
Burial (2022)

Some secrets should stay buried.

ジャンル : スリラー, 戦争

上映時間 : 1時間 35分

演出 : Ben Parker


Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking the remains of Hitler back to Stalin in Russia. En route, the unit is attacked by German ‘Werewolf’ partisans and picked off one-by-one. Brana leads her surviving comrades in a last stand to ensure their ‘cargo’ doesn’t fall into the hands of those who would see it buried in order to hide the truth forever.


Charlotte Vega
Charlotte Vega
Brana Vasilyeva
Barry Ward
Barry Ward
Mikhail “Tor” Oleynik
Tom Felton
Tom Felton
Harriet Walter
Harriet Walter
Anna Marshall
Bill Milner
Bill Milner
Iossif Gulyaev
Daniel Renton Skinner
Daniel Renton Skinner
Cpt. Vadim Ilyasov
Niall Murphy
Niall Murphy
Dimitry Makar
Kristo Viiding
Kristo Viiding
Grigoriy Churakov
Maksim Demidov
Maksim Demidov
Ivan Klimko
Tambet Tuisk
Tambet Tuisk
Col. Gorbinskiy
Sergei Furmanjuk
Sergei Furmanjuk
Hristov Marants / Gorbechev Interpreter (voice)
Kristjan Üksküla
Kristjan Üksküla
Wölfram Graeber
Hendrik Toompere Jr. Jr.
Hendrik Toompere Jr. Jr.
Sten Karpov
Sten Karpov
Black Wolf
David Alexander
David Alexander
Karl Edwards / Bunker Soldier (voice)
Ester Kuntu
Ester Kuntu
Bashka Forrest
Bashka Forrest
Jaan Rekkor
Jaan Rekkor
Tõnu Jää
Tõnu Jää
Boar Head
Heiki Muda
Heiki Muda
Black Bear / Stripe
Andres Paal
Andres Paal
Gas Mask Werwolf
Enar Tarmo
Enar Tarmo
Werwolf Sniper
Kimberley Howson
Kimberley Howson
LTN News Anchor
Lill Tamm
Lill Tamm
Dead Goebbels Child
Margus Ill-Illik
Margus Ill-Illik
Death Camp Prisoner
Kalev Keeroja
Kalev Keeroja
Grigoriy’s Father
Gerhard Saks
Gerhard Saks
White Beard
Jüri Štšetinin
Jüri Štšetinin
Red Scarf
Raido Reimann
Raido Reimann
Cap Werfwolf
Jürjo Võisula
Jürjo Võisula
Dead Nazi Soldier
Gulliver the Dog
James Holyoake
James Holyoake
TV Announcer (voice)
Sara Dee
Sara Dee
TV Actress (voice)
Jonathan Rigby
Jonathan Rigby
BBC Announcer (voice)
Adam Dergiman
Adam Dergiman
Continuity Announcer (voice)
Alex Pitcher
Alex Pitcher
Radio Announcer / News Reporter (voice)
Vincent Fallow
Vincent Fallow
German Prison Camp Victim (voice)


Ben Parker
Ben Parker
Ben Parker
Ben Parker
Paul Higgins
Paul Higgins
Matthew James Wilkinson
Matthew James Wilkinson
Hugh Spearing
Hugh Spearing
Executive Producer
Shaun Compton Ross
Shaun Compton Ross
Executive Producer
Bizzy Day
Bizzy Day
Executive Producer
Ivo Felt
Ivo Felt
Rein Kotov
Rein Kotov
Director of Photography
Alex Baranowski
Alex Baranowski
Original Music Composer
Ellie Johnson
Ellie Johnson
Enar Tarmo
Enar Tarmo


