
Sometimes a Hero (2003)

ジャンル : アクション, 犯罪, ドラマ

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Jalal Merhi


A former gang member finds the tempting allure of crime too difficult to resist in this crime thriller from director Jalal Merhi. Falling on hard times financially and facing increasing pressure from his former gang mates, Jimmy Coy (Josh Barker) agrees to a contract from crime boss Arthur Hallam (Paul Coufos) that involves the destruction of a local ice skating facility. Although the mission initially appears to be going as planned, it soon encounters a roadblock when Jimmy falls for beautiful skating coach Cassandra Diaz (Christina Cox). As their relationship develops and Cassandra begins to confide in Jimmy, the conflicted gangster takes pity on the girl when she reveals that her stepfather Leon (Patrick Philips) is abusive. Following a violent argument between Leon and Cassandra's mother Stella Joan Kennedy, Jimmy discovers a hidden link between Leon and Hallam More


Christina Cox
Christina Cox
Cassandra Diaz
Josh Barker
Josh Barker
Jimmy Coy
Bryan Genesse
Bryan Genesse
Darren Shahlavi
Darren Shahlavi
Russ Fortus
Joan Bennett Kennedy
Joan Bennett Kennedy
Stella (as Joan Kennedy)
Paul Coufos
Paul Coufos
Arthur Hallam
Patrick J. Phillips
Patrick J. Phillips
Leon (as P.J. Phillips)
Roselle Soussana
Roselle Soussana
Kristina Diaz
Danny Talisman
Danny Talisman
Luraina Undershute
Luraina Undershute
Paul Wu
Paul Wu
Susan Wilkey
Susan Wilkey
James Leard
James Leard
Mr. Coradetti
Audrey Nesbitt
Audrey Nesbitt
Dr. Gordon
Martin Christopher
Martin Christopher
Intern (as Chris Martin)
Ian Case
Ian Case
Food Attendant
John Freeman
John Freeman
Large Cowboy
Wendy Rudd
Wendy Rudd
Drew Waveryn
Drew Waveryn
Erica Carroll
Erica Carroll
Don Cook
Don Cook
Mandy Wood
Mandy Wood
Jon Kralt
Jon Kralt
Bar Thug #1 (as Jonathan Knalt)
Rick Moore
Rick Moore
Bar Thug #2
Alex Dworak
Alex Dworak
Bar Thug #3
John Sampson
John Sampson
Man #1
Lars Grant
Lars Grant
Man #2
Ward McMahon
Ward McMahon
Man #3
James Michalopolous
James Michalopolous
Man #4
Craig Webb
Craig Webb
Man #5
Sam Tsui
Sam Tsui
Man #6
Bruce Pinard
Bruce Pinard
Man #7
Edwin Turner
Edwin Turner
Chris Kent
Chris Kent
Pamela Abra
Pamela Abra
woman walking past Jimmy Coy (uncredited)
Denis Corbett
Denis Corbett
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Yolanda Corbett
Yolanda Corbett
Extra (uncredited)


