Zola ゾラ (2020)
Y'all wanna hear a story?
ジャンル : コメディ, 犯罪
上映時間 : 1時間 26分
演出 : Janicza Bravo
脚本 : Janicza Bravo, Jeremy O. Harris
A waitress agrees to accompany an exotic dancer, her put-upon boyfriend, and her mysterious and domineering roommate on a road trip to Florida to seek their fortune at a high-end strip club.
Its All Gone Pete Tong is a comedy following the tragic life of the legendary Frankie Wilde. The story takes us through Frankie's life from being one of the best DJs alive, through a subsequent battle with a hearing disorder, culminating in his mysterious disappearance from the scene.
Long-haul driver Hannes (Manfred Krug) picks up a young hitchhiker, Herb (Jaecki Schwarz), who had a falling-out with his parents after dropping out of college and now travels around doing odd jobs. After a series of adventures, they are joined by Johanna (Jutta Hoffmann) and her child, who missed their bus and need a ride to Berlin. Johanna has left her husband so that he can reflect on their broken relationship and both men gradually begin to fall in love with her.
A love story of a 17 year old punk-rocker and a 15 year old runaway girl.
1788年の英国。国王ジョージ3世が突然錯乱して王室は大混乱。この英国王室史上最大のスキャンダルをどう収めるのか? 国王をめぐる王室の人々のそれぞれの思惑が巡って……。その行方は?
A former U.S. soldier returns to his hometown to find it overrun by crime and corruption, which prompts him to clean house.
A bumbling government agent recruits a trucker whose gambling knowledge can help crack an illegal Florida operation.
Mr. Hulot is the head designer of the Altra Automotive Co. His latest invention is a newfangled camper car loaded with outrageous extra features. Along with the company's manager and publicity model, Hulot sets out from Paris with the intention of debuting the car at the annual auto show in Amsterdam. The going isn't easy, however, and the group encounters an increasingly bizarre series of hurdles and setbacks en route.
This is the story of human beings who know exactly what they'd do if they were somebody else, but can't handle being themselves very well, who are very simply struggling to find out who they are.
A successful TV star during the 1960s, former "Hogan's Heroes" actor Bob Crane projects a wholesome family-man image, but this front masks his persona as a sex addict who records and photographs his many encounters with women, often with the help of his seedy friend, John Henry Carpenter. This biographical drama reveals how Crane's double life takes its toll on him and his family, and ultimately contributes to his death.
The Griswalds win a vacation to Europe on a game show, and so pack their bags for the continent. They do their best to catch the flavor of Europe, but they just don't know how to be be good tourists. Besides, they have trouble taking holidays in countries where they CAN speak the language.
Since the late 18th century American legal decision that the business corporation organizational model is legally a person, it has become a dominant economic, political and social force around the globe. This film takes an in-depth psychological examination of the organization model through various case studies. What the study illustrates is that in the its behaviour, this type of "person" typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience. Furthermore, we see the profound threat this psychopath has for our world and our future, but also how the people with courage, intelligence and determination can do to stop it.
Gypo is the story of a working class family in Margate, Kent, a town where immigrants have become the focus of most of the public's discontent. The film tells the story of the a couple of weeks in this family's life, beginning when a young Czech girl, Tash, comes to visit. The film is made in the Dogme95 tradition, so no costumes, no lighting, no props or sets, which gives the film a gritty texture appropriate to the story.
The true story of Australia’s most notorious convict, Alexander Pearce and his infamous journey into the beautiful yet brutal Tasmanian wilderness. A point of no return for convicts banished from their homeland, Van Diemen’s Land was a feared and dreaded penal settlement at the end of the earth.
A college freshman joins her university's rowing team and undertakes an obsessive physical and psychological journey to make it to the top varsity boat, no matter the cost.
A wild animal attacks six medical students on a weekend hike in the woods. One by one, they become infected with a “feral disease,” turning them into rabid, bloodthirsty creatures, and the vacation becomes a nightmare as they fight to survive each other.
A couple fights to hold their relationship together as a memory loss virus spreads and threatens to erase the history of their love and courtship.
