
All Together (1942)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 3分

演出 : Jack King


The entire Disney menagerie appears in a parade urging the purchase of war bonds.


Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse (voice) (uncredited)
Clarence Nash
Clarence Nash
Donald Duck (voice) (uncredited)


Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Jack King
Jack King


Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
Batman discovers a mysterious teen-aged girl with superhuman powers and a connection to Superman. When the girl comes to the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of Apokolips, events take a decidedly dangerous turn.
トムとジェリー ワイルド・スピード
After being evicted from their old house by Tom's owner for causing major damage, cat and mouse Tom and Jerry enter a race entitled the "Fabulous Super Race" to win a mansion.
Two Women
Widowed shopkeeper Cesira and her 13-year-old daughter Rosetta flee from the allied bombs in Rome during the second World War; they travel to the remote village where Cesira was born. During their journey and in the village and onward, the mother does everything she can to protect Rosetta. Meanwhile, a sensitive young intellectual, Michele, falls in love with Cesira.
クリスマスイブの日。ジェリーが住む劇場で開催されていたバレエ「くるみ割り人形」を見たジェリーと仔ネズミのニブルスは、自分たちも踊ることを夢見る。するとクリスマスの奇跡が起こり、その夢が実現。空っぽの舞台はおもちゃの国に変わり、ジェリーはオモチャの国の王様役に変身、バレリーナ人形と踊る。 ところがそこにトムたち野良猫が乱入し、彼らを率いる猫のボスが王国を乗っ取ってしまう。 こうなったらオモチャたちの作者「トイメーカー」に助けてもらうしかないとジェリーは彼に会いに旅立つ。仲間の顔ぶれは本物のオモチャになりたいオーナメントのポーリー、気の小さい木馬のネリー。ところが、猫の王様はトム率いる猫の兵隊たちを追っ手に放つ。果たして、ジェリーはトイメーカーの元にたどり着き、王国と捕らわれのバレリーナを救出できるか。
グラファロ もりで いちばんつよいのは?
The magical tale of a mouse who sets foot on a woodland adventure in search of a nut. Encountering predators who all wish to eat him - Fox, Owl and Snake - the brave mouse creates a terrifying, imaginary monster to frighten them away. But what will the mouse do when he meets this frightful monster for real?
The Zoosters are back in an all-new holiday adventure. When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the island of Madagascar it's up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and those wacky penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a sleigh full of laughs in this hilarious new holiday classic.
One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.
The Minions fight over a delicious banana... but is that all they want?!
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
Minions: Orientation Day
With so many jobs to choose from, the Minions have to make serious decisions after watching an 'Initiation Video'. What could go wrong?!
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The Winter Feast is Po's favorite holiday. Every year he and his father hang decorations, cook together, and serve noodle soup to the villagers. But this year Shifu informs Po that as Dragon Warrior, it is his duty to host the formal Winter Feast at the Jade Palace. Po is caught between his obligations as the Dragon Warrior and his family traditions: between Shifu and Mr. Ping.
マーガレット・サッチャー 鉄の女の涙
ガーディアンズ 伝説の勇者たち
バズ・ライトイヤーがファーストフード店でキッズセットのおまけのバズと入れ替わり、 置き去りにされてしまう。 ポニーのおもちゃたちが8センチのニセものパズにうんざりさせられ、一方で本物のバズは店の中で、不要になったおもちゃたちのための支援グループに引き止められていた。 ウッディと仲間たちがバズを助けるために計画を立てる中、 パズは心理療法セラピーから逃げ出そうと試みる。
Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.
Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...
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The Man of Steel finds himself outshone by a new team of ruthless superheroes who hold his idealism in contempt.
Hotel Desire
Antonia is a single mother who works as a hotel maid in Berlin. A normal hot summer day takes a dramatic turn when she crosses paths with a particular guest of the hotel, famous blind portrait painter Julius Pass.