
Teotihuacan: Curse of the Blood Pyramids (2017)

ジャンル : 履歴, ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Henry Fraser



Hervé Bernard Omnes
Hervé Bernard Omnes
Voix française
Jérôme Frossard
Jérôme Frossard
Voix française
Daniel Lafourcade
Daniel Lafourcade
Voix française
Emmanuel Rausenberger
Emmanuel Rausenberger
Voix française
Olivier Destrez
Olivier Destrez
Voix française
Flora Kaprielian
Flora Kaprielian
Voix française


Henry Fraser
Henry Fraser
Henry Fraser
Henry Fraser
Kate Dooley
Kate Dooley
Associate Producer
Kristina Obradovic
Kristina Obradovic
Production Director
Jason Hendriksen
Jason Hendriksen
Production Director
Alexia Cheinoporou
Alexia Cheinoporou
Production Coordinator
Sandra Theron
Sandra Theron
Post-Production Manager
Steph Engall
Steph Engall
Technical Supervisor
Carlo Massarella
Carlo Massarella
Executive Producer
Dan Kendall
Dan Kendall
Executive Producer
Robert Hartel
Robert Hartel
Executive Producer
Andrew Lessner
Andrew Lessner
Production Coordinator


Lost Temple of The Inca
In the mountains of Peru, an environmental scientist discovers ancient artifacts submerged beneath the headwaters of the Amazon; his findings could save this sacred landscape from mining devastation.
ロスト・シティZ 失われた黄金都市
Secrets of the Andean Temples: On the Trail of Viracocha
Thousands of years before the Inca, a megalithic civilization was founded at Lake Titicaca which spread 500 miles to Cuzco, following a global flood that destroyed the Earth in 9000 BC. Its architects — Viracocha and his seven Shining Ones — disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared, yet the legacy of temples they left behind still baffles the modern mind. Filmed at Tiwanaku, Puma Punku, Cuzco, Quenqo, Saqsayhuaman, Amuru Machay, Quillarumiyoc, Pisac, Tombomachay, Huayna Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Cutimbo, Silustani and Amaru Meru.
意地悪でごう慢な王様クスコは、魔女イズマの恨みをかってラマの姿に変えられてしまう。城を追われたクスコと、人のいい農夫パチャによる珍道中の物語。 とにかく楽しませてくれる逸品だ。ディズニー・アニメの中ではスケールの大きさこそないものの、ノリで勝負とばかりに、はじけたキャラたちが次々とギャグを繰り出す痛快コメディとなっている。たとえば、クスコとパチャのかけ合いや、魔女イズマと家来クロンクの悪役コンビはじつによい味を出している。特にクロンクのボケっぷりは爆笑必至だ。 本作は、わかりやすいキャラクター設定に、わかりやすいギャグが満載な気持ちのよい作品。ごう慢だった王様が何よりも大切な「友情」に気づくというテーマも作品に無理なくとけ込んでいる。作品がシンプルなだけに子ども向きかと思いきや、案外このテイストは、大人の方がハマってしまうのではないだろうか?
The Spiders - The Golden Sea
In San Francisco, well-known sportsman Kay Hoog announces to a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map drawn by a Harvard professor who has gone missing. The map tells of a lost Incan civilization that possesses an immense treasure. Hoog immediately plans an expedition to find it. But Lio Sha, the head of a criminal organization known as the Spiders, is determined to get the treasure for herself and plans a rival expedition.
Medium Sylvia Pickel and psychometrist Nick Deezy meet at a psychic research facility in New York. Not long after, they're contacted by Harry Buscafusco, who offers them $50,000 to find his lost son in South America, in the heart of Incan territory where they discover an ancient mystical secret, and each other.
The Royal Hunt of the Sun
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
The Enigma of Nasca
Join a team of archaeologists and the Discovery Channel in an investigation into the mysterious lines of the Nazca region in Peru. Created by the Nazcas, these huge sculptures are only visible from the sky and depict people, animal, geometric forms, and strange creatures. See a premier exhibition of pottery and textiles, musical instruments, and mummies from this long-forgotten, pre-Columbian civilization and visit Cahuachi, a buried city of pyramids and ceremonial buildings which may have once been the religious capital of the Nazca people
Raiders of Atlantis
