官能病棟 濡れた赤い唇 (2005)
ジャンル : ホラー
上映時間 : 1時間 3分
演出 : Takaaki Hashiguchi
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a striking example of Pink Cinema that mixes horror with eroticism in a way that is both unsettling and genuinely original. A young couple enter a hospital after rumours that a demonic spirit known as the slit mouthed woman had been seen there. Once inside, they are possessed by an overwhelming desire to have sex and sneak off into an empty room to satiate their lusts. Then out of the darkness a perverse and disfigured woman appears and confronts them.The Slit-Mouthed Woman, a.k.a Kuchisake, is an original hybrid of pink erotica and horror from the controversial J-sploitation director Takuaki Hashiguchi whose previous films include the disturbingly nasty Woman Prisoner Torture. The Slit-Mouthed Woman features impressive special make-up effects from Takashi Oda, who worked alongside the acclaimed actor/director Beat Takeshi Kitano on his Yakuza action film Sonatine.
Paul and Jennifer Hemdale have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Something else is already living in their new home and it is growing stronger every day.
Four strippers take a vacation and wind up at a Spanish resort complex that, despite the hotel receptionist's claims of it being fully booked, appears to be completely empty. After one of the girls mysteriously vanishes and another ends up dead in the pool, both accompanied by the tolling bell from a nearby monastery, Candy and Caty must try to solve the mystery that seems to involve the Spanish Inquisition.
Five teenagers enter a deserted jungle and trespass inside an abandoned house only to haunted by a woman with a monster hidden inside her reproductive organs.
A hospital nurse is possessed by an evil spirit, and proceeds to kill off the hospital's patients.
Newlyweds spend the night at a haunted mansion, having had car trouble. When the wife disappears, the husband's rich father sends a team of parapsychologists to get the wife back. Except for the leader, each of the team has a special power... Dr. Donna Hemming is a telekinetic, Anthony Leeds can see things by touching objects, and Heather Siris is sexually irresistible to both the dead and the living. They soon discover a Civil War general has made a pact with the devil, if he can only find a virgin for the devil to procreate with.
A writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir, discovers a woman with a strange and silent past.
At a girls boarding school, a beautiful blonde orphan is possessed by an evil demon.
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a striking example of Pink Cinema that mixes horror with eroticism in a way that is both unsettling and genuinely original. A young couple enter a hospital after rumours that a demonic spirit known as the slit mouthed woman had been seen there. Once inside, they are possessed by an overwhelming desire to have sex and sneak off into an empty room to satiate their lusts. Then out of the darkness a perverse and disfigured woman appears and confronts them.The Slit-Mouthed Woman, a.k.a Kuchisake, is an original hybrid of pink erotica and horror from the controversial J-sploitation director Takuaki Hashiguchi whose previous films include the disturbingly nasty Woman Prisoner Torture. The Slit-Mouthed Woman features impressive special make-up effects from Takashi Oda, who worked alongside the acclaimed actor/director Beat Takeshi Kitano on his Yakuza action film Sonatine.
Events take a sinister turn one night in London, when two very different couples arrive at a double-booked apartment. Actions have consequences and not all debts are paid for with money. Leaving, it's harder than you think.
The latest picture from cult director Donald Farmer.
Night after night as Elizabeth would drift off to sleep she would wake up with visions and desires that she could not explain, And to a mysterious figure who always seemed to appear. Now Elizabeth has vanished and certain guests who visit the town of Rain River Falls claim to have the same visions and desires. Who was the figure? And what happened to Elizabeth?
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
息子を交通事故で亡くしたジェフは、目覚めると食肉工場の地下室にいた。扉を開けると、そこには鎖につながれた3人の男女。最愛の息子を飲酒運転でひき殺した男、犯人に軽罪しか与えなかった判事、そして事故を目撃しながら証言しなかった女…。「俺は、息子を殺した人間たちを処刑するのか?」 一方、医者のリンは誘拐され、連れて行かれた地下室で、瀬戸際のジグソウと会う。彼の延命手術を成功させなければ、彼女にも死が待っている…。こうして新たなる「ゲーム」が始まった!
Dr. Pretorius, a deranged scientist, forces Henry Frankenstein to help him create a companion for the monster.