
Stealing School (2020)

Nothing is more valuable than an education

ジャンル : ドラマ, コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 19分

演出 : Li Dong


April Chen, a Chinese-Canadian tech prodigy, is accused of plagiarism by an unrelenting teaching assistant and must fight to prove her innocence in a secret trial held before an academic tribunal.


Celine Tsai
Celine Tsai
April Chen
Mpho Koaho
Mpho Koaho
Micah Shaw
Darrin Baker
Darrin Baker
Richard Gould
Michelle Monteith
Michelle Monteith
Deborah Lewis
Jonathan Malen
Jonathan Malen
Joshua Bertier
Matthew Edison
Matthew Edison
Alan Thornton
Andy Yu
Andy Yu
Mark Lin
Darren Marsman
Darren Marsman
Maintenance Worker
Clare McConnell
Clare McConnell
Elisha Sinclair


Li Dong
Li Dong
Li Dong
Li Dong


B-Dawg, Mudbud, Budderball, and all the rest of the Buddies are back, but this time, they're setting their sights even higher -- as in, the moon! With the help of their new pals Spudnick (voiced by Jason Earles) and Gravity, these pooches are go for launch. But to pull off their moon landing and make it home safely, our canine heroes will have to summon all their bravery and imagination...
イップ・マン 序章
Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring
Tom is left in charge of a priceless magical ring by his young wizard master. He is then horrified when the ring gets stuck on Jerry's head, who then runs off into the city.
エル・ドラド 黄金の都
After a failed swindle, two con-men end up with a map to El Dorado, the fabled "city of gold," and an unintended trip to the New World. Much to their surprise, the map does lead the pair to the mythical city, where the startled inhabitants promptly begin to worship them as gods. The only question is, do they take the worshipful natives for all they're worth, or is there a bit more to El Dorado than riches?
Set in puritanical Boston in the mid 1600s, the story of seamstress Hester Prynne, who is outcast after she becomes pregnant by a respected reverend. She refuses to divulge the name of the father, is "convicted" of adultery and forced to wear a scarlet "A" until an Indian attack unites the Puritans and leads to a reevaluation of their laws and morals.
ロンドンのとある刑務所を出所したチャーリーは、ボスであるブリッジャーの指示により、トリノで400万ドルの金塊を手に入れる計画を立てる。 手練の泥棒仲間たちに加え、コンピュータの第一人者であるピーチ教授を仲間にしたチャーリーたちは、一路イタリアへ向かった。そして、当時のイギリスの象徴とも言うべき、赤、白、青のユニオンジャックカラーの小型車、ミニMK-Iが3台、作戦のためにトリノに送り込まれた。トリノの街は、イタリア警察のアルファロメオと、ミニのカーチェイスが展開されることになる――。
The Doors
The story of the famous and influential 1960s rock band and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison.
舞台は、15世紀のパリ。そこにあるノートルダム大聖堂の鐘楼にひっそりと暮らす鐘衝き男・カジモドは、容姿こそ醜いが、優しく純粋な心を持った青年。彼は、育ての親・フロローの言いつけで外に出る事を許されず、友人は3人組の石像だけだった。 そんなある日、町の祭で楽しく盛り上がる人々を見て、我慢出来なくなったカジモドは遂に大聖堂を飛び出した。
Where the Heart Is
Novalee Nation is a 17-year-old Tennessee transient who has to grow up in a hurry when she's left pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend on a roadside, and takes refuge in the friendly aisles of Wal-Mart. Eventually, some eccentric but kindly strangers 'adopt' Novalee and her infant daughter, helping them buck the odds and build a new life.
After the Sunset
An FBI agent is suspicious of two master thieves, quietly enjoying their retirement near what may - or may not - be the biggest score of their careers.
将来政治家になりたいという高校時代の野心的な青年、マシューは、夢の少女、隣の美しい若い隣人と恋に落ちます。 二人は牧歌的なロマンスを始めますが、驚くべき発見が彼らの関係をテストします。彼女は有名なポルノ女優です。
Bad Boys
Mick O'Brien is a young Chicago street thug torn between a life of petty crime and the love of his girlfriend. But when the heist of a local drug dealer goes tragically wrong Mick is sentenced to a brutal juvenile prison where violence is a rite of passage and respect is measured in vengeance.
101匹わんちゃんII パッチのはじめての冒険
ポンゴとパーディタの99匹の子犬たち。その内の一匹、パッチは兄弟にのけものにされ、親にも忘れられ、挙句の果てにはロンドンから農場への引っ越しの日にすら忘れ去られてしまう。 テレビ好きのパッチは、大好きな犬のヒーローのサンダーボルトの番組のオーディション会場へと向かい、遂にサンダーと仲良くなるのだが…。
When Mitchie gets a chance to attend Camp Rock, her life takes an unpredictable twist, and she learns just how important it is to be true to yourself.