonde's life changes. The airline's androgynous mascot plants itself in her head and takes up more space than she could imagine.
PilotsEYE.tv San Francisco A340
Lufthansa Captain Juergen Raps greets all viewers interested in experiencing an entire flight in the cockpit. Since 9/11, PilotsEYE.tv is the only possibility to enjoy this experience. The authorities... With all the exhilarating and wonderful moments such as the preparations for takeoff on runway 26R at Munich Airport. After a perfect westerly takeoff, the plane banks right heading north, which - as chance would have it - takes us directly over Captain Raps' home town. Susanne Parusel - on her maiden flight as Senior First Officer - enthuses about being a pilot. Laid-back, humorous, but always in full control, she assists the Captain in his every duty. English subtitles are provided for all parts of the german conversation.
PilotsEYE.tv Tokio
PilotsEYE.tv Malediven A330
PilotsEYE.tv Seattle A330
PilotsEYE.tv Barcelona A321