サマリタン (2022)
25 years ago the world's greatest hero vanished.
ジャンル : アクション, 犯罪, サイエンスフィクション
上映時間 : 1時間 42分
演出 : Julius Avery
Thirteen year old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysteriously reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually the legendary vigilante Samaritan, who was reported dead 25 years ago. With crime on the rise and the city on the brink of chaos, Sam makes it his mission to coax his neighbor out of hiding to save the city from ruin.
Picking a random name out of the phone book, thugs decide to terrorize and kidnap Cee Bee Beaumont, girlfriend of rock sensation Lonnie Lord. Rat Pfink and his sidekick Boo Boo spring into action!
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
It's 1955. Lenny is a 14-year old boy who is totally fascinated by sex. He is too scared to "do it," so he dedicates his summer to seeing two other people do it. Easier said than done. Caught in the act of spying, his mother and stepfather ship him off to spend the summer with his aunt and uncle in "the country" -- Queens. His plan looks like a bust and his summer seems destined for boredom, until he meets a whole new group of friends -- young teens who have a "sex club."
Lady X is a woman who works during the day as a model but turns into a fighter for justice at night with the help of her karate master Chang.
Ten French job seekers show up for a two-day recruitment session knowing only that they’re vying for a sales position in the insurance field. Their prospective employer remains a mystery. With limited information, they’re launched into a hiring process that more closely resembles a reality TV challenge than a traditional interview.This brutal examination of entry-level recruitment sheds light on the stigma of being unemployed, the power dynamics of interviewing and the roles people play in their quest to earn a minimum wage.
Buddha's Lost Children is a feature-length documentary film about a Thai Buddhist monk who, armed only with his master boxing skills, wages an inspirational battle to help orphaned children, fight drug abuse, and preserve a vanishing way of life.
After experiencing heartache, Adrian a.k.a. Ada - a conservative homosexual, leaves the city with his cousin Aruba. Relocating to a quaint province to start a new life and a parlor business, she meets her assistant Didi, her new secret love Dodong and a multitude of wacky characters including Dodong's brother Poldo, the peculiar couple Aling Britney and Mang Justin and her arch-rival when it comes to Dodong's affections Krystal. When a mysterious stone engraved with the words "Zaturnnah" falls from the sky one night, Ada gulps it down and he is magically transformed into Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah, a super heroine with immense strength and extraordinary beauty. In the pursuit of liberty, truth, justice and loads of excellent hair coloring, she fearlessly defends her newfound home from a giant frog, zombies running amok and from the overbearing Amazonistas from Planet X led by man-hater Queen Femina.
Goldface fights dr. Cobra's, aided by a bare chested African named Kotar. When Kotar's not punching folks, he's eating peanuts, bugging out his eyes, and speaking gibberish while referring to Goldy as "B'wana".
A young professor travels to Budapest to locate a lost colleague. Once there, he gets tangled up in a supernatural mystery.
Despite his age and general weariness, Gebo keeps on working as an accountant to provide for his family. He lives with his wife, Doroteia, and his daughter-in-law, Sofia, but it is the absence of João, son and husband, that worries them.Gebo seems to be hiding something, especially to Doroteia, who is anxiously waiting to see her son again. Sofia is also waiting for her husband to come home, and yet she fears him. All of a sudden, João arrives and everything changes.
A young man runs a scam selling pigeons that always return to his home. He falls under the wing of Kyoko, an older student whose heart is touched after Masuo sells his pigeons to her. However, after his scam is revealed, can these feelings truly remain the same?
A retired ex-criminal, the notorious Mister X, must clear his name when an up-and-comer commits a heinous copycat crime.
A whacked out scientist is capturing wrestlers (because they are "perfect") and using their spinal fluid to create a Gill Man. Two cops call in Batwoman to investigate. She steals aboard the baddies boat , uncovers his mad plan, but she is discovered and during a scuffle our hero tosses acid in the scientists face. This doesn't sit too well with the dude and he seeks revenge. His plan, capture her and turn her into a Gill Woman!
Captain Barbell has the human form of Enteng. One day Enteng received a mysterious barbell given by a hermit after he saved his life. Not knowing that the barbell can give Enteng's alter-ego Captain Barbell, a hero for the poor and mistreated people. Also in the cast is Enteng's dream girl Cielo, an elementary music teacher who's in love to Captain Barbell. With Captain Barbell's arch-enemies Lagablab, Freezy and Dagampat. The movie tells about the bravery, respect and love.
Born out of a Christmas ornaments-filled heaven, Turkish Superman fights the mob in order to save the day!
Argoman is practically invincible with powers beyond the scope of mortal man. Who is Sir Reginald Hoover, he seems to know what mission Argoman is involved with? Will Jenabell become the Queen of the World and achieve her wishes to outsmart Argoman?
A masked wrestler/superhero goes up against a madman and his army of robots.