An American Werewolf in Paris
An American man unwittingly gets involved with werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.
The Toth Family
The Toth family resides in Northern Hungary. The couple has a daughter and a son, the latter a member of the armed forces. When his weary major is ordered to take a vacation, the son talks him into a visit to his family home. Comedy ensues when the Toths go overboard trying to make things pleasant for the visiting major in hopes of an easier life for their son the soldier.
During Nazi occupation, red-headed Bent Faurschou-Hviid ("Flame") and Jørgen Haagen Schmith ("Citron"), assassins in the Danish resistance, take orders from Winther, who's in direct contact with Allied leaders. One shoots, the other drives. Until 1944, they kill only Danes; then Winther gives orders to kill Germans. When a target tells Bent that Winther's using them to settle private scores, doubt sets in, complicated by Bent's relationship with the mysterious Kitty Selmer, who may be a double agent. Also, someone in their circle is a traitor. Can Bent and Jørgen kill an über-target, evade capture, and survive the war? And is this heroism, naiveté, or mere hatred?
僕を愛したふたつの国/ヨーロッパ ヨーロッパ
A Jewish boy separated from his family in the early days of WWII poses as a German orphan and is taken into the heart of the Nazi world as a 'war hero' and eventually becomes a Hitler Youth.
When an aspiring rock musician Tony returns to his college town to make up with his estranged girlfriend Rosemary, he finds his life taking an unexpected turn to the dark side when he encounters a mysterious rock band Neowolf led by rocker Vince and the alluring band girl Paula. When Rosemary's best friend Kevin turns up dead, Rosemary seeks out a nursery owner Mrs. Belakov who knows the secrets of an ancient evil.
ルネ・クレマン監督が1952年に手がけ、同年のベネチア国際映画祭で金獅子賞、アカデミー賞で名誉賞(後の外国語映画賞)などに輝いた、映画史上の不朽の名作。ナルシソ・イエペスのギター演奏による主題曲「愛のロマンス」の哀愁に満ちた旋律も広く知られる。第2次世界大戦中のフランス。ドイツ軍によるパリ侵攻から逃れる途中、爆撃により両親と愛犬を亡くした5歳の少女ポーレットは、ひとりさまよううちに11歳の農民の少年ミシェルと出会う。ミシェルから死んだものは土に埋め、お墓を作ることを教わったポーレットは、子犬を埋め、十字架を供える。これをきっかけに、お墓を作って十字架を供える遊びに夢中になった2人は、教会や霊柩車からも十字架を持ち出してしまうが……。日本では53年に初公開。2018年9月、デジタルリマスター版でリバイバル公開(パンドラ配給)。2020年8月には、人気声優による名画吹き替えプロジェクト「NEW ERA MOVIES」で新たに制作された吹き替え版(ポーレット役=戸松遥/ミシェル・ドレ役=小松未可子、ジョゼフ・ドレ役=稲田徹)で公開される(モービー・ディック配給)。
The Bunker
In 1944, in the Belgian - German border, seven German soldiers survive an American attack in the front and lock themselves in a bunker to protect the position. Under siege by the enemy and with little ammunition, they decide to explore underground tunnels to seek supplies and find an escape route. While in the tunnel, weird things happen with the group.
チャップリンがアドルフ・ヒトラーの独裁政治を批判した作品で、ヒトラーとナチズムに対して非常に大胆に非難と風刺をしつつ、ヨーロッパにおけるユダヤ人の苦況をコミカルながらも生々しく描き、ニューヨーク映画批評家協会賞で主演男優賞を受賞した。 またこの作品は、チャップリン映画初の完全トーキー作品でもある。 1918年の第一次大戦末期、トメニアのユダヤ人一兵卒チャーリーは飛行機事故で記憶を失い入院する。それから数年後のトメニアは独裁者アデノイド・ヒンケルの天下で、ユダヤ人掃討の真っ最中。そんな折、退院したチャーリーは生まれ育ったユダヤ人街で元の床屋の職に戻る。親衛隊の傍若無人ぶり、特にそれが恋人ハンナに及ぶに至り、彼は勇猛果敢かつ抱腹絶倒のレジスタンスを開始。それがどういうわけかヒンケル総統の替え玉を演じさせられることになり……。
The Great Love
The attractive Oberleutnant Paul Wendlandt is stationed in North Africa as a fighter pilot. While in Berlin to deliver a report he is given a day's leave, and on the stage of the cabaret theatre "Skala" sees the popular Danish singer Hanna Holberg. For Paul it is love at first sight. When Hanna visits friends after the end of the performance, he follows her, and speaks to her in the U-Bahn. After the party in her friends' flat, he accompanies her home and chance throws them further together when an air raid warning forces them to take cover in the air raid shelter. Hanna reciprocates Paul's feelings, but after a night spent together Paul has to return immediately to the front. There now follows a whole series of misunderstandings, and one missed opportunity after another. While Hanna waits in vain for some sign of life from Paul, he is flying on missions in North Africa. When he tries to visit her in her Berlin flat, she is giving a Christmas concert in Paris.
占領下のフランス、ドイツ軍司令部を壊滅させるため、12人の囚人による特殊部隊が組織された。目指すは鉄壁の防御を誇る古城。彼らは命を顧みず、敵地深く潜入するが……。 いずれ劣らぬクセ者俳優たちが、それぞれのプロフェッショナルぶりを発揮する傑作アクション。
ヒトラー ~最期の12日間~
Soldier of Orange
The lives of Erik Lanshof and five of his closest friends take different paths when the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940: fight and resistance, fear and resignation, collaboration and high treason.
『ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル』(原題:La vita è bella、英題:Life Is Beautiful)は、1997年のイタリア映画。ロベルト・ベニーニ監督・脚本・主演作品。第二次世界大戦下のユダヤ人迫害(ホロコースト)を、ユダヤ系イタリア人の親子の視点から描いた作品である。 カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員グランプリを受賞。第71回米国アカデミー賞で作品賞ほか7部門にノミネートされ、そのうち、主演男優賞、作曲賞、外国語映画賞を受賞した。また、トロント国際映画祭の観客賞やセザール賞の外国映画賞も受賞している。
Saints and Soldiers
Five American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War II struggle to return to Allied territory after being separated from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre.


