
さらば復讐の狼たちよ (2010)

A comic western legend.

ジャンル : アクション, コメディ

上映時間 : 2時間 12分

演出 : Jiang Wen
脚本 : Jiang Wen, Li Bukong, Shu Ping, Xiao Wei, Zhu Sujin, Guo Junli




Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Pocky Zhang
Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat
Huang Silang
Ge You
Ge You
Old Tang
Carina Lau
Carina Lau
Magistrate's wife
Shao Bing
Shao Bing
The Second
Liao Fan
Liao Fan
The Third
Du Yiheng
Du Yiheng
The Four
Jing Li
Jing Li
The Five
Zhang Mo
Zhang Mo
The Six
Xiao Wei
Xiao Wei
The Seven
Yun Zhou
Yun Zhou
Sister Hua
Chen Kun
Chen Kun
Jiang Wu
Jiang Wu
Master Wu
Feng Xiaogang
Feng Xiaogang
Master Tang
Hu Jun
Hu Jun
Fake Zhang Mazi
Yao Lu
Yao Lu
Hu Qian
Miao Pu
Miao Pu
Mabond's ex-wife
Bai Bing
Bai Bing
Daiyu Qingwenzi
Yang Qiyu
Yang Qiyu
Hu Bai
Yue Hong
Yue Hong
Xuan Xiaoming
Xuan Xiaoming


Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Li Bukong
Li Bukong
Shu Ping
Shu Ping
Xiao Wei
Xiao Wei
Zhu Sujin
Zhu Sujin
Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Albert Lee
Albert Lee
Barbie Tung Wan-Si
Barbie Tung Wan-Si
Homber Yin
Homber Yin
Zhao Hai-Cheng
Zhao Hai-Cheng
Ma Ke
Ma Ke
Executive Producer
Albert Yeung
Albert Yeung
Executive Producer
Joe Hisaishi
Joe Hisaishi
Original Music Composer
Nan Shu
Nan Shu
Original Music Composer
Zhao Fei
Zhao Fei
Director of Photography
Wei Jie Cao
Wei Jie Cao
Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Yi Guang Gao
Yi Guang Gao
Production Design
Eddie Wong
Eddie Wong
Production Design
Qing Hua Yu
Qing Hua Yu
Production Design
William Chang
William Chang
Costume Design
Guo Junli
Guo Junli
Gang Wang
Gang Wang
Sound Designer


Brian Cohen is an average young Jewish man, but through a series of ridiculous events, he gains a reputation as the Messiah. When he's not dodging his followers or being scolded by his shrill mother, the hapless Brian has to contend with the pompous Pontius Pilate and acronym-obsessed members of a separatist movement. Rife with Monty Python's signature absurdity, the tale finds Brian's life paralleling Biblical lore, albeit with many more laughs.
バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART3
The latest battle in the eternal war between Good and Evil has come to New Jersey in the late, late 20th Century. Angels, demons, apostles and prophets (of a sort) walk among the cynics and innocents of America and duke it out for the fate of humankind.
チャップリンがアドルフ・ヒトラーの独裁政治を批判した作品で、ヒトラーとナチズムに対して非常に大胆に非難と風刺をしつつ、ヨーロッパにおけるユダヤ人の苦況をコミカルながらも生々しく描き、ニューヨーク映画批評家協会賞で主演男優賞を受賞した。 またこの作品は、チャップリン映画初の完全トーキー作品でもある。 1918年の第一次大戦末期、トメニアのユダヤ人一兵卒チャーリーは飛行機事故で記憶を失い入院する。それから数年後のトメニアは独裁者アデノイド・ヒンケルの天下で、ユダヤ人掃討の真っ最中。そんな折、退院したチャーリーは生まれ育ったユダヤ人街で元の床屋の職に戻る。親衛隊の傍若無人ぶり、特にそれが恋人ハンナに及ぶに至り、彼は勇猛果敢かつ抱腹絶倒のレジスタンスを開始。それがどういうわけかヒンケル総統の替え玉を演じさせられることになり……。
博士の異常な愛情 または私は如何にして心配するのを止めて水爆を愛するようになったか
衝撃的な内容で話題となったブレット・イーストン・エリスの小説を「I SHOT ANDY WARHOL」のメアリー・ハロン監督が映画化したサスペンス・ドラマ。80年代のニューヨーク。27歳のハンサムなヤッピー、パトリック・ベイトマンは一流企業の副社長。高級マンションに住み、美しい婚約者もいる彼は一見誰もが羨む生活を送っていた。しかし、彼の心の中には深い闇が広がっており、突如襲う衝動に突き動かされ、夜の街をさまよいホームレスや娼婦を殺害していたのだった……。
The young D'Artagnan arrives in Paris with dreams of becoming a king's musketeer. He meets and quarrels with three men, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, each of whom challenges him to a duel. D'Artagnan finds out they are musketeers and is invited to join them in their efforts to oppose Cardinal Richelieu, who wishes to increase his already considerable power over the king. D'Artagnan must also juggle affairs with the charming Constance Bonancieux and the passionate Lady De Winter, a secret agent for the cardinal.
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.


