
"1-O" (2018)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, テレビ映画

上映時間 : 39分

演出 : Lluís Arcarazo


On September 6, 2017, the Catalan regional government called an independence referendum. This propagandistic documentary by the Catalan government collects the experiences of an illegal referendum that led to the virtual independence of Spanish territory and the biggest constitutional crisis in Spain since 1981


Roger Español
Roger Español
Carme Forcadell
Carme Forcadell
Jordi Muñoz
Jordi Muñoz
Mariano Rajoy
Mariano Rajoy
Himself (archive footage)
Xavier Antich
Xavier Antich
Himself (uncredited)
Jordi Graupera
Jordi Graupera
Himself (uncredited)
Sílvia Bel
Sílvia Bel
Herself (uncredited)


Lluís Arcarazo
Lluís Arcarazo
Lluís Arcarazo
Lluís Arcarazo
Bernat Elias
Bernat Elias
Executive Producer
Jaume Roures
Jaume Roures
Adriana Terribas
Adriana Terribas
Xavier Capellas
Xavier Capellas
Alfred Tapscott
Alfred Tapscott
Ona Bartrolí
Ona Bartrolí


 「ブレイド2」「ヘルボーイ」のギレルモ・デル・トロ監督が「デビルズ・バックボーン」に続いて再びスペイン内戦を背景に描く哀切のダーク・ファンタジー。再婚した母に連れられ、山中でレジスタンス掃討の指揮をとる冷酷な義父のもとへとやって来た空想好きの少女は、やがて残酷な現実世界から逃避し森の中の不思議な迷宮へと迷い込んでいくが…。イマジネーションあふれるヴィジュアルと深いテーマ性が高く評価され、いわゆるジャンル映画でありながら数々の映画賞を席巻する活躍で大きな注目を集めた話題作。  1944年のスペイン。内戦終結後もフランコ政権の圧政に反発する人々がゲリラ闘争を繰り広げる山間部。内戦で父を亡くした少女オフェリアは、臨月の母カルメンと共にこの山奥へとやって来る。この地でゲリラの鎮圧にあたるビダル将軍と母が再婚したのだった。冷酷で残忍な義父に恐怖と憎しみを募らせるオフェリア。その夜、彼女は昆虫の姿をした不思議な妖精に導かれ、謎めいた迷宮へと足を踏み入れる。そこでオフェリアを出迎えたパン<牧神>は、彼女が地底の魔法の国のプリンセスの生まれ変わりで、満月の夜までに3つの試練を乗り越えれば、魔法の国に帰ることが出来ると告げる。オフェリアはその言葉を信じて、与えられた3つの試練に立ち向かう決意を固めるのだったが…。
The Endless Trench
A small village in Huelva, Andalusia, Spain, 1936. Higinio and Rosa have been married only for a few months when the Civil War breaks out. Higinio, being afraid of possible reprisals from the rebel faction, decides to use a hole dug in his own house as a temporary hideout.
49th Parallel
In the early days of World War II, a German U-boat is sunk in Canada's Hudson Bay. Hoping to evade capture, a small band of German soldiers led by commanding officer Lieutenant Hirth attempts to cross the border into the United States, which has not yet entered the war and is officially neutral. Along the way, the German soldiers encounter brave men such as a French-Canadian fur trapper, Johnnie, a leader of a Hutterite farming community, Peter, an author, Philip and a soldier, Andy Brock.
David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists, so he joins the POUM militia and witnesses firsthand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by Stalin's followers and Moscow's orders.
The Silence of Others
The story of the tortuous struggle against the silence of the victims of the dictatorship imposed by General Franco after the victory of the rebel side in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1975). In a democratic country, but still ideologically divided, the survivors seek justice as they organize the so-called “Argentinian lawsuit” and denounce the legally sanctioned pact of oblivion that intends to hide the crimes they were subjects of.
Land Without Bread
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extremadura, Spain, as it was in 1932. Insalubrity, misery and lack of opportunities provoke the emigration of young people and the solitude of those who remain in the desolation of one of the poorest and least developed Spanish regions at that time. (Silent short, voiced in 1937 and 1996.)
San Pietro
This documentary movie is about the battle of San Pietro, a small village in Italy. Over 1,100 US soldiers were killed while trying to take this location, that blocked the way for the Allied forces from the Germans.
The First Circle
In the USSR, political prisoners who were scientists were not always sent to GULAG, but also to The First Circle (named after Dante's Inferno), a special incarceration unit near Moscow where they could work for the government.
An elite group of Chinese pilots must take part in a dangerous mission to thwart a terrorist plot and resolve a hostage situation.
Tótem Loba
Estíbaliz accepts her high-school friend Raquel's invitation to attend the town festival. What seemed to be a fun and exciting weekend turns into a nightmare.
Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi
A propaganda film during World War II about a boy who grows up to become a Nazi soldier.
The War Is Over
Diego is one of the chiefs of the Spanish Communist Party. On his way from Madrid to Paris, he is arrested at the border for an ID check but manages to get free. When he arrives in Paris, he starts searching for one of his comrade to prevent him from going to Madrid where he could be arrested.
The Big Family
A Christmas Tale
Cubelles, Tarragona, Spain, Christmas 1985. Five friends make an unexpected discovery in the forest: a woman disguised as Santa Claus trapped in a deep hole dug in the middle of nowhere.
Propaganda: Engineering Consent
How can the masses be controlled? Apparently, the American publicist Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), a pioneer in the field of propaganda and public relations, knew the answer to such a key question. The amazing story of the master of manipulation and the creation of the engineering of consent; a frightening true story about advertising, lies and charlatans.
To Die in Madrid
Morir en Madrid brings together several papers on the Spanish Civil War and integrates capturing different points of view, intended to represent the continuity of the suffering of the Spanish during the Franco regime. The death of Federico Garcia Lorca, Guernica, the defense of Madrid, the International Brigades, are some of the items comprised in this document.
Roads to the South
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
Wild Session
A walk through the golden age of Spanish exploitation cinema, from the sixties to the eighties; a low-budget cinema and great popular acceptance that exploited cinematographic fashions: westerns, horror movies, erotic comedies and thrillers about petty criminals.
La familia bien, gracias
Sequel to "The Great Family" and "Family and one more". A widower and the godfather of his 16 children, aged two, wistfully contemplate the past. The father was left alone in the family home, but loneliness overwhelms him so he decides to spend some time at home for each of their children, most of whom are married. But the experience ends up being disastrous.
The Power of Silence
Prades, France, 1940s. The exiled Catalan cellist Pau Casals decides not to perform any more in public until the fall of the dictatorship that oppresses Spain. Pierre, a young Frenchman studying with Casals, tries to convince him to celebrate an extraordinary concert as a tribute to freedom.