鋼の錬金術師 完結編 復讐者スカー
国家錬金術師ばかりを狙った連続殺人事件が起きる中央 (セントラル) を訪れたエドとアル。犯人は正体不明ながら、額に十字傷を持つことから "傷の男 (スカー)" と呼ばれていた。兄弟も命を狙われ応戦するものの、圧倒的な強さの前に機械鎧 (オートメイル) を破壊され、絶体絶命となる。果たして二人はこの危機を乗り越え、元の身体を取り戻すことができるのだろうか。隠されたこの国の秘密と“約束の日”、そしてエドとアルの父親の過去。幾重にも重なる謎と真実が解き明かされ、物語は圧巻のフィナーレへ。最後に兄弟が出した答えとは…?
A young woman takes a trip to romantic Verona, Italy, after a breakup, only to find that the villa she reserved was double-booked, and she'll have to share her vacation with a cynical British man.
On the heels of a professional and personal setback, Atlanta chef Emma travels to Hawaii, where she meets Ben, a reclusive surf instructor.
Desperate for income, Emily takes a shady gig buying goods with stolen credit cards supplied by a charismatic middleman named Youcef. Seduced by the quick cash and illicit thrills, they hatch a plan to take their business to the next level.
Sniper: The White Raven
Mykola is an eccentric pacifist who wants to be useful to humanity. When the war begins at Donbass, Mykola’s naive world is collapsing as the militants kill his pregnant wife and burn his home to the ground. Recovered, he makes a cardinal decision and gets enlisted in a sniper company. Having met his wife’s killers, he emotionally breaks down and arranges “sniper terror” for the enemy. He’s saved from a senseless death by his instructor who himself gets mortally wounded. The death of a friend leaves a “scar” and Mykola is ready to sacrifice his life.
Thirteen year old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysteriously reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually the legendary vigilante Samaritan, who was reported dead 25 years ago. With crime on the rise and the city on the brink of chaos, Sam makes it his mission to coax his neighbor out of hiding to save the city from ruin.
親友のベッキーとハンターにとって、人生とは恐怖を克服し、限界に挑戦することです。 しかし、人里離れた廃墟となった電波塔の頂上まで 2,000 フィート登った後、彼らは降りることができず立ち往生していることに気づきます。 今、ベッキーとハンターの熟練したクライミング スキルが究極の試練にさらされます。彼らは要素、物資の不足、めまいを誘発する高さを生き残るために必死に戦います。