Jalal Merhi
Jalal Merhi
Glen G. Doyle
Glen G. Doyle


Days of Being Wild
Yuddy, a Hong Kong playboy known for breaking girls' hearts, tries to find solace and the truth after discovering the woman who raised him isn't his mother.
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A group of teenage girls heading into the city hook up with a gang of drug-addled ne'er-do-wells and are brutally murdered. The killers find their way to the home of one of their victim's parents, where both father and mother exact a horrible revenge.
Like Water for Chocolate
Tita is passionately in love with Pedro, but her controlling mother forbids her from marrying him. When Pedro marries her sister, Tita throws herself into her cooking and discovers she can transfer her emotions through the food she prepares, infecting all who eat it with her intense heartbreak.
A New York City model with a troubled past relocates to an apartment in a brownstone building where the only other tenant is a withdrawn blind priest. After experiencing strange occurrences, she begins to realize her building houses a sinister evil.
Buried Alive
A college prank at an abandoned house accidentally awakens a frightening spirit.
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A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result in two men, a student and her art professor, lusting after her.
Poison Ivy: The New Seduction
A sinister seductress vows to destroy a suburban family.
In this biographical drama, Selena Quintanilla is born into a musical Mexican-American family in Texas. Her father, Abraham, realizes that his young daughter is talented and begins performing with her at small venues. She finds success and falls for her guitarist, Chris Perez, who draws the ire of her father. Seeking mainstream stardom, Selena begins recording an English-language album which, tragically, she would never complete.
Four Harlem friends -- Bishop, Q, Steel and Raheem -- dabble in petty crime, but they decide to go big by knocking off a convenience store. Bishop, the magnetic leader of the group, has the gun. But Q has different aspirations. He wants to be a DJ and happens to have a gig the night of the robbery. Unfortunately for him, Bishop isn't willing to take no for answer in a game where everything's for keeps.
機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア
宇宙世紀0093年。先のグリプス戦役以降消息不明だった、元ジオン公国軍エース・パイロットで、ジオン共和国創始者ジオン・ズム・ダイクンの息子であるシャア・アズナブル(キャスバル・レム・ダイクン)は、幾多の戦いを経ても旧態依然として地球から宇宙移民を統制し続ける地球連邦政府に対し、ネオ・ジオンを率いて反乱の狼煙を上げる。ネオ・ジオンは小惑星5thルナを地球連邦政府があるチベットのラサに衝突させようとする。かつてのシャアの宿敵アムロ・レイらが所属する連邦軍の外郭部隊ロンド・ベルの奮闘も空しく、5thルナ落下を阻止することはかなわなかった。 ネオ・ジオンはアデナウアー・パラヤを始めとする地球政府高官と密かに裏取引を行い、スペースコロニー・ロンデニオンにて停戦交渉に合意する。停戦に安堵する地球連邦の思惑と裏腹に、シャアは取引によって得た小惑星アクシズを地球に衝突させるべく再び作戦を開始した。 合意が偽りであることを察していたロンド・ベルは核ミサイルを準備、やがてネオ・ジオンとの間で戦端が開かれる。アムロは自ら開発に加わった新型モビルスーツ・ν(ニュー)ガンダムを駆り、アクシズを目指す。一方、アクシズを内部から爆破して軌道を逸らすロンド・ベルの作戦は成功するかに見えたが、アクシズの一部は既に地球の引力に捉われていた。巨大な岩塊が地球に落下しようとする中、アムロとシャアの最後の一騎打ちが始まる。
The story of Jody, a misguided, 20-year-old African-American who is really just a baby boy finally forced-kicking and screaming to face the commitments of real life. Streetwise and jobless, he has not only fathered two children by two different women-Yvette and Peanut but still lives with his own mother. He can't seem to strike a balance or find direction in his chaotic life.
A man must survive a prison where hardened criminals battle to the death for the warden's entertainment.
ワンピース ねじまき島の冒険
劇場版 天元突破グレンラガン 螺巌篇
螺旋王を倒し、地上で平和な生活を満喫する人類。僅か7年もの間に急速な文化の発展と人口の拡大を続ける人間達は、暗い地下暮らしを忘れ傲慢になっていった。人民を統率する為に新政府を設立したシモンたちに、ロージェノムが遺した言葉が重く圧し掛かる。そして100万人目の出産が確認されたその時、人間達は自らをアンチスパイラルと名乗る謎の敵からの空襲を受ける。 カテドラル・テラを制御可能にして地球への激突を喰い止めたシモン達。シモンがニアに贈った指輪を頼りにアンチスパイラル母星の位置を掴んだ大グレン団は、カテドラル・テラを超銀河ダイグレンと改名、全ての戦いに決着を付けるべく敵母星へと向かう…。