And with a Smile, the Revolution
Mortadelo & Filemon Mission Save the Planet
The planet is facing a great threat. During the worst drought ever known, a group of wrongdoers are in the process of finishing all the reserves of water that remain on Earth. The best secret agents in the world meet urgently, but they don't even have a clue. To make things even worse, the evil Botijola plans to sabotage the meeting. His intention is to convert the water into a substitute. In order to do this, he also tries to kidnap mad Professor Bacterio and get him to work for him. However, there are two things Botijola wasn't expecting. On the one hand, Bacterio, before being kidnapped, hid the parts of his invention in different historical moments, using a time machine. On the other hand, there are two international agents who haven't turned up at the sabotaged meeting, two agents who become the world's only hope: Mortadelo and Filemón.
In the Headquarters of the T.I.A. (Terminal Intelligence Agency), someone has stolen Professor Bacterio's most dangerous invention, the D.O.T. (Demoralizer of Troops), an artifact that ends up in the hands of a very short, wacky dictator who is ready to use it for criminal purposes. The T.I.A Chief, though, is firm in his resolve: if he wants to get the D.O.T. back, he must NOT count on his agents Mortadelo & Filemon. But when the crime fighting duo discover that the T.I.A. has engaged a cocky and slimy detective from outside the agency, they decide to act at their own risk, even if that risk involves all of Humanity.
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
Recently released from a mental hospital, Ricky ties up Marina, a film star he once had sex with and keeps her hostage.
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made.
Jaime, a doctor who lives in Seville, finds his life radicallychanged when his son is left fighting for his life after beingbeaten up during a robbery. The feelings of pain andhelplessness soon change to feelings of hate and anger,converting a good dad into a dehumanised man.
In a strange world where people share numerous deformities, the same problem we all face challenges each of them: to find someone who accepts you as you are. Sometimes, that means finding yourself first.
async - first light
A collaboration between Apichatpong and Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto from his album “async”. The people falling asleep in this film are all his friends, he sent cameras to friends and asked them to shoot. Apichatpong often carries Digital Harinezumi camera with him, and completing a lot of works with this camera. This work was first exhibited at the WATARI Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo (Japan, 2017).
Tono is continuously harassed by her mother, who is uncannily cruel and authoritarian. His obsession with a woman's voice recorded on cassette and his favorite doll will help him fight out of his mother's control.
At the end of the 50s, after assassinating the legendary capo Goncalves and dividing their domains, Ventura and Otálora, rival and old friends, fight with their bands for the control of prostitution and contraband. Anabel, Ventura's favorite prostitute and her young lover, will live their passion among the violence that surrounds the port city.