
アタックNO.1 (1970)

ジャンル : アニメーション, ドラマ, ファミリー

上映時間 : 1時間 5分

演出 : Eiji Okabe, Fumio Kurokawa
脚本 : Tsunehisa Itou




Kurumi Kobato
Kurumi Kobato
Eiko Masuyama
Eiko Masuyama
Reiko Mutoh
Reiko Mutoh
Shūsei Nakamura
Shūsei Nakamura
Sumie Sakai
Sumie Sakai
Toshiko Asai
Toshiko Asai
Sachiko Chijimatsu
Sachiko Chijimatsu
Haruko Kitahama
Haruko Kitahama
Makoto Kôsaka
Makoto Kôsaka
Yoshiko Matsuo
Yoshiko Matsuo
Kazuko Sawada
Kazuko Sawada
Masako Sugaya
Masako Sugaya
Kei Tomiyama
Kei Tomiyama
Nana Yamaguchi
Nana Yamaguchi


Tsunehisa Itou
Tsunehisa Itou
Chikako Urano
Chikako Urano
Eiji Okabe
Eiji Okabe
Fumio Kurokawa
Fumio Kurokawa


Getting Back Vera
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Shepot Oranzhevykh Oblakov
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A story of two brothers - two young hockey players.
Finding Lenny
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I Superbiker
Feature film for release Spring 2011 following four superbike riders through their dramatic British Superbike Season. They are the new GLADIATORS, battling at 200MPH, riding through torturous conditions and risking life and limb at every race meeting. Only one can be the true champion. The film follows the great British hope, Tommy Hill, a fearless racer who cheated death at 14 years old. It tracks James Ellison, the northern heartthrob who came second in 2009, and HAS to win to save his career. Also Gary Mason, an ex privateer now racing on a factory Kawasaki bike who has everything to prove. And finally black leather clad Josh 'Bad Boy' Brookes, the Australian out to steal the crown from the British hopefuls. Film score by David Vanian of the Damned, music by Phil Collen of Def Leppard and Manraze. Directed by Mark Sloper
To: A Space Fantasy
 骨太なSF作品に定評のある漫画家・星野之宣の手掛けた名作「2001夜物語」を、圧巻の3DCGで映像化。  中年男性ダンは、地球の衛星軌道上に浮かぶシャトル発着基地・ミッドナイトバズーカの責任者。彼はそこで、15年ぶりに地球へ帰還してきた旧知の女性マリアと再会するが、長き宇宙の航海が隔てた時間の壁はふたりの関係を複雑なものにしていた。そんな折、マリアが輸送船で運搬してきた資源液化プロトンの奪取を狙って、テロリストが基地内にて行動を開始する!  気鋭の映像作家・曽利文彦が監督を務めた本作は、先述の「楕円軌道」ともう一本「共生惑星」の二編からなる作品である。高密度なビジュアルの美麗さと共に、SF世界ならではのストーリーテリングの妙にも注目したいところ。
Sport, Sport, Sport
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鋼の錬金術師 嘆きの丘(ミロス)の聖なる星
錬金術を使いこなす少年、エドワード・エルリックと、その弟であるアルフォンス・エルリックは、自身らの過去の過ちから失ってしまったものを取り戻す方法を探し、アメストリス国中を旅していた。 アメストリスの首都であるセントラルシティにある中央刑務所、そこにはメルビン・ボイジャーという名の囚人がいた。刑期終了を間近に控えていながら、メルビンは新聞のとある記事を読んだことをきっかけに脱獄する。メルビンの使いこなす未知の錬金術を目撃したエルリック兄弟は、その錬金術の詳細を知るために彼を追いかけ、西の大国・クレタとの国境の街・テーブルシティへと辿りついた。 かつては「ミロス」と呼ばれていたという、巨大な崖「デスキャニオン」に周囲を覆われたその街で、エルリック兄弟はミロスのレジスタンス組織「黒コウモリ」に属する1人の少女と出会った。ジュリア・クライトンというその少女の言葉に導かれ、兄弟はその地でかつて起こった惨劇、ミロスの民の過酷な歴史を知らされるのだった。
ECW November To Remember 1997
Bam Bam Bigelow defends the ECW World Heavyweight Championship against "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. Sabu faces Sandman in a Tables and Ladders Match. Rob Van Dam battles Tommy Dreamer in a Flag Match. Taz defends the ECW Television Championship against Pitbull #2. Plus, a 4-Way Dance for the ECW World Tag Team Championship and more!
ECW Living Dangerously 1999
The ECW Heavyweight and ECW FTW Championships are on the line when longtime rivals Sabu and Taz square off in the main event. The unlikely duo of Shane Douglas and Tommy Dreamer take on The Impact Players, Justin Credible and Lance Storm. Rob Van Dam defends the ECW TV Championship against Jerry Lynn. Super Crazy and Tajiri battle and much more.
Forever Hardcore: The Documentary
FOREVER HARDCORE is fearless in exposing the true history of this wrestling revolution, as the faces that shaped an era share their memories through the laughter and the tears.
ECW November To Remember 1998
Sabu, Rob Van Dam & Taz join forces to take on the Triple Threat in the main event. Tommy Dreamer teams with a mystery partner to take on Justin Credible & Jack Victory. The Dudley Boyz defend the ECW World Tag Team Championship against Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka. Lance Storm faces Jerry Lynn and much more!
Hardcore Homecoming: November Reign
November 5, 2005, Philadelphia was rocked with one of the greatest shows ever to take place inside the World’s most famous Bingo Hall. See the historic return to Philadelphia of Brother Ray and Brother Devon, Team 3D, as they take on two hardcore legends teaming together for the very first time, Sabu and Terry Funk! Plus, witness the carnage as brothers’ Ian and Axl Rotten dip their gule-drenched taped fists into buckets of broken glass and face off in one of the most violent and brutal matches in wrestling history – The Taipei Death Match 2! Hardcore Homecoming: November Reign was universally praised by fans and critics as a nostalgic trip down hardcore memory lane, settling long-standing feuds in front of one of the most rabid crowds in wrestling history! See how this event set Philly on fire with a NOVEMBER REIGN TO REMEMBER! PLUS: Justin Credible vs. Jerry Lynn in a Steel Cage Match; Shane Douglas vs. Pit-bull Gary Wolfe in a Dog Collar Chain Match, and much, much more.
ECW Hardcore Heaven 1995
The Public Enemy goes to war with The Gangstas. When ECW Champion Sandman defends his title against Cactus Jack, a franchise player makes his presence felt. Plus, Tommy Dreamer & Luna Vachon challenge Raven & Stevie Richards for the ECW Tag Team Championship. Axl and Ian Rotten battle each other in an infamous brutal Taipai Death Match and much more.
ECW Double Tables
Public Enemy defend their ECW Tag Team Titles against Sabu & Taz in a Double Tables Match, and Shane Douglas defends the ECW World Heavyweight Title against Tully Blanchard. ECW icons clash when Cactus Jack faces The Sandman in a Texas Death Match, and Tommy Dreamer battles Steve Richards.