
Royal New Year's Eve (2017)

ジャンル : ロマンス, テレビ映画, コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 24分

演出 : Monika Mitchell


An aspiring fashion designer falls in love with her socialite client's prospective fiance, Prince Jeffrey.


Sam Page
Sam Page
Prince Jeffrey
Jessy Schram
Jessy Schram
Cheryl Ladd
Cheryl Ladd
Crystal Balint
Crystal Balint
Hayley Sales
Hayley Sales
Lady Isabelle
Andrew Kavadas
Andrew Kavadas
Nicole LaPlaca
Nicole LaPlaca
Gerard Plunkett
Gerard Plunkett
King Richard
Mike Carpenter
Mike Carpenter
Derek Schnobb
Derek Schnobb
Passerby (uncredited)


Rick Garman
Rick Garman
Monika Mitchell
Monika Mitchell
Hal Beckett
Hal Beckett
Toby Gorman
Toby Gorman
Director of Photography
Rick Martin
Rick Martin


Cecilie and Joachim are about to get married when a freak car accident leaves Joachim disabled, throwing their lives into a spin. The driver of the other car, Marie, and her family don’t get off lightly, either. Her husband Niels works in the hospital where he meets Cecilie and falls madly in love with her.
Italian for Beginners
A group of strangers find friendship, family and love within an Italian beginners’ course.
昼なお暗いモルドールの山。フロドが眠る隣でゴラムは、彼の“愛しいしと”たる指輪を初めて手に入れたときのことを思い出していた。彼はホビットの支族ストゥア族で スメアゴルと呼ばれていた。ある日、いっしょに川で魚を釣っていたデアゴルが川に落ちてたまたま指輪を拾う。スメアゴルはその指輪を見た瞬間に指輪に魅せられ、それを奪おうとしてデアゴルを殺してしまった。そのために村を追放された彼は、指輪だけを友に長い年月を過ごすうちに指輪の魔力に蝕まれ、徐々に心身ともに変貌し現在の姿になったのだ。眠りから目覚めたサムはゴラムの邪心を疑うが、フロドはそんなサムをいさめる。
イギリスのとある街にある工場で働くハンナは、働き者ではあるが誰とも口を利かず、孤独な毎日を送っていた。彼女の過去は誰も知らない。時々どこかに電話をかけるが、相手が出ても何も話さずに切ってしまう。全く休まないハンナを見た上司は、彼女に無理にでも休暇を取るように勧め、ハンナはある港町にやって来る。しかし休暇など欲しくなかった彼女はとりたててすることもない。 そんな時に入った中華料理屋で、至急看護師が欲しいと携帯で話す男を見かけ、ハンナは自分は看護師だと告げる。ある海底油田掘削所で火事が起こり、重傷を負った男性を看護する人が必要だという。ハンナはすぐにヘリコプターで採掘所に向かう。 患者のジョゼフは重度の火傷を負っており、さらに火事のせいで一時的に目が見えなくなっていた。火事の時、ある男が火の中に飛び込んで自殺したが、ジョゼフは彼を助けようとして重傷を負ったとハンナは聞かされる。 ハンナは黙々とジョゼフを看護する。ジョゼフは時には強引に、時には冗談を交えて何とかハンナ自身のことを聞き出そうとする。そんなジョゼフや、採掘所で働く心優しいコックのサイモンに、徐々にハンナは心を開いていく。
Hot Summer
In this East German teen musical, a group of girls are planning to take their summer vacation together on the Baltic coast. When a loud and obnoxious group of boys intrudes on their holiday, the girls are horrified to learn that the boys have the same vacations plans as them. The two groups quarrel with each other and compete over a number of things, but gradually an attraction starts to form.
Swept from the Sea
The film tells the story of Russian emigree and the only survivor from ship crash Yanko Goorall and servant Amy Foster in the end of 19th century. When Yanko enters a farm sick and hungry after the shipwreck, everyone is afraid of him, except for Amy, who is very kind and helps him. Soon he becomes like a son for Dr. James Kennedy and romance between Yanko and Amy follows.
それは多くの人々にとって多くのことでした:若者の野心、勇気、慢に満ちたハンサムな戦士王は、小さな軍隊を巨大なペルシャ軍に導きました...息子は必死に厳しい父親の承認を求めて、 戦い、そしてそれに対する彼の忠誠心と彼の母親への愛の間で苦労しました...戦いに決して負けず、彼の兵士を既知の世界の果てまで押し付けた冷酷な征服者...夢、偉業、運命が残された幻想家 歴史上の彼らのマークは、今日の世界を形作るのに役立ちます。 彼はそれ以上でした。 彼はアレキサンダー大王でした。
The Last Mistress
Secrets, rumors and betrayals surround the upcoming marriage between a young dissolute man and virtuous woman of the French aristocracy.
Anatomy of Hell
A man rescues a woman from a suicide attempt in a gay nightclub. Walking the streets together, she propositions him: She'll pay him to visit her at her isolated house for four consecutive nights. There he will silently watch her. He's reluctant, but agrees. As the four nights progress, they become more intimate with each other, and a mutual fascination/revulsion develops. By the end of the four-day "contract", these two total strangers will have had a profound impact on each other.
Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents. They think it's time he moves out. He doesn't, so they hatch a plan.
How to Cook Your Life
A Zen priest in San Francisco and cookbook author use Zen Buddhism and cooking to relate to everyday life.
The Gendarme Gets Married
The Saint-Tropez police launch a major offensive against dangerous drivers. Marechal Cruchot (Louis de Funès) relishes the assignment, which he pursues with a manic zeal. Cruchot is after an offending driver, who turns out to be Josépha (Claude Gensac), the widow of a highly regarded police colonel. When they meet, Cruchot falls instantly in love....
Nathalie Granger
With little or no embellishment, filmmaker Marguerite Duras offers a simple, often wordless chronicle of a woman's day. She and her friend are seen doing yard work, talking about their families and receiving the occasional visitor. The brightest spot in the day is when a washing machine salesman comes to call.


Snowed Inn Christmas
Jenna Hudson and Kevin Jenner are polar opposites working for the same online publication in New York City. With both having nowhere they want to be for Christmas, they volunteer for a special writing assignment. After a snowstorm forces their plane to land in none other than Santa Claus, Indiana, the two are placed in a Christmas Wonderland and the focus of their story shifts to saving the historic town inn run by Carol and Christopher Winters. As the two overcome their differences, they also rediscover the magic of Christmas. But with the inn's fate in jeopardy and the return of someone from Jenna's past, Carol and Christopher lend a helping hand to bring Jenna and Kevin together.