The Dead End
A brutal crime has repercussions seven years later.
Devils on the Doorstep
During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time they will be collected. The village leaders convene to interrogate the prisoners. The townspeople then struggle to accommodate the prisoners. One is a bellicose Japanese nationalist, the other a nervous translator. Will the townspeople manage to keep the prisoners until the New Year?
A World Without Thieves
Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?
Gone with the Bullets
Set in 1920s Shanghai, Ma Zouri and Xiang Feitian establish a notorious beauty pageant called the Flowers Competition. All of the city's elite attend the gala event, but when Wanyan Ying unexpectedly wins, it sets into motion a series of tragic events that change their destinies.
Hidden Man
A martial arts-infused spy thriller set in 1937 Beijing. A time when China was lurching between revolution, prosperity, and chaos.
Crazy Stone
Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?
The Sun Also Rises
A polyptych of interconnected stories in different time-zones, shifting between a Yunnan village, a campus, and the Gobi Desert.
Crazy Alien
A monkey trainer whose act goes wrong after an alien crash lands on Earth and injures his monkey. Desperate to perform the act, he attempts to train the alien instead, though is punished after the alien regains his powers.
The Pirate
Pirate Chang Pao-Chai springs a leak after an otherwise successful raid on a foreign ship. He goes ashore to get materials to patch his ship up, where he encounters corrupt Qing officials and poor, oppressed peasants. Being a good man at heart, he decides to help out and becomes an even bigger outlaw in the process.
返校 言葉が消えた日
Set in Taiwan during the 'White Terror' period of martial law, a high school girl who awakens in an empty school, only to find that her entire community has been abandoned except for one other student. Soon they realize that they have entered a realm filled with vengeful spirits and hungry ghosts.
When a mysterious visitor appears, the life of Yong Cheng, owner of a store that stocks aphrodisiac products, changes dramatically. He becomes the exclusive selling agent of a cheap Indian generic drug against Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in China. Not only does Yong Cheng see his profits skyrocket, but he is dubbed the god of medicine“ by his customers
When a son attempts to reconcile with his father, a series of fateful events allow him to experience the father’s life in the past.
1987年の中国、東北部に住む少女、余紅(ユー・ホン)のもとに北京の「北清大学」から合格通知が届いた。余紅は故郷の恋人暁軍(シャオ・ジュン)と離れ離れになり、1人での大学生活を始める。自分のやり方を貫き、束縛を受けることを好まない性格から、いつしか学生たちの間でも注目される存在になっていた。 そんな中、余紅は友人の李緹(リー・ティ)たちを通じて周偉(チョウ・ウェイ)と出会った。2人はすぐに強烈な恋に落ちるが、強く結びつけば結びつくほど気持ちが近づいたり離れたりを繰り返してしまい、ついには李緹もこの複雑な関係に巻き込まれてしまうことに。 1989年夏、北京の大学生たちが参加していたデモを軍が鎮圧した。世に言う天安門事件であった。事件後、余紅は大学を中退して故郷に戻り、周偉は李緹と若古(ロー・グー)の助けを借りてベルリンに移った。2人はそれぞれ新しい生活を始め、長らく連絡を取ることはなかった。 数年後、周偉は中国に戻り、既に結婚していた余紅を見つけ出し、再会を果たす。離れ離れになってから片時も相手のことを忘れなかった2人だったが…。
Mr. Six
Many years ago Mr. Six was a notorious gangster. That was back when there was still such a thing as honour among thieves, when criminals earned respect and maintained principles. These days Mr. Six is all but forgotten, a living relic residing in a narrow alley. One day Six's son, Xiaobo, is abducted by some spoiled punks after he scratches their precious Ferrari. Mr. Six realizes that he must do whatever it takes to get his son back — even if that means returning to the life he thought he had left behind.
The Dream Factory
Four friends come up with an unusual idea to make some money and have fun doing it. For a small fee, they will impersonate and act out any character role for their customers. In the course of executing this novel service, they encounter a whole spectrum of people in society, finding ways to genuinely help them boost their morale and overcome their fears, while gaining unusual and new insights into the human condition.
Crazy Racer
An action-adventure story focused on the lives of express deliverymen, traffic cops and lonely beauties.
No Man's Land
Pan Xiao, a young lawyer, goes to a rural small village settled in the western desert lands of China to handle the case of a falcon poacher who has ran over a policeman. Pan wins the case through sophisticated reasoning and forces the poacher to give him his car as a reward. Then, he just drives back home, but the return will not be an easy one.