「燃ゆる女の肖像」のセリーヌ・シアマが監督・脚本を手がけ、娘・母・祖母の3世代をつなぐ喪失と癒しの物語をつづった作品。 大好きだった祖母を亡くした8歳の少女ネリーは両親に連れられ、祖母が住んでいた森の中の一軒家を片付けに来る。しかし、少女時代をこの家で過ごした母は何を目にしても祖母との思い出に胸を締め付けられ、ついに家を出て行ってしまう。残されたネリーは森を散策するうちに、母マリオンと同じ名前を名乗る8歳の少女と出会い、親しくなる。少女に招かれて彼女の家を訪れると、そこは“おばあちゃんの家”だった……。 本作が映画初出演のジョセフィーヌ&ガブリエル・サンス姉妹がネリーとマリオンを演じ、「女の一生」のニナ・ミュリス、「サガン 悲しみよこんにちは」のマルゴ・アバスカルが共演。2021年・第71回ベルリン国際映画祭コンペティション部門出品。
The rivalry between two former college friends comes to a head when they both attend the same glamorous event.
アイスランドの田舎で暮らす羊飼いの夫婦が、羊から産まれた羊ではない何かを育て、やがて破滅へと導かれていく様を描いたスリラー。「ローグ・ワン スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー」などの特殊効果を担当したバルディミール・ヨハンソンの長編監督デビュー作。山間に住む羊飼いの夫婦イングヴァルとマリアが羊の出産に立ち会うと、羊ではない何かが産まれてくる。子どもを亡くしていた2人は、その「何か」に「アダ」と名付け育てることにする。アダとの生活は幸せな時間だったが、やがてアダは2人を破滅へと導いていく。「プロメテウス」「ミレニアム」シリーズのノオミ・ラパスが主人公マリアを演じ、製作総指揮も務めた。アイスランドの作家・詩人として知られ、「ダンサー・イン・ザ・ダーク」の歌劇脚本を手がけたショーンがヨハンソンとともに共同脚本を担当。
The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
In an isolated family mansion, a group of rich 20-somethings decides to play Bodies Bodies Bodies, a game where one of them is secretly a "killer" while the rest tries to "escape". Things take a turn for the worse when real bodies start turning up, setting off a paranoid and dangerous chain of events.
歴史的なスキャンダルを映画化!衝撃の実話ミステリー。 リドリー・スコット監督がジョディ・カマー、マット・デイモン、アダム・ドライバー、ベン・アフレックという豪華キャストを迎え、実話を元に、歴史を変えた世紀のスキャンダルを描くエピック・ミステリー。《STORY》 中世フランス──騎士の妻マルグリットが、夫の旧友に乱暴されたと訴えるが、彼は無実を主張し、目撃者もいない。真実の行方は、夫と被告による生死を賭けた“決闘裁判”に委ねられる。それは、神による絶対的な裁き── 勝者は正義と栄光を手に入れ、敗者はたとえ決闘で命拾いしても罪人として死罪になる。そして、もしも夫が負ければ、マルグリットまでもが偽証の罪で火あぶりの刑を受けるのだ。 果たして、裁かれるべきは誰なのか?あなたが、 この裁判の証人となる。
Tensions rise when the trailblazing Mother of the Blues and her band gather at a Chicago recording studio in 1927. Adapted from August Wilson's play.
ファッションデザイナーを夢見るエロイーズ(トーマシン・マッケンジー)は、ロンドンのデザイン学校に入学する。しかし同級生たちとの寮生活に馴染めず、ソーホー地区の片隅で一人暮らしを始めることに。新居のアパートで眠りに着くと、夢の中で60年代のソーホーにいた。そこで歌手を夢見る魅惑的なサンディ(アニャ・テイラー=ジョイ)に出会うと、身体も感覚も彼女とシンクロしていく。夢の中の体験が現実にも影響を与え、充実した毎日を送れるようになったエロイーズは、タイムリープを繰り返していく。だがある日、夢の中でサンディが殺されるところを目撃してしまう。その日を境に現実で謎の亡霊が現れ始め、徐々に精神を蝕まれるエロイーズ。そんな中、サンディを殺した殺人鬼が現代にも生きている可能性に気づき、エロイーズはたった一人で事件の真相を追いかけるのだが……。 果たして、殺人鬼は一体誰なのか?そして亡霊の目的とは-!?
An epic fantasy adventure based on the timeless Arthurian legend, The Green Knight tells the story of Sir Gawain, King Arthur's reckless and headstrong nephew, who embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight, a gigantic emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men.