Captain Meitanos. The Image of a Mythical Personage (1987)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 8分

演出 : Dimos Theos


A retired diplomat has begun writing a historical novel about the legendary Captain Meϊtanos, who lived in the 17th century. Initially, he was a klepht (bandit), then an armatolos (member of irregular forces), then a klepht again, until finally winding up in the Ottoman hangman’s noose. Captain Meϊtanos was described by monks who lived for many years after his death, recounting his activities and passing on his story. Memories are revived; snatches of a story and mystery emerge, such as that of a holy icon painted in 1715 by the iconographer Vaϊos – an icon which adds additional color and detail to this story.


Giorgos Mihalakopoulos
Giorgos Mihalakopoulos
Panayotis Botinis
Panayotis Botinis
Giulio Brogi
Giulio Brogi
Menelaos Daflos
Menelaos Daflos
Ilias Gekas
Ilias Gekas
Panagiotis Kaldis
Panagiotis Kaldis
Kostas Mandilas
Kostas Mandilas
Eleni Maniati
Eleni Maniati
Mihalis Stamatakis
Mihalis Stamatakis
Alexandros Veronis
Alexandros Veronis
Giorgos Zorbas
Giorgos Zorbas


Dimos Theos
Dimos Theos
Dimos Theos
Dimos Theos


アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食
A seductive alien prowls the streets of Glasgow in search of prey: unsuspecting men who fall under her spell.
Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.
The Spanish Main
Laurent van Horn is the leader of a band of Dutch refugees on a ship seeking freedom in the Carolinas, when the ship is wrecked on the coast of Cartagene. governed by Don Juan Alvardo, Spainish ruler. Alvarado has Laurent thrown in prison, but the latter escapes, and five-years later is a pirate leader. He poses as the navigator on a ship in which Contessa Francesca, daughter of a Mexican noble, is traveling on her way to marry Alvarado, whom she has never seen. Laurent's pirates capture the ship and Francesa, in order to save another ship, gives her hand-in-marriage to Laurent, who sails her to the pirate hideout. This irks the jealous Anne Bonney and,also, Captain Benjamin Black, who was already irked, anyway. They overpower Laurent and send Francesa to Alvarado, and then Mario du Billar, trusted right-hand man, makes a deal to deliver Laurent to Alvarado also.
1970年代、毎年2人が事故で死亡するF1の世界で伝説となった2人のレーサーが存在した。 ジェームズ・ハントは野性的思考であり、毎日を人生最期の日の様に謳歌する豪放なプレイボーイで、勘を活かした走りを得意としていたイギリス人。ニキ・ラウダは「コンピュータ」と評される論理的思考であり、レーサーのイメージとはかけ離れた勤勉な男で、工学の知識を活かして自らマシンを整備する走りを得意としていたオーストリア人。全く正反対の性格の2人はやがてライバル関係となり、度々レースで競い合う仲になる。 そして1976年― シーズン成績1位を独走するラウダとそれを追うハント。ドイツグランプリのその日は朝から豪雨でニュルブルクリンクの状態が悪かったため、レースを決行するべきかどうか審議が行われた。ラウダは中止を主張したが、ハントは決行を支持し、最終的に予定通り開催されることとなった。しかし、そのレースでラウダはクラッシュし、生死をさまよう重症を負ってしまう。ハントは彼のクラッシュの原因が自分にあると考えショックを受けるが、その後のラウダが参加できないレースでラウダとの差を埋めていく。一命は取り留めたラウダは、病院でその様子を見て奮起し、事故後わずか42日後にレースに復帰する。
文豪トルストイの名作を、「プライドと偏見」「つぐない」のジョー・ライト監督が映画化。19世紀末ロシアの社交界を舞台に、政府高官の妻と青年将校との運命の愛を描く。 19世紀末のロシア。政府高官カレーニン(ジュード・ロウ)の妻にして、社交界の花として人々から注目されるアンナ・カレーニナ(キーラ・ナイトレイ)。しかし、華やかな生活の裏で夫との愛なき結婚に空虚なものを抱いていた。そんな中、彼女は離婚の危機に陥った兄夫婦の関係を修復させようと、彼らのいるモスクワへ。駅に降り立ったアンナは、そこで青年将校ヴロンスキー(アーロン・テイラー=ジョンソン)と出会う。彼から強い思いをぶつけられて戸惑う彼女だが、自分にも彼を慕う気持ちで胸がいっぱいだった。
The Walking Dead
Five young marines on a suicide mission in Vietnam, struggle for survival in a jungle minefield. The mean streets of home did not prepare them for this.
We follow 24 hours in the life of a being moving from life to life like a cold and solitary assassin moving from hit to hit. In each of these interwoven lives, the being possesses an entirely distinct identity: sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes youthful, sometimes old. By turns murderer, beggar, company chairman, monstrous creature, worker, family man.
In the House
A sixteen-year-old boy insinuates himself into the house of a fellow student from his literature class and writes about it in essays for his French teacher. Faced with this gifted and unusual pupil, the teacher rediscovers his enthusiasm for his work, but the boy’s intrusion will unleash a series of uncontrollable events.
Something terrible is happening in class 3A at Calmecatl Junior High. No one can leave the classroom until the guilty party is found. This is the device that gives us a glimpse of the ethics, games, esthetics and eroticism of these girl-women. It is not easy to say what the subject is, there are so many: the discovery of sexuality, discrimination, chance, drugs, maternity, traditions, betrayals, power, love. A mural of a complex reality from the point of view of twenty-something women in the skin of 14 to 15 year old girls.
アバウト・タイム ~愛おしい時間について~
Sex and Zen III
The plot follows new prostitutes Susan (Karen Yeung), Fanny (Tung Yi), and Chinyun (Chung Chun), who are inducted into the Fragrance House brothel where they are trained in the ways of lovemaking by their veteran madam Tall Kau. Eventually all three enter circulation where Susan is crowned the top prize and becomes enamored of budding scholar Chu Chi-Ang. Fanny is jealous beyond all means and though she's bought by famous horse trader Sir Lui (Category 3 staple Tsui Kam-Kong), she still plans her revenge on Susan. Eventually the typical “torture the innocent naked girl for cheap thrills” stuff happens, while Chu learns various wacky sexual positions to get Susan back.
手塚治虫のブッダ -赤い砂漠よ!美しく-
Lolly-Madonna XXX
Laban Feather brews Tennessee moonshine with his sons Thrush, Zack, Hawk, and Finch. The chief rivals of the Feather Family in producing and selling illegal corn liquor are the Gutshalls, father Pap, and sons Ludie, Seb, and Villum. In addition to fighting over the white lightning market, the two families have also been feuding over some land that each believes is their property. As a prank, Ludie mails a postcard from a fictitious woman named Lolly-Madonna to the Feather household, in order to get the brothers squabbling over which son has attracted the mysterious admirer. But the joke has unexpected consequences when Thrush and Hawk kidnap a woman who was passing through town to meet her fiancée, assuming that she is Lolly Madonna.
An acclaimed writer, his ex-wife, and their teenaged children come to terms with the complexities of love in all its forms over the course of one tumultuous year.