A team of scientists working to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine on an ocean platform off the coast of Miami, Florida, unearth an ancient Atlantean relic from the sea floor and bring in an expert to make some sense of it. But while attempting to raise the sub, radioactive leakage from its missles triggers the re-emergence of Atlantis, and the resulting tidal wave destroys the platform and leaves only a small group of survivors. Rescued by two Vietnamvets-turned-heavies who are out relaxing after their latest job, their boat eventually runs aground on a Carribean island nearby where, upon going ashore, it is discovered that everything has been destroyed and everybody killed. The culprits, a vicious group of well-armed raiders, and their leader, Crystal Skull, are descendants of Atlantis' original race who set about reclaiming the world and adding the survivors to the list of victims as they struggle to stay alive and defeat the raiders and send Atlantis back to the ocean floor.
Leo Vincey, told by his dying uncle of a lost land visited 500 years ago by his ancestor, heads out with family friend Horace Holly to try to discover the land and its secret of immortality, said to be contained within a mystic fire. Picking up Tanya, a guide's daughter, in the frozen Russian arctic, they stumble upon Kor, revealed to be a hidden civilization ruled over by an immortal queen, called She, who believes Vincey is her long-lost lover John Vincey, Leo's ancestor.
Egypt's Lost Cities
It is possible that only one per cent of the wonders of ancient Egypt have been discovered, but now, thanks to a pioneering approach to archaeology, that is about to change. Dr Sarah Parcak uses satellites to probe beneath the sands, where she has found cities, temples and pyramids. Now, with Dallas Campbell and Liz Bonnin, she heads to Egypt to discover if these magnificent buildings are really there.
The Mystery of the Rascar Capac Mummy
Rascar Capac, the sinister creature featured on Hergé's album The Seven Crystal Balls (1948), has left its mark on many generations of readers. To draw it, the Belgian cartoonist was probably inspired by a mummy exhibited in the first pre-Columbian exhibition organized by the Brussels Cinquantenaire Museum in 1923. Two intrepid archaeologists embark on a fascinating journey to reconstruct the story of the mysterious mummy.
Machu Picchu Decoded
Deep in the Andean mountains lays a mysterious ruin named Machu Picchu. For 400 years it sat abandoned on its misty cliff, the quintessential lost city in the jungle. Rediscovered in 1911, it contained no written records or carvings, nothing that could shed light on its history. For a century since, it has defied the endless scores of visitors and scientists who attempted to understand its purpose. Who were the mysterious people who built it and why did they build it here? Today an international team of archeologists, engineers and scientists are finally piecing together the clues. Together they are discovering astonishing new burials, revealing the intricacies of its ingenious engineering and finally decoding the secrets of Machu Picchu.
Discovery Atlantis
The film presents compelling evidence that Altlantis wasn't so far away after all, but what it omits is just as compelling. Although Plato’s account of Atlantian masonry, consisting of red, white and black stones, was a visually perfect match for the modern walls of the Minoan excavation site favored by the film, and his account of a sea made impassable by small islands of mud could, in fact, be a description of the rafts of pumice left by the catastrophic eruption of an ancient volcano there, little mention is made of Plato's specific account of where Atlantis was or the common root that links Atlantis to the Atlantic ocean. Also omitted is Plato's chronology placing the sinking of Atlantis in the same time frame as the end of the last ice age which caused the inundation of huge expanses of once fertile lands. Is "Atlantis: The Evidence" a thinly disguised example of Eurocentrism in the media? Watch Discovery: Atlantis for a more comprehensive view on an age-old debate.
Kukuli, a young llama herder, leaves her grandparents in the countryside of Cusco to attend the Feast of Mamacha Carmen in the town of Paucartambo.
Machu Picchu: Secrets of the Incan Empire
Dancing with the Incas
Documentary about the most popular music of the Andes -- Huayno music -- and explores the lives of three Huayno musicians in a contemporary Peru torn between the military and the Shining Path guerrillas.
Inca Apocalypse: The Dark Evidence