
Ladrillos capitales (2019)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 11分

演出 : Gustavo Laskier


Villa Rodrigo Bueno, a poor neighborhood located on some sough after lands in Buenos Aires, in their struggle for urbanization and their fight against gentrification.



Gustavo Laskier
Gustavo Laskier
Gustavo Laskier
Gustavo Laskier
Mateo Kesselman
Mateo Kesselman
Gustavo Laskier
Gustavo Laskier
Executive Producer
Amalia Herdt
Amalia Herdt
Luciano Montes de Oca
Luciano Montes de Oca


The Street
The baker, the pie-maker and the diminished long-term community of Hoxton Street face gentrification in this compelling portrait of a rapidly changing London.
舞台は近未来のデトロイト。かつて自動車産業で栄華を誇ったこの街は犯罪都市と化し、巨大コングロマリット企業オムニ・コンシューマ・プロダクツ(OCP、通称オムニ社)によって警察(民営化されていて警察官から一般職員に至るまで会社員)を含む街全体が支配されていた。 アレックス・マーフィー巡査は、一連の警官殺しにおける犯人とされ指名手配中のマフィアであるクラレンス一味を追っていた。マーフィーはカーチェイスの末に一味の隠家を発見、潜入するも惨殺される。犯罪撲滅のため「警官のロボット化」を企画していたオムニ社は、死亡診断が下されたマーフィーの死していない生体部分を部品として利用、彼をロボコップとして蘇らせる。 ロボコップは驚異的な性能で優秀な成果をあげ、街の治安は少しずつ取り戻されて行った。しかし、ロボコップ自身は人間だった頃の記憶の断片に悩まされ、ついには自分が何者であったかを知ってしまう。
Barbershop 2: Back in Business
The continuing adventures of the barbers at Calvin's Barbershop. Gina, a stylist at the beauty shop next door, is now trying to cut in on his business. Calvin is again struggling to keep his father's shop and traditions alive--this time against urban developers looking to replace mom & pop establishments with name-brand chains. The world changes, but some things never go out of style--from current events and politics to relationships and love, you can still say anything you want at the barbershop.
My Brooklyn
Director Kelly Anderson's personal journey as a Brooklyn 'gentrifier' to understand the forces reshaping her neighborhood along lines of race and class. The film reframes the gentrification debate to expose the corporate actors and government policies driving displacement and neighborhood change.
Work in Progress
An author spends a year and a half filming what happens as a new apartment building is built in a neighborhood of Barcelona.
Berlin Babylon
A documentary focusing on the rebuilding projects in Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
A tropical fish shop in the East End of London, the last of what used to be many. Tiny, watery dramas inside fish tanks accompany the thoughts of local fish-keepers, while father and son Big Tel and Little Tel work to keep the shop alive.
In Ur Eye
A short documentary on the gentrification of Hackney.
Victor works in a real estate agency in the well-known Chueca neighborhood of Madrid. He hides a terrible secret: he makes apartments available for sale by murdering the old ladies owners that live in them. Then, refurbishes and decorates the apartments to sell them to gay couples with high purchasing power. His ultimate objective is to transform Chueca into a kind of London Soho area.
A short film about the changing face of London Soho and the implications of gentrification on Mimi, an aging transvestite.
Ayi comes from a rural area of Eastern China and doesn’t have the residential permit that would allow her to work in Shanghai. Yet, she has been cooking in the streets for twenty years, in an old neighbourhood soon to be demolished. The film unveils the chaos of an ultra-modern city aiming to wipe out so-called substandard practices and to deport an unwanted population.
Die Stadt als Beute
Berlin is changing. The film maker interviewed and accompanied real estate agents and investors and filmed tenants struggling to cope with the situation.
I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel
Is the city of Zurich suffering from ‘density stress’? What is it like to live in mega cities such as São Paulo, Mexico City and Tiflis? Filmmaker Thomas Haemmerli broaches the topics of city development, architecture, density, housing market, xenophobia and gentrification from an autobiographical perspective. The path of his life has led him from a childhood in the villa district of Zürichberg, through his teenage years as squatter to flat shares, yuppie apartments and finally second homes in various cities. Only recently having become a dad, he plans to further enhance Zurich’s price appreciation by purchasing a huge, extended city apartment… This multifaceted essay not only humorously questions the filmmaker’s decisions, but also those of the right-wing conservatives, who are afraid of losing their space to immigrants, and the political left, who fail to embrace modern-age architecture.
San Francisco 2.0
San Francisco has long enjoyed a reputation as the counterculture capital of America, attracting bohemians, mavericks, progressives and activists. With the onset of the digital gold rush, young members of the tech elite are flocking to the West Coast to make their fortunes, and this new wealth is forcing San Francisco to reinvent itself. But as tech innovations lead America into the golden age of digital supremacy, is it changing the heart and soul of their adopted city?
Denim' is a poetic short film by writer, poet and performer Siana Bangura, exploring gentrification and social cleansing in South East London. Through a personal trip down memory lane, visiting the places that moulded her, we learn what happens when the city changes and leaves those who built it behind. Travelling through Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Elephant & Castle, Walworth Road, Peckham, Brixton and of course Shoreditch, 'Denim' is both a personal tale and a wider social commentary.
Unarmed Verses
Toronto filmmaker Charles Officer profiles the young people of Villaways Park, a housing project on brink of historic change.
That World Is Gone
Kathy's family left on a Saturday morning in 1965. The rumble of bulldozers echoed through the neighborhood, and her block was empty. Federally-funded urban renewal had arrived in Charlottesville, scattering dozens of families like Kathy's. The once-vibrant African American community, built by formerly enslaved men and women who had secured a long-denied piece of the American dream, disappeared.
We Came to Sweat
Facing eviction the oldest black-owned gay bar in Brooklyn relies on a passionate community in its fight for survival.
The Fall of the I-Hotel
The Fall of the I-Hotel brings to life the battle for housing in San Francisco. The brutal eviction of the International Hotel's tenants culminated a decade of spirited resistance to the razing of Manilatown. The Fall of the I-Hotel works on several levels. It not only documents the struggle to save the I-Hotel, but also gives an overview of Filipino American history.
Art Security Service