
Crystal Eyes (2017)

Alexis Carpenter wants to be the best model of all... Even when she’s dead

ジャンル : ホラー, 謎, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 22分

演出 : Ezequiel Endelman, Leandro Montejano


Buenos Aires, 1985. It's the first anniversary of the death of Alexis Carpenter, the unstable supermodel who died tragically when she was set on fire while closing a runaway show. Lucia L'uccello - Editor-in-Chief of the most important magazine in Buenos Aires - chooses supermodels Eva Lantier and Irene del Lago to honor Alexis on the cover of the anniversary issues dedicated to the famous model. The night before the photo shoot, Alexis's original dresses that were going to be used by the models are stolen. From that moment, members of the important fashion magazine and the agency begin to disappear, one by one, at the hands of a stealthy, sinister female silhouette in a long black leather raincoat. Is someone seeking revenge? Or has Alexis returned from the grave?


Silvia Montanari
Silvia Montanari
Lucía L'uccello
Anahí Politi
Anahí Politi
Eva Lantier
Erika Boveri
Erika Boveri
Irene del Lago
Claudio Armesto
Claudio Armesto
Antón Dubois
Valeria Giorcelli
Valeria Giorcelli
Bárbara Lager
Camila Pizzo
Camila Pizzo
Alexis Carpenter
Diego Benedetto
Diego Benedetto
Matías Carpenter
Agustina Del Rosal
Agustina Del Rosal
Victoria del Rosal
Victoria del Rosal
Nacho Joshas
Nacho Joshas
Hernán Carpenter
Adriana Salgueiro
Adriana Salgueiro
Ofelia Della Fontaine
Nerina Balza
Nerina Balza
Ursula Valdés
Lux Valladolid
Lux Valladolid
Greta Gavin
Claudia Lapacó
Claudia Lapacó
Dra. Alves
Diana María
Diana María
Bianca Domani
Fanny Mandelbaum
Fanny Mandelbaum
Manny Fandel
Silvia Fernández Barrio
Silvia Fernández Barrio
Angela Fletcher
Adriana Pregliasco
Adriana Pregliasco
Sra. Garner
Andrés Borghi
Andrés Borghi
Pola Harlow
Pola Harlow
Drusilla Cimer
Rocio Sueiro
Rocio Sueiro
Franco La Pietra
Franco La Pietra
Towa Ginger
Towa Ginger
Bárbara Tilli
Bárbara Tilli
Florencia Fernández Mora
Florencia Fernández Mora
Issis Trash
Issis Trash
La Silueta
Natalia Bagnarelli
Natalia Bagnarelli


Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Leandro Montejano
Leandro Montejano
Fuu Pablo
Fuu Pablo
Cecilia Casas
Cecilia Casas
Vanina Gottardi
Vanina Gottardi
Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Production Design
Leandro Montejano
Leandro Montejano
Production Design
Issis Trash
Issis Trash
Production Design
Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Leandro Montejano
Leandro Montejano
Ezequiel Endelman
Ezequiel Endelman
Leandro Montejano
Leandro Montejano
Tamae Garateguy
Tamae Garateguy
Román Kampelmacher
Román Kampelmacher
Special Effects


デス・プルーフ in グラインドハウス
アメリカのとある街、深夜突如奇怪な放電と共に屈強な肉体をもった男が現れる。同じくして放電の中からもう一人の男カイル・リースが現れる。屈強な肉体を持った男はモラルや常識もない。あるのはただ1つの目的アメリカ人女性サラ・コナーという名の人物の殺害だった。電話帳名簿から「サラ・コナー」の名を持つ女性をかたっぱしから銃殺していく男。その頃カイルは目的のサラ・コナーと接触し間一髪で彼女を救う。カイルはサラに、サラを狙っているのは近未来から送られた人類殺戮ロボット「ターミネーター」であり、未来ではロボットの反乱による機械対人類の最終戦争が起こっている事、そしてサラは人類軍の希望のリーダー ジョン・コナーの母親である事を告げる。 サラを連れカイルはターミネーターからの逃亡を開始する。
テキサスチェーンソー ビギニング
1939年8月、一人の赤ん坊が食肉処理工場の血まみれの床で生まれた。その子は生まれながらの奇形児で、生肉の包装紙に包まれ、すぐにゴミ箱に捨てられた。たまたまゴミを漁っていた女に拾われた赤ん坊はトーマスと名付けられ、女の家族ヒューイット家で育てられる。 トーマスは6歳のとき、自傷性の変性顔面異常症と診断されるが、その頃から動物を殺して解体するなど異常性が際立っていた。 やがて9歳から食肉処理工場で働き始めた彼は、30歳のとき食肉処理工場が閉鎖されたショックから工場長をハンマーで殴り殺してしまう。住む土地に異常な執着を持つヒューイット家は、逮捕に来た地元の保安官を殺害し、その人肉を食卓に並べた。かくしてヒューイット一家の殺戮が始まった。 ある男女4人が交通事故に合い、内3名が保安官の格好をしたホイト・ヒューイットのパトカーに拘束されヒューイット家の自宅に連れて行かれてしまう。そこには冷酷な殺人鬼と変貌しつつあるレザーフェイス(トーマス)が待ち構えていた。
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Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing essence of evil, is back for one fierce, final fling! Tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, everyone now assumes that he's finally dead. But everybody assumes wrong. Jason has been reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches. The terrifying truth is that he could be anywhere, or anybody. In this shocking, blood-soaked finale to Jason's carnage-ridden reign of terror, the horrible secret of his unstoppable killing instinct is finally revealed. And once you know the chilling facts, you'll see him in your nightmares! And he'll see you in hell!
ルール 封印された都市伝説
On a prom-night dare, a trio of high school friends chant an incantation, unleashing an evil spirit from the past with deadly consequences.
Eight years have passed since the events of the second film. Chucky has been resurrected once again and seeks revenge on Andy, his former owner, who is now a teenager enrolled in military school.
チャイルド・プレイ チャッキーの種
This time around, Chucky and his homicidal honey, Tiffany, are brought back to life by their orphan offspring, Glen. Then the horror goes Hollywood as Chucky unleashes his own brand of murderous mayhem!
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Presumed dead after a shoot-out with the Haddonfield police, Michael Myers is secretly nursed back to health — and returns a year later to kill again and once more targets his young niece, Jamie. Jamie is now recovering in the local children's hospital after attacking her stepmother and losing her voice. Her mental link with her evil uncle may be the key to uprooting her family tree.
The making of a horror movie takes on a terrifying reality for students at the most prestigious film school in the country. At Alpine University, someone is determined to win the best film award at any cost - even if it means eliminating the competition. No one is safe and everyone is a suspect.
When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.
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Chucky hooks up with another murderous doll, the bridal gown-clad Tiffany, for a Route 66 murder spree with their unwitting hosts.
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