親友のベッキーとハンターにとって、人生とは恐怖を克服し、限界に挑戦することです。 しかし、人里離れた廃墟となった電波塔の頂上まで 2,000 フィート登った後、彼らは降りることができず立ち往生していることに気づきます。 今、ベッキーとハンターの熟練したクライミング スキルが究極の試練にさらされます。彼らは要素、物資の不足、めまいを誘発する高さを生き残るために必死に戦います。
Twelve-year-old Noura dangles uncertainly in that difficult netherworld between childhood and adulthood. His growing libido has gotten him banned from the women's baths, where his mother took him when he was younger, but he's not yet old enough to participate in grown-up discussions with the men of his Tunisian village. Noura's only real friend is a troublemaker named Salih -- the village political outcast.
A loose mix of friends freeload through film school and beyond.
鳥山明による大ヒット漫画「ドラゴンボール」を原作とする劇場版アニメ。2015~18年に放送されたテレビシリーズ「ドラゴンボール超(スーパー)」の映画化第2弾で、2018年公開の前作「ドラゴンボール超 ブロリー」同様に、今作でも原作者の鳥山が脚本やキャラクターデザインを担当した。かつて孫悟空によって壊滅させられた悪の組織「レッドリボン軍」の意志を継ぐ者たちが現れ、新たに最強の人造人間ガンマ1号、2号を生み出す。彼らは自らを「スーパーヒーロー」と名乗り、ピッコロや悟飯たちを襲い始める。ガンマ1号と2号の声を、神谷浩史と宮野真守という人気声優がそれぞれ担当。そのほかにも新生レッドリボン軍の天才科学者Dr.ヘド役を演じる入野自由や、ボルケーノ太田、竹内良太らが出演。監督は前作「ドラゴンボール超 ブロリー」でも3Dパートの制作などに参加した児玉徹郎。
アフリカの広大なサバンナを舞台に、凶暴なライオンに襲われた一家の父親が娘を守るために戦う姿を描いたサバイバルアクション。「ワイルド・スピード スーパーコンボ」「ザ・スーサイド・スクワッド “極”悪党、集結」など、数々の大作で活躍するイドリス・エルバが主演を務めた。 妻を亡くして間もない医師のネイト・ダニエルズは、ふたりの娘たちを連れ、妻と出会った思い出の地である南アフリカへ長期旅行へ出かける。現地で狩猟禁止保護区を管理する旧友の生物学者マーティンと再会し、広大なサバンナに出かけたネイトたちだったが、そこには密猟者の魔の手から生き延び、人間に憎悪を抱くようになった凶暴なライオンが潜んでいた。ライオンに遭遇したネイトは、愛する娘たちを守るために牙をむく野獣に立ち向かっていく。 主人公ネイトをエルバが演じ、マーティン役で「第9地区」のシャルト・コプリーが共演。メガホンをとったのは、「エベレスト 3D」「アドリフト 41日間の漂流」などで知られるアイスランド出身のバルタザール・コルマウクル。
When danger threatens her camp, the fierce and highly skilled Comanche warrior Naru sets out to protect her people. But the prey she stalks turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal.
Taisto Kasurinen is a Finnish coal miner whose father has just committed suicide and who is framed for a crime he did not commit. In jail, he starts to dream about leaving the country and starting a new life. He escapes from prison but things don't go as planned...
国家錬金術師ばかりを狙った連続殺人事件が起きる中央 (セントラル) を訪れたエドとアル。犯人は正体不明ながら、額に十字傷を持つことから "傷の男 (スカー)" と呼ばれていた。兄弟も命を狙われ応戦するものの、圧倒的な強さの前に機械鎧 (オートメイル) を破壊され、絶体絶命となる。果たして二人はこの危機を乗り越え、元の身体を取り戻すことができるのだろうか。隠されたこの国の秘密と“約束の日”、そしてエドとアルの父親の過去。幾重にも重なる謎と真実が解き明かされ、物語は圧巻のフィナーレへ。最後に兄弟が出した答えとは…?
not there yet
A study of a girl eating an orange.
Filip is a middle-aged man. He works as a professional film extra, and his specialty is the roles of dead bodies. On the set of a historical film, he meets Łucja, who plays the role of a dead woman.
A wooden puppet embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy.
Billionaire sportsman Buddy King unwinds by hunting human captives on his remote mountain estate. But his latest victim, Ava Bravo, is no easy target.
A twisted journey of two women’s desperate flee to escape the clutches of Skylight, an insidious cult. Lured in by the promise of “freedom” in the isolated desert campus called The Aviary, Jillian and Blair join forces to escape in hopes of real freedom. Consumed by fear and paranoia, they can’t shake the feeling that they are being followed by the cult’s leader, Seth, a man as seductive as he is controlling. The more distance the pair gains from the cult, the more Seth holds control of their minds. With supplies dwindling and their senses failing, Jillian and Blair are faced with a horrifying question: how do you run from an enemy who lives inside your head?
The 1870's. South Africa. Life is normal at the farm on the slopes of a Karoo Kopje.Things change when the sinister, eccentric Bonaparte Blenkins with bulbous nose and chimney pot hat arrives. Their childhood is disrupted by the bombastic Irishman who claims blood ties with Wellington and Queen Victoria and so gains uncanny influence over the girls' gross stupid stepmother.