Killing Kasztner (2008)
The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis.
ジャンル : 戦争, ドキュメンタリー, 履歴
上映時間 : 2時間 9分
演出 : Gaylen Ross
How much should you negotiate with the enemy? In Israel, the debate over that question evoked fury to the point of assassination. Such was the case of Kasztner. Dr Israel (Rezso) Kasztner, a Hungarian Jew who tried to rescue the last million Jews of Europe by negotiating face to face with Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, was gunned down by another Jew who never set foot in Nazi Europe. After 50 years, his assassin Ze'ev Eckstein breaks his silence on the fateful night he shot and killed Kasztner. (Storyville)
The only two survivors of the Treblinka concentration camp recount the horrors they experienced and tell how their lives were after escaping during a revolt in 1943.
Spanish photographer Francesc Boix, imprisoned in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, works in the SS Photographic Service. Between 1943 and 1945, he hides, with the help of other prisoners, thousands of negatives, with the purpose of showing the freed world the atrocities committed by the Nazis, exhaustively documented. He will be a key witness during the Nuremberg Trials.
Nazi occupied Poland, during the World War II. Hans, a former brilliant student, has become an SS officer stationed at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. When he is commissioned by his superior officer to build an efficient gas chamber, Hans, facing the harsh reality, begins to realize the magnitude of the atrocious acts of which he is being accomplice.
The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.
Irena Sendler is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, when her physician father died of typhus contracted while treating poor Jewish patients. When she initially proposes saving Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, her idea is met with skepticism by fellow workers, her parish priest, and even her own mother Janina.
『ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル』(原題:La vita è bella、英題:Life Is Beautiful)は、1997年のイタリア映画。ロベルト・ベニーニ監督・脚本・主演作品。第二次世界大戦下のユダヤ人迫害(ホロコースト)を、ユダヤ系イタリア人の親子の視点から描いた作品である。 カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員グランプリを受賞。第71回米国アカデミー賞で作品賞ほか7部門にノミネートされ、そのうち、主演男優賞、作曲賞、外国語映画賞を受賞した。また、トロント国際映画祭の観客賞やセザール賞の外国映画賞も受賞している。
Taking place at the Concentration camp Buchenwald at the end of March 1945, prisoner Hans Pippig discovers in a carrying case of an incoming prisoner a Jewish child. If reported the three-year-old is sure to die. On the other hand, a violation of the rules of the camp would threaten the long prepared uprising of the concentration camp prisoners against the SS.
A luxury liner carries Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany in a desperate fight for survival.
A Jewish boy separated from his family in the early days of WWII poses as a German orphan and is taken into the heart of the Nazi world as a 'war hero' and eventually becomes a Hitler Youth.
Documentary compiling the testimonies of the last remaining Holocaust survivors living in Britain, all of whom were children at the time, and following them over the course of a year as they embark upon personal and profound journeys.
第二次世界大戦前夜の1938年、リーゼルは弟に先立たれ、ミュンヘン近郊の田舎町へ里子に出されて母と別々に暮らすことになる。里親のハンスはリーゼルが「墓掘り人の手引き」という奇妙な本を肌身離さず持っていることから、彼女が字を読めないことに気が付き、本を読み聞かせるようになる。そして、リーゼルは読み書きを学び、たくさんの本を通じて知識だけでなく、勇気と希望を与えられるのだった。 しかし、折りしもドイツはナチスによって自由を奪われ、本を読むことすら禁じられる。ある日リーゼルは、反ユダヤ主義の暴動が激化する広場で焼かれた大量の本の中から、焼け残った1冊の本をこっそりと持ち帰るのだが・・・。
The story of the pioneering project to rehabilitate child survivors of the Holocaust on the shores of Lake Windermere.