Crossfire (1979)

A dramatic film of one man's hate and one man's love... and the woman caught in the middle.

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 56分

演出 : Bruce Lood


Shelly, a young American girl, is attracted to two men for their idealism. One is a missionary, out to change the world through the power of God's word. The other is a terrorist, who plans to change the world through bombs.


Jerry Houser
Jerry Houser
Jane Klint
Jane Klint
Jerry G. Velasco
Jerry G. Velasco
Diana Ramos
Diana Ramos
Dagmar Tumminia
Dagmar Tumminia


Bruce Lood
Bruce Lood
Tim Simonec
Tim Simonec


The true-life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp and his journey of love and loss that looks to prove there is always hope.
The Second Coming of Christ
The journey of a woman scientist who, at the end of times, discovers that true Faith can bring Miracles.
ブレイク・ライヴリー、ジュード・ロウ共演のスパイアクション。テロで家族を失った女性が、復讐を誓いスパイとなる。 テロによる飛行機事故で家族を失った女性が、スパイ養成の過酷な訓練を経て復讐を誓うスパイアクション。『ロスト・バケーション』のブレイク・ライヴリーと『キャプテン・マーベル』のジュード・ロウが共演し、マーク・バーネルの小説「堕天使の報復」を映画化。これまではその美貌を生かした役どころの多かったブレイク・ライヴリーが、激しい格闘シーンやカーチェイスなど泥くさい演技に挑んでいる点も見どころ。
An Interview with God
An up-and-coming journalist finds his world and faith increasingly challenged when he's granted the interview of a lifetime – with someone who claims to be God.
パウロ 愛と赦しの物語
Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the church.
From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, join Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and a multitude of others as they journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth. Witness the most miraculous events in history as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees, befriends the outcasts, and heals the hurting. The lives he touches will never be the same. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound's spectacular original production has been experienced by over one million people live on stage.
Finding You
Finley, a talented aspiring violinist, meets Beckett, a famous young movie star, on the way to her college semester abroad program in a small coastal village in Ireland. An unexpected romance emerges as the heartthrob Beckett leads the uptight Finley on an adventurous reawakening, and she emboldens him to take charge of his future, until the pressures of his stardom get in the way.
Zeros and Ones
Called to Rome to stop an imminent terrorist bombing, a soldier desperately seeks news of his imprisoned brother — a rebel with knowledge that could thwart the attack. Navigating the capital's darkened streets, he races to a series of ominous encounters to keep the Vatican from being blown to bits.
The Grace Card
Everything can change in an instant ... and take a lifetime to unravel. When Mac McDonald loses his son in an accident, the ensuing 17 years of bitterness and pain erodes his love for his family and leaves him angry with God ... and just about everyone else. Mac's rage stonewalls his career in the police department and makes for a combustible situation when he's partnered with Sam Wright, a rising star on the force who happens to be a part-time pastor and a loving family man. Can they somehow join forces to help one another when it's impossible for either of them to look past their differences-especially the most obvious one? Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild relationships and heal deep wounds by extending and receiving God's grace. Offer THE GRACE CARD ... and never underestimate the power of God's love.
Redemption Day
When his wife is kidnapped by terrorists for ransom, veteran war hero Brad Paxton races against the clock to rescue her in a daring and deadly operation that pits him against powerful and dark forces.
The Penitent Thief
The story of the two unnamed men who were crucified alongside Jesus and how they came to be beside him on the cross that fateful day. Dismas and his brother Jotham, along with Gestas, another young man who will share their fate, suffer tragedy and injustice at the hands of a band of thieves and a ruthless Roman centurion. Theirs is a story of survival against the odds, but they cannot outrun their destiny.
2001年9月11日。ニューヨークは、いつもと同じ朝を迎えていた。港湾局警察に勤めるベテラン巡査部長のジョン・マクローリンや、同じく港湾局警察に勤めるウィル・ヒメノをはじめ、警察官たちも普通に業務を開始した。 だが、午前8時40分過ぎ、突如、タワー1(北棟)に、アメリカン航空11便が激突した。続いてタワー2(南棟)にも、ユナイテッド航空175便が激突。アメリカ国民だけでなく世界中の人が我が目を疑った。 ジョンたちは、上層階に取り残された人々を救出すべく、さらなる恐怖が迫っているとも知らずに部下たちと共にタワーへ向かった。
CIAは監視システムおよび粒子ビーム砲搭載の人工衛星「グレイザー1」を極秘裏に開発していた。そして打ち上げに成功し一同は安堵するが、その場にいるはずの設計者のトラヴィス・デイン博士の姿はなかった。人格に問題ありとみなされた彼は打ち上げを前に解雇され、それを苦に自殺したのだ。 一方、海軍を退役し、レストランのオーナーシェフとなっていたケイシー・ライバックは、疎遠になっていた姪のサラとの仲を修復するために北アメリカ大陸を横断する豪華列車の旅行を計画し、駅構内に来ていた。父親を亡くしたばかりのサラと久々の再会をするも、打ち解けずにそのまま列車に乗車する。列車には、二人の他にも「グレイザー1」を打ち上げたスタッフが乗車していた。列車は走り始め、しばらく平穏な旅が続いていたが、突如ハイテク機器を装備した数十人のテロリストに列車ごと占拠